~part I., chapter 1.~

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~4 years ago~

Steve Harrington, once the most popular and prettiest guy in school, the guy every girl had a crush on, captain of the basketball team, guy that got voted for best kisser multiple times, a douchebag as some people would say. Someone you'd never even guess to be a selfless person, who puts himself in life thretening danger to save others, someone you'd never think would be the superhero everyone loves. But here he was, the Spider-man of Hawkins, so funny even when trying to be serious, an idiot who loves kids and is the best babysitter ever, my best friend. But now, let's not jump right to the story and take it from the beggining, this is the story of how I got so lucky to be Spider-man's lookout and how I got so lucky to be the first one to know.
The story of how I met Spider-man ~ by Robin Buckley.

The day started off pretty normal, just a regular day, Steve Harrington was running late to class. It was the first day of second year high school for Steve and his best friend Robin. She had already been in class, sending Steve yet another message, saying: 'u coming or what? im saving u a seat'. Steve ignored it as he kept on running, he had less than five minutes by now and if he ran fast enough he may make it in time.

Steve was just running past the construction area when it happened, when he felt a sting at his left forearm. The feeling made him stop in his tracks as he quickly rolled up his sleeve to a spider falling down from it, Steve looked at the spider, it looked normal and he didn't feel weird, so he figured the spider probably wasn't poisoned. At normal circumstances, Steve would examine the spider to eliminate any possible danger, but he was late to school already and he felt fine, so Steve continued on running, forgetting about the accident completely by the time he got to school.

In the end Steve made it a minute before the class and scanned the classroom for his best friend. He found her rather quickly, the girl sat in the back, talking to some guy with long dark hair and punk clothes. Steve would stare at the two a while longer if Robin didn't notice him and waved his way to call him over, Steve waved back and started walking towards the girl as the boy grinned at him.

"Hey dingus, this is Eddie. Eds, this is Steve, my bestest friend in the whole world," Robin introduced the two.

"Hey Stevie," the boy Robin introduced as Eddie said, reaching his hand over Robin who was between the two.

"Nice to meet you, and it's Steve," Steve said, accepting the other boy's offer for handshake.

"I think I like Stevie better," Eddie smirked, but stopped teasing afterwards as the class bell already signalized the start of the lesson. Steve took a seat on the other side of Robin.

It wasn't until lunch break until symptoms started to show, Steve sat down next to Robin, Eddie and some other girl Steve assumed was either Eddie's or Robin's girlfriend, but most likely Eddie's based on how close the two seemed. There came the first issue when Steve figured he can't let go of the tray he was holding, no matter how hard he tried to not seem suspicious.

"You're not gonna eat that?" Robin asked, looking at Steve's bowl of pudding, one of the few actually good thing in school's cafeteria.

"Oh, not really, you can have it," Steve smiled, hoping Robin won't notice anything. Of course Steve was excited for the pudding, but he couldn't have it right now.

"Great. Oh, this is Chrissy by the way," Robin quickly introduced the other girl.

"Nice to meet you, you must be Steve, 'Bin's talking about you like all the time," the girl said with a bright smile, reaching her hand over for Steve to take.

"Weird, she never mentions you," Steve just smiled.

"Maybe it's because you're more important to her," Eddie said with a smirk and a shrug. This guy really started annoying Steve. Chrissy pushed Eddie's shoulder lightly with a frown. "Sorry sweetheart," Eddie apologized, bowing to Chrissy, she just rolled her eyes. So they really are a couple, Steve thought.

Another issue raised when someone decided to start a food war and threw a dumpling at the back of Steve's head. By a mirracle, Steve managed to let go of the tray to move his head from the way and catch the dumpling with one hand. The whole cafeteria stayed silent, waiting for Steve's next move or watching him with respect. Like the calm adult Steve now was, he threw the dumpling into a trash can nearby and went on with eating as he finally could.

"Food war!" someone yelled and threw another dumpling somewhere else.

"Immature children," Robin sighed, hiding her face behind a tray.

"It's always the boys," Chrissy rolled her eyes, hiding behind her tray as well.

"How did you do that?" Eddie asked, his eyes glued to Steve.

"Intuition I guess, I went through enough food fights," Steve shrugged, clueless to the real reason it happened in the first place.

"Cool," Eddie nodded his head in respect, maybe now he'll stop teasing Steve so much.

The rest of Steve's day went pretty normal, until him and Robin went home. As they got closer to the construction area they could see the sheriff and some kid in a big coat looking at something on the ground before the sheriff picked it into an evidence bag. Steve knew what it was, Robin didn't.

"Do you think it has something to do with the lab they closed yesterday? The one they tested kids in? And like animals to have them have superpowers?" Robin whispered to Steve.

"What are you talking about?" Steve whispered back.

"They said it in the news this morning. Some of the animals escaped, they said. Radioactive spiders and rats and other rabbies carrying little monsters, bats and snakes maybe," Robin explained, Steve stopped listening after 'radioactive spiders'.

"What do you think would happen if the animals bit a citizen?" Steve asked in worry.

"Dunno, more jail time if the citizen dies for them, I guess. Or maybe the citizen would get rabbies and died anyways," Robin shrugged.

"Alright, then. Let's hope no one got bitten then," Steve said, crossing the road so the sheriff wouldn't find them suspicious, Robin followed.

As they walked directly across from the construction site, Steve had this weird feeling that warned him from the dumpling before again, but a little different. He turned to the side he felt 'the something' coming from, the kid that was with sheriff did just the same and the two locked eyes and Steve felt like he had known the kid, despite never seeing them before.

"Steve?" Robin waved her hand in front of Steve's face.

"Yeah?" Steve turned away from the child and sheriff who was also looking at the two teens now.

"You okay? What was that?" Robin asked in worry.

"Nothing, I don't know, let's just go," Steve said noticing the sheriff looking at them in suspicion.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now