~part IV., chapter 8.~

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"Well, if he's this far, the only way is destroy the source. You must leave that to Eleven-"

"Then tell us how to contact her," Kali cut him off.

"I wish I knew, maybe sheriff Hopper," Brenner shrugged.

"He said he sent her somewhere where even he won't be able to contact her," Will told him, Kali let out a frustrated sigh.

"Then all we need to do is hope," Brenner sighed, before drawing a breath to continue, "there's another option you might use, if Eleven doesn't destroy Vecna now, the only hope is Venom, but then he'll be there to destroy the town, it may stop Vecna and eventually even Venom gets tired, then you'll just need to find the host," he explained.

"Not hard, he's the host and Venom listens to him," Kali explained, pointing at Will.

"I see, so that's why you brought him with," Brenner nodded.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Will asked nervously, Brenner's eyes widened.

"If you let him out now, he'll destroy everything!"

"No, he won't. Will's got him under control, Will show," Kali explained.

"Come on," Will whispered and Venom popped up with a smile.

"If I wasn't told before not to kill you I would attack," Venom told Brenner.

"Since when do you talk?" Brenner asked.

"Since always, you just never bothered to ask what I can do, or even how I feel. If you did, we could have spare all those lives," Venom said, crossing his arms.

"This is amazing then, since you can comunicate together, we can come up with strategy," Brenner's face lit up.

"Oh, he's also Spider-boy, or was, if that helps anyhow," Kali stated, then turned to Will, whispering a "Sorry."

"Oh, this just keeps playing on our side," Brenner smiled. "You, kid, are the only one who can stop One. He'll deffinetly first put Vecna to a test before transffering himself completely, Eight you'll need to-"

"It's Kali," she corrected him.

"Kali, right. You'll need to find where his real body is, if my calculations are right, he didn't get rid of the chip yet, that's why he's creating a new body. You'll need to destroy his equipment and everything before waking him up, or transfer him to the Lab, Owens will know what to do, but make it fast. Then you'll give a signal to.. sorry didn't catch your name," Brenner continued, gesturing to Will.

"It's Will," Will said, Brenner nodded before continuing.

"Then you give a signal to Will that you're about to wake One up," Brenner told Kali before turning to Will, "make sure you'll be able to get to the Lab in time in case something went wrong. I don't think it will, but just in case. Now, and this is very important-"

"Time's up," the officer opened the door rather loudly.

"Five more minutes," Kali turned to him, standing up as another officers grabbed Brenner by the arms. She turned to him hopelessly, "What?"

"No exceptions," the officer said with a smile.

"Don't let One ab-" the door shut in Brenner's face, Kali was staring behind him.

They got kicked out, Kali slumped in her seat at the bus. Will didn't know what to say or do, so he just stayed silent.

"I'm sure we can count on El," he said, finally, placing his hand over Kali's.

"I sure hope so, I'm just worried that your Mike doesn't know her or anyone who knows her," Kali let out a sigh.

Their bus passed a police car, Will recognized Hopper. Why would he drive towards the jail? Unless Eleven contacted him for the same reason Will and Kali were there.

The two of them got off the bus and began walking while discussing their plan on fighting Vecna in case Spider-El is too late. They hoped she wouldn't be, since Will swore to never play a hero again.

"I swear, they should have killed that guy when he got out of control. Do you think Gareth already talked with Mike?" Kali kept on rambling, Will discovered she did that while she was nervous. And as if she'd just summoned him, Mike and Nancy were walking on the other side of the street, Mike's face was beat up and Nancy was talking about something in annoyance. Mike's eyes were focused on Will and for a second they made eye contact, Will looked down. Kali noticed and shot a look at the two on the other side.

"Is that your Mike?" Kali asked, Will could feel his face burning.

"He's not my Mike," Will mummbled, looking back up to see Mike alredy looking at Nancy.

"Oh pretty sure he is," Venom popped up with a knowing smile.

"Get lost, we're on a street," Will pushed Venom out of his face. Kali laughed at that.

"Do you think he told El?" Kali asked with worry.

"Where do you think he got that injuries?" Will asked, looking behind where Mike and Nancy just turned a corner, concerned.

"Talk to him, then," Kali said softly, Will looked at her. "Listen, I don't wanna be a pessimist, but we don't have to make it though tommorow, I believe we will, but you know, just in case tell him what you want to. And don't give me the 'I don't want to tell him anything', we both know you do."

Will knew Kali was right, he could barely sleep that night. Venom however was sleeping like a baby on a pillow on the floor, getting ready for tommorow's possible fight just like Kali told him.

"I have already decided, I'll tell him at lunch," Will stated, rather to himself, but also to Venom who didn't stop bothering since he woke up.

"Finally taking my advice, are we?" Venom smiled. A knock was heard on Will's door and Venom was gone.

"Will, are you talking to yourself?" Joyce's voice was heard from outside.

"No, I'm calling Gareth," Will called back, he came up with this excuse long ago when he found out about Venom, it was clear someone was going to hear them talking and he knew Gareth was gonna cover for him no matter what.

"Alright, tell your boyfriend to be here soon, then. And you get ready too," Joyce said, Will could hear her footsteps getting away.

"Gareth's not my boyfriend!" Will called behind her, letting out a sigh. Venom popped up with a giggle. "And you shut up," Will gave him a glare.

"Make me," Venom smiled. Will opened the cookie box, taking out one of them and stuffing it in Venom's mouth. "Mmm, reading my mind."

"We share a mind, dumbass," Will laughed, getting ready to leave his room, but he had to wait for Venom to finish eating if he didn't want his mom to see him.

Will walked into the school cafeteria after a couple of minutes of collecting courage, it's been over a year since he walked there the last time. He found his old friends rather quickly, but Mike wasn't with them.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now