Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    In the past, the mountain would have been trampled by the children in the village.

    But now the young and middle-aged people in rural areas are lost, and more children are taken out to receive better education. Coupled with policy/policy changes, there are more and more wild animals on the mountain. The elderly who stayed in the village were worried that the children would go up the mountain alone and encounter snakes and the like, so they did not dare to let them go up the mountain, and they mostly stayed around the village to play.

    Therefore, the harvest of Chu Jinzhi and the others after going deep into the mountains is still considerable.

    In addition, some wild fruits and vegetables were also harvested, but not many mushrooms were found, and it has not rained here recently. Liuwa said that if you like eating mushrooms, you can pick a big snakeskin bag when it rains.

    "There are people in the town who like to eat. Every time I can find a lot to sell for money, you can try it too." Liuwa shared his tips for making money with Chu Jinzhi and the others without hesitation.     When he left, Liuwa had a lot of things in the back basket, all of which he found by himself, which made him very happy. The bare feet with a few thorns walked briskly and eagerly.     He naturally didn't know that Chu Jinzhi and the others had tacitly ignored the discoveries within his search range time and time again, only pretending that he didn't see it.     On the way home, because there are no baskets and other tools to hold things, everyone uses their coats as bags. The long sleeves without sunscreen cover, and the arms are exposed outside, which can be regarded as a chance for mosquitoes to find a chance to drink.     After that, Lin Shuyu found a mosquito repellent herb, picked the leaves, crushed it, and smeared it on his body. A few people were not surrounded by mosquitoes.     "So many eggs can be sold for a lot of money, right?" Du Jiajia excitedly imagined how to enjoy a good life after making a fortune.     Xin Tian sneered and ruthlessly broke his fantasy: "It's good to be able to sell it. Unfamiliar faces like us went to the market and said that we are wild eggs and duck eggs. To be a liar or to be a liar?"     Cao Xu nodded: "That's the truth, the more remote the place is, the more xenophobic you are, not to mention you young people, each one looks better than the other, and it doesn't look like you came out to sell things."

    The focus of this stop should be how the stars will make a living after arriving in the remote and backward mountain villages.

    Even though they live in the human social circle now, it is really difficult to even get enough food if they are separated from the natural environment that allows them to use resources at will.

    Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu also discussed this point.

    At this time, Chu Jinzhi suddenly Xin Tian asked: "Little raccoon, do you know any traditional musical instruments?"

    Xin Tian was stunned: "For example?"

    Chu Jinzhi: "For example, suona, erhu."

    Du Jiajia raised his hand: "I know suona! "

    Xin Tian hesitated: "Then, can I be considered erhu?"

    What does it mean to be counted!

    Cao Xu suddenly realized: "Xiao Chu means to go to the street to perform arts?" Lin Shuyu laughed

    : "You may not sell wild eggs, how much money can you earn from performing arts? Xiaohong means to try and start a side business in literature and art."

    Chu Jinzhi Nodding: "There are only two things in the countryside that are most willing to spend money, red things, white things, Cao Ge can cook, Xiao Raccoon and Xiao Du can blow and pull, Xiaobai and I can consider a general program, if there is a need, What kind of a part-time wedding host can I do?"

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