~part II., chapter 13.~

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"Will, where on earth are you?" Jane's angry voice sounded through the phone.

"Sorry, I was nervous in that lab and needed to get out," Will said apologetically.

"Will, is there someone with you?" Jane asked in suspicion.

"Just Mike, no one kidnapped me, don't worry," Will let out a chuckle.

"Fine, I need you at yours in like three minutes, can you manage?" Jane said seriously.

"Yeah, I think, why?" Will replied.

"Stop asking and come over," Jane said, hanging up.

"Shit, guess I'm in trouble," Will shrugged.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Mike asked, worried.

"No, it's fine. See ya tommorow," Will said with a smile, giving Mike a short hug before running off.

"Hey mom, hi Jon," Will said, walking inside the apartment.

"Jane's waiting for you in your room," Joyce said, looking at Will strictly.

"Am I in trouble, mom?" Will asked, for a moment the thought Jane spilled his secret about being Spider-boy, crossed his mind.

"Jim said you just vanished in that lab, I don't understand why he brought you there in the first place," Joyce shook her head in disbelieve.

"Did you break up?" Will blurred, regreting saying anything the moment the words left his mouth.

"No, it's not something to break up over, anyways he won't bring you over again," Joyce said with a small smile.

"Okay, well I'll go to my room, Jane's waiting for me, bye," Will said, making his escape to his room.

"Where did you disappear into?" Jane looked up from whatever she brought into Will's room.

"Needed some fresh air," Will shrugged.

"Alrighty, come here. We still need to test you," Jane said, holding up a needle.

"Did you steal that from the lab?" Will asked, sitting across from Jane cross-legged on the floor.

"I asked if I can get some to test my friends, I wanna know if everyone is safe, now hold still," Jane said, grabbing Will's arm.

"Shouldn't you do some preparations first? Like the doctors use something to make sure your blood won't start splashing everywhere," Will asked with worry.

"Normally, yes, but with your regeneration I'm not even sure I'll be able to get any blood at all, so this is just trust the proces," Jane shrugged, stabbing the injection into Will's arm, he winced in pain. "Don't be so dramatic," Jane rolled her eyes, watching Will's blood filling the injection.

"The fact I have super regeneration doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when you stick something in me," Will said annoyed.

"That came out weird," Jane laughed, Will looked at her confused. "Dirty mind," Jane shrugged, Will rolled his eyes, he never got the 'dirty meanings' of anything.

"Whatever, you know what I meant," Will said even more annoyed.

"What has gotten into you?" Jane asked confused.

"What are you hiding from me?" Will shot back, Jane looked guilty for a moment before she looked confused again.

"Nothing, what do you mean?" Jane asked, Will shook his head in disbelieve.

"Nevermind, just take this out of my arm and leave," Will said gesturing at the injection.

"Fine, I'll tell you the result tommorow, bye Will," Jane said, quickly pulling the needle out of Will's arm, almost no blood streaked out and soon there was no sign of a needle ever being there. Jane packed her things and exited Will's room. Will hugged his knees to his chest, burrying his head in his legs and started crying.

After a while Will took out his phone and moved closer to his table while opening his galery, he opened one of his drawers and took out a couple papers. In the next couple hours, Will tried to redraw all of the graphs and write the names of Venom's victims from the previous pictures he took while trying to figure everything out. Someone continued Brenner's research by combining animals and humans, they started off by robbing cemeteries and stealing bodies and moved to kidnapping people who had little to no friends and family. Venom's victims were getting found since the lab was closed until he abducted Eddie Munson's body, even though the boy knew Spider-man, he never told him and now they're both dead. Hopper knows about all of this and where 011 is, but apparently he can't contact them. And how does Jane fit into all of this?

"Do you want me to pick you up today?" Jonathan asked, putting on his jacket with a toast in his mouth, running late as always.

"Sure, why though?" Will asked from his bowl of cereal.

"I need to get my car repaired and I'll drive past your school," Jonathan explained, trying to tie his shoes in speed.

"Yeah, I'd like that, and you're tying them together," Will stated with a laugh as Jonathan looked at his shoes to notice he was tying together the two middle strings, Jonathan cussed under his breath and retied his shoes properly.

"Okay, see you later then, love you both, bye," Jonathan called, walking out the door.

That morning Will didn't sit next to Jane on the bus and rather stayed standing, he didn't even look at her. He ignored her for the rest of the day, no matter what she told him. Even the rest of their friend group noticed, but Will didn't want to talk to them about it either. And just like Jonathan said, at the end of Will's school day, Jonathan was waiting in front of school already, Will got in the car, closing the door behind himself.

"Doesn't Jane want a ride?" Jonathan asked, noticing the brunette walking out of the school too.

"No, Hopper's picking her up," Will lied.

"Really? I thought-"

"Jane said that," Will quickly cut him off, "Can we go already?" Will asked, slumping in the back seat.

"What flew over your head?" Jonathan asked, starting the car.

"Mr. Creel," Will made up an excuse.

"Oh, that's understandable then. Did you know he taught me too, he was real pain in the butt," Jonathan said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, he is," Will agreed.

They talked for the rest of the ride, until they arrived at the car shop. The owner greeted them and began talking with Jonathan about the issue with his car.

"Hey, Eight, take care of this!" the shop owner called somewhere inside the repair shop.

"For the last time, my name's Kali," a girl said angrily. She had short dark hair with purple undertone, a tank top with the number 008 like Lucas' sport uniform, light gray dungarees hanging down from her waist and a simple white T-shirt under the tank top that was tucked into her pants.

"You keep on wearing that number, it's easier to remember than name," the owner gave her a smirk.

"Hope both sides of your pillow are hot tonight," the girl mummbled as she walked towards Jonathan's car and started going through it.

The owner continued talking to Jonathan while Will was just standing there looking around the shop. Few hours passed, Will was sitting at a chair nearby, drawing in his sketchbook while Jonathan was still talking with the owner.

"Fixed, boss," Kali said, walking past the owner and Jonathan. Jonathan walked over to check his car, the owner followed. Will suddenly felt the weird feeling Jane named spidey-sense, he turned his head to meet eyes with Kali, her eyes were dark brown with black eye-shadow around, she quickly turned her head away from Will and left the room to the back, where Will assumed was storage.

"Let's go, lil dude," Jonathan said while ruffling Will's hair, Will was still staring behind Kali in confusion.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now