Chapter 4 - Preparing for Horrortale. - Page 1.

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The next day.

Toriel is asleep on the couch with her head against a soft pillow.

Mad Gaster says with a happy gasp. "I have a child now!"

Gaster, hearing him, rolled his eye-sockets and he said to Temmie while going through some paperwork. "What is wrong with him?"

Temmie shrugged. "Beats me."

Horror walks into the main room with a cold expression on his face. Not talking to anyone, he heads for the fridge and grabs something. It is a bottle of ketchup.

He walks over to one of the bar tables. Dust greets him and gets snarled at.

Dust walks over to Gaster and Temmie.

He says. "what the hell is with horror? I greet him and he TOOK THE LAST KETCHUP!"

Temmie says. "Yeah? So what? It is just ketchup."


Toriel is startled awake from Dust raising his voice. Temmie hears her and then looks back at Dust. "Lower your voice will you? She was asleep! Get a grip! We can get more later, did you snap at him for it or did he snap first?"

Dust replied. "I snapped first."

Temmie shakes his head. "Your fault that he snarled, not my problem. unless he gets aggressive but he looks like he wants to be alone. So settle for something else."

Dust walks to the fridge, grumbling.

Dust opens the fridge and starts looking for something else as a possible substitute.

Toriel blinked her eye-sockets a few times, looking around confused. She yawned.

Dust grabs a carton of milk and closes the fridge. He looks to notice Toriel awake and feels bad for waking her. He walks over to her and says with a kind smile. "hey kid, you alright?"

She looked at him and blinked her eye-sockets showing a blank expression, she hides her face feeling shy.

Dust places his milk down on a nearby table and walks back to her and sits down. "hey, im sorry."

She looked up at him and tilted her head to the side. He pats her head and smiled. "nothing to be afraid of, kid."

She looked and noticed his milk and points at it. Curious about what it is. He looks and sees that she is curious about his drink. "huh, are you wanting some of it? Here ill get you a small cup."

He walks over to the sink and pours some of his drink into it and walks over to her. She stares at the cup, confused not knowing what it is.

Dust thinks to himself. *oh wait, she just woke up yesterday...duh. I have to show her how to drink.*

He says to her. "this is a cup and you put stuff in it, that you drink. drinking and eating is important. this is called milk. It's from a cow and im not going to chatter about animals right now. here watch me drink this, then you try."

He places the cup to his mouth and drinks and then hands it to her. She stares blankly at it and just messes around with it instead playfully.

Dust sighed and he said to himself. "this is not going to be easy is it!?"

He hears a splash noise and looks to see her accidentally push her drink to the floor from the couch, she was playing with it instead of drinking. Even though she watched him. She did not understand him.

Dust hears a teleportation noise and suddenly a voice from behind him. "Aww! I saw the whole thing, someone tried to be a substitute dad!!! I am so proud!"

Dust groaned quietly for a moment and turned to see it was Mad Gaster.

Mad gaster grinning. "i will clean up the mess! shes adorable and me living here, i will be the best for her too!"

Dust mumbled. "you would be the worst."

Dust crossing his arms. "i will clean this mess, what happened is my fault and responsibility."

Mad Gaster gasped. "A Sans working!? I am impressed! heh, just kidding with you."

He pats his head. "You should see Mad Sans, hes a lovely assistant and knows how to work!"

Dust raised his right bonebrow. "you said mad? he sounds fun..."

Mad Gaster grinned. "Very much! I will just go and resume keeping Temmie and Gaster company! Have fun being the other parent figure! Toodles!"

Dust grinned. "okay mettaton!"

Mad Gaster replied. "I am not that robot! Thank you very much!"

Dust shaked his head and walked over to the sink and grabbed one of the sponges. He sees Toriel playing with the spilled milk on the floor, He snapped his fingers and grabbed her with his left hand and cleaned the mess with his right.

He let go of her and teleported back to the sink and cleaned the sponge, washed his hands and got some wipes. He turned and cleaned off the milk from Toriel then dried her off with a small towel. He teleports again and puts away the towel and is back with her. He places her back on the couch.

Two voices talk to him. "We both saw the whole thing, you have changed over the years. You are going to be a good alternate parent like figure to her."

Dust looked to see Temmie and Gaster.

Temmie is talking to him, having a small snack. Gaster has his gloves off and looks tired.

Gaster smiled. "Thank you for taking care of her for me."

Dust did a thumbs up. "no problem." he sighed. "sooo....What exactly is the paperwork again?"

Temmie shaked his head. "Have you not been paying attention this past 8 years? Its the plans for how we are going to save the multiverse. Part of it is for the very beginning. The first things we need to do and areas to go too. Plus that of Toriel waking up and being soulless, see if we can recover her soul and find a way to get Chara and Asriel to go places with us. Which has been settled by the way.

Gaster and i have been working on advanced tech for awhile. Microchips. Everything about it will be explained later on this week, after we are done preparing for our first official universe to travel into and help. Horrortale. The people going will be, Gaster.Horror,Me,Chara and Asriel.

You are to stay behind with Mad Gaster and Toriel."

He mumbled to Dust. "To make sure mad doesn't do anything stupid or reckless! Be the brains while we are away!" Dust chuckled. "me? the brains? thats a whack thing to say! temmie, i am not exactly all there." Temmie says quietly to him. "You are better upstairs then Mad." Temmie thinks to himself. *To a certain degree...Atleast you won't wreck the lab or possibly be reckless around Toriel. Mad Gaster can be pretty insane and annoying. Mostly annoying...I do not trust him being alone with her.*

Dust shrugged. "trusting me to protect the lab and babysit. okay..."

Gaster says to him with a smile. "You will do fine and it is more like keeping an eye-socket on him then protecting, he is unpredictable. You are very good with her, you'll do great."

Dust smiles.

Gaster says to Temmie. "Lets finish on those microchips shall we?"

Temmie nods. "Yeah, then i will go with Horror later and scout his universe. Take notes. How many trips do you think we will be doing?"

Gaster feeling unsure. "I do not know, Horror has yet to share info on his universe...I guess we will learn while we help him over time during the trips and maybe you two will finally learn to get along, maybe even become friends!? I mean really..."

Temmie raised his right eye-brow. "I do not think he is capable of friendship."

Gaster crossed his arms. "We are working together, all of us. You are my allies and we share the same goals. Becoming friends wouldn't be such a bad idea and would make our teamwork far more progressive and in general make us stronger. Arguing like a bunch of babybones won't do anything but cause issues, just try to get along with him okay?"

Temmie replied. "Yeah, i am not a child. But his behavior towards me over the years has not exactly been proper and its been rather well...Disgusting in moments."

Gaster sighed. "Maybe this trip will do a positive change between the two of you. I know during this we will learn more about him."

Temmie suddenly raised a eyebrow at him. "Wait...Didn't he tell us things awhile back?"

Gaster frowned. "That fight against asgore did something to my memory. I do not remember what Horror told me, let alone info on Dust and his universe...."

Temmie shaked his head sideways. "That i remember, endless resets and genocides from a human. As for anything more then that? Deeper details? I don't know. Asgore had the savestar with him Gaster....It affected our memories. There is things we forgot."

Temmie sighed. "Alright enough said on that. Let's wash up and just resume on this later. I am actually pretty tired..."

Gaster replied. "I agree. Later after relaxing, we can start on our first missions on Horrortale and discuss who goes with who on each trip." Temmie nods.

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