Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 Battle Royale Recording Ends

    Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu, who were pretending to be mysterious men in white robes, met three other mysterious men in white robes on the road. When asked if they had caught anyone, they both shook their heads, and Chu Jinzhi calmly said, "Those two You are so good at running, we were stuck in the middle of the alley and ran over the wall." When they

    heard that the two flying guests actually ran over the wall, the three mysterious men in white robes were also surprised, "Are all the stars now so versatile? ?!"

    Chu Jinzhi sighed: "Who said no, but it's also because those two are Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu. These two have always been very good. Haven't you watched their survival variety show?" Lin Shuyu

    heard it. I was sweating in my heart, thinking, why are you still selling Amway?

    Thanks to Chu Jinzhi chatting with people for a while, only then did he know that there was a time limit for the mysterious man to come out to arrest people.

    I just heard one of the mysterious people in white robes say: "It's almost time for us to come out for activities. Just now, the people behind the scenes summoned everyone to help him. Let's go to the god tree first."

    Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu naturally He took advantage of the situation to sneak into these few people, and when he was halfway, he encountered a mysterious man in black robe who gathered from another direction.

    Originally, Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu thought that the meeting between the two parties would trigger some kind of plot. Unexpectedly, the two sides nodded very friendly, and then exchanged how many people they had eliminated as if they were ordinary colleagues.

    The mysterious man in black robe said that they eliminated three people, and one did not know where to hide.

    The mysterious man in white robe said that they also eliminated three people, and the other two were as slippery as loach, and they could climb over the wall and run away even if they were blocked at the entrance of the alley.

    The mysterious man in black robe: "The stars are too dedicated now." The mysterious man in white     robe

    : "Who said no."     In the middle of the house, there was a big tree, and under the tree stood a man in a black vest.

    Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu looked at each other, and they both understood that it seemed that the so-called black-robed mysterious man and the white-robed mysterious man were basically the same group, just acting as a white and a black to the outside world.

    And these people are all under the command/behind the scenes.

    The man under the tree turned around, even though he was wearing a mask and changed his clothes, with that figure and voice, one could tell it was Cao Xu who had come back from the dead.

    At this time, Cao Xu played a serious conspiracy, "Are you all caught?"

    One person in the white robe and one in the black robe stood up, bowed his head respectfully and replied, "There is only one left inhabitant, the new There are only two immigrants left."

    Cao Xu hummed and turned to look at the big tree with his hands behind his back, "Useless things, but now is not the time to worry about these things, the sacred tree will soon die in our hands. Just

    when Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu thought that the other party was going to pour out that potion on the root of the tree and simply kill the divine tree, Cao Xu waved his hand and ordered his men in black robe and white robe: "Dig it for me!"

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