Chapter 2 - The Unexpected Visitors..... - Page 25.

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A few hours later, Toriel wakes up. Gaster is reading a book in front of her, sitting in her favorite chair. Reading a Book on Quantum Psychics, wondering when she got a book on such. Toriel yawned. She gently moves her children from her and tucks them in. She kisses them both on their foreheads. She looks at them feeling heartache and wonders if she can change her decision.

Toriel sighed. She turns around to face Gaster and says. "Is it too late to change my mind? You can still find a way right, to change the course?"

Gaster gets up and places his book down. He looks into her eyes and he says. "I am afraid not, Toriel you've glitched on and off during your sleep. Asgore came back to apologize, only to see it. He was with you and your children for a while. He left this."

Gaster hands her a ring. Tears start to fall from her eyes. "H-he kept it...All these years."

Gaster says. "Well of course, you mean everything to him."

Toriel tightens her grip around the ring and she says in a serious voice. "If you won't find a way to fix it, then I will! somehow!"

Gaster raised his right bonebrow. "I've tried more times than you can possibly comprehend, and I've tried many methods. Distantly and in person. I even did attempts through all our previous encounters. There is no changing this..."

Toriel snapped. "NO! THERE HAS TO BE A WAY!"

She turns around, only to feel him put his hand on her right shoulder. He says in a calm tone. "Toriel, just stop...Just accept it, i will keep the promise you asked of both Me and Temmie. Your Children will remain in your life. I think the only reason you will become my child later, is only out of survival, maybe more then that, who knows.

I am not sure as of yet. But know that I have no harmful intentions towards you. I will always be loyal to you and a friend." Toriel frowned. "But i...i will not be your queen afterwards, what is there to be loyal to afterwards?"

Gaster replied with a reassuring smile. "Through Memories and the fact, somewhere your original soul should exist in some form and if not, at least the memories of you will be in my thoughts."

Toriel feels afraid. "I am afraid to die..."

Gaster sighed and replied. "You already have, if it were not for my Savestar you would have been a goner."

Toriel says. "I wish things could be as they used to be..."

Gaster replied with a raised bonebrow. "Used to be? In what way are you referring?"

Toriel says. "Days before the War, those were wonderful years." She smiled.

Gaster pats her on her head. "They will return to those days."

Toriel replied feeling confused. "How do you intend to achieve that?"

Gaster grinned. "Through my goals,help from my allies and You."

Toriel feeling unsure. "I am still afraid..."

Gaster speaks to her, sounding puzzled. "Don't be, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Toriel says with her arms now crossed. "What about whatever kills me? and what about my friends here? What about Asgore?"

Gaster says. "That is something I have had in my thoughts, you have that necklace for a reason. It is to monitor and locate you. Record everything you say and those around you, as a reminder."

Toriel says. "I wonder how I will end up dying and entering my new life."

Gaster replied. "Entering it, that is something that puzzles me, since you have the savestar attached to you, you have Determination."

His eye-sockets turn black. "Unless it is the very thing that destroys you, due to an awful situation or similar triggers."

Toriel looking sad. "Most likely but for me to die, then that would mean something happens to The Savestar right? Not to mention me losing Determination."

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