~part IV., chapter 11.~

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Will and El ran inside the Hawkins Lab building, not caring about the several alarms they let off, barging into the room that clearly looked not to be open. Dr. Owens, Hopper, Kali and some other officers turned to them. El's eyes began watering and her lips curled into a smile. Hopper gave her a smile as he walked over to her, she did the same thing and the two shared a long, tight hug. Kali walked over to Will, nudging his shoulder playfully.

"Thought you said you don't have it in you," Kali let out playfully.

"I didn't, now I have Venom in me," Will replied, realizing what he just said, "that sounded very wrong," he added and the two of them laughed.

"Now, Eleven, do you want to meet Eight?" Dr. Owens asked, disturbing the father-daughter moment.

"Eight? But Papa said Eight was dead," El asked confusedly.

"I thought so too, but there she was, ready to inform me about everything," Dr. Owens said, shooting a smile to Kali.

"Call me Kali," she said, giving El a smile.

"I- but how..?" El was confused.

"It's okay, take your time," Kali gave her a smile.

"Well, I'll let you at this family reunion, I still have a lot to fix. See ya later, El," Will said, saluting to the group and leaving the room.

Will's first instinct was to go see Mike, but there was something else he needed to do first. Will swung over to one of the bigger houses at Mike's street, knocking on the window he knew belonged to his friend. Soon, Will could see Lucas' face that turned to surprise when he noticed the unexpected visitor, but he opened the window anyways. Will took off his mask, talking before Lucas could.

"I told you, you don't understand anything. That older girl was Eight from Lab, I didn't know Jane was Eleven until today and rememeber what happened to Max?" Will quickly let out as Lucas kept on staring at him in disbelieve.

"Holy shit.." Lucas finally let out. "I'm so sorry about today," Lucas said.

"It's fine, I deserved it. Also I never kissed Gareth, he wanted to kiss me, maybe that's what you saw, but I promise we never had anything going on," Will explained.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lucas asked.

"I didn't want you to get hurt, like Max and Jonathan. I really missed you all, but I was worried that you'd be in danger if I try to talk to you," Will let out.

"So, wait.. the Venom or what's the situation?" Lucas asked, mostly concerned about the creature that hurt his girlfriend.

"Yeah. V, come say hi to Lucas," Will smiled and Venom slowly looked from behind Will's back.

"Hi, sorry about your girl," Venom mummbled.

"That's like it?" Lucas looked at Venom in disbelieve.

"Right now, yeah. Unless I let him run around free, this is it," Will nodded.

"But Will doesn't like me being in control," Venom explained.

"Who would after what you have caused," Lucas let out a laugh.

"Now he plays with legos, also I feed him cookies if he's nice. Do you have some?" Will explained with a smile.

"Chocolate chip cookies please, and can I get a chocky milk too?" Venom asked.

"Sure, a moment. Let yourself in, Will, you've got a lot to explain," Lucas said with a smile.

"Yeah, also don't tell anyone, please," Will said quickly.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now