~part II., chapter 23.~

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For the next couple days everything seemed to go well, way too well for Will's anxiety, but he hoped that the weird feeling something was going to go terribly wrong was just a feeling. It was on friday, something around noon when Will's worries turned to be true.

"Oh my fucking godness, what the hell is this?" Max gasped, turning her phone towards Jane and Will, it was an instagram story of Mike's sister that showed a video of a giant creature walking just past the building Nancy was in with Nancy freaking out in the quiet volume of Max's phone.

"How old is that?" Jane asked anxiously.

"It says twenty five seconds since it was posted," Max read from her screen.

"I need to tell Mike," Will shot up from his chair, leaving the room, ignoring Mrs. Hudson's protests, Mrs. Hudson was a substitute for Mrs. Drisscol who went missing about two weeks back. Will had no idea how soon he was going to see her.

Instead of Mike's class, Will ran into the school bathrooms, empty at this time, and planned to get out the bathroom's window towards the part of the city Nancy's story was filmed on.

"Will? What's going on?" Will shot his head back to see Mike's confused face.

"We saw Nancy's story, there's a mutant on lose. It's gonna be okay, just stay here," Will said, walking over to Mike.

"How is it? Will, she's my sister, I can't stay here and wait," Mike protested.

"She didn't seem to be in that big of a danger and I don't want you putting yourself in danger. I just.. I'll be able to fight him better, knowing you're safe. Meet up with Jane after class if I'm not back by then. I love you," Will said, Mike knew better than to argue with him.

"I love you too, be carefull," Mike said anxiously.

"Super regeneration, remember? I'll be fine," Will gave off a smile, placing a quick kiss on Mike's lips before pulling his mask over his head and leaving through the window as he originally intended.

The closer he was getting to the spot, the more people were running from that direction, Nancy Wheeler included. Will let out a sigh of relief, at least she was safe. Will continued in his way, seeing the mutant from a far, it was bigger than Will imagined it to be and the buildings it had destroyed until now..

"Hey you, over here, ya big lizard!" Will called over to the mutant, though he wasn't sure what animal was that supposed to be, the closest really was a lizard, but watching it now, Will thought it looked more like an alligator. The mutant turned to Will, trying to catch him, Will swung away from the city through the already destroyed area, maybe if it follows where the monster came from, he'll find whoever does this.

"That's right, follow me asshole," Will called at the mutant to make it not lose interest in following him. The ways led Will to a suposedly abandoned facility. That's the place he decided would be good enough to have this fight, far from the city and people that could get hurt. Who would go all the way here knowing the mutant is here? The answer was coming to Will very soon, but not just now.

"What? Do you at least talk?" Will said, shooting his webs over at the creature which just let out a growl in response. "I take that as a no," Will shrugged in an attempt to tie the mutant up, but with just one movement of it's hands, Will was flying towards the ground, quickly stabilitzing his position. "Geez, you're one annoying oponent, I'm starting to get jealous of Steve," Will said, more to himself, doubting the mutant was capable to understand him anyways. Will moved around the mutant at the highest speed he could manage, trying to trap it. The mutant was trying to hit Will, but was moving too slow to catch up with him, so it ended up just waving it's hands around as if trying to slap an annoying insect, which Will technically was. It was one of those windy fall afternoons and it seemed like the sky was getting darker. "Oh, come on it's gonna rain soon," Will muttered, hoping the police were on their way at least. The mutant let out a roar as the first few raindrops hit it's skin, seemingly making it sparkle, Will thought he had imagined that. Well that was until the first ligtning striked, straight into his oponent, not harming the mutant one bit. "Oh shit, this is gonna get complicated," Will let out, biting his lower lip nervously. This wasn't looking good for Will, not until the police arrived at least.

"You know what, screw that," Will let out, going for a direct punch in between the monster's eyes. He dodged it's arms and hit the mutant with all his strenght, but the mutant didn't even stumble back, while Will's hand felt like it was broken for a few moments before he felt fine again. "Bless the regeneration feature," he mummbled, going for another punch, this time straight into the eye. It seemed to hit the mutant a little harder and stumble back towards the facility's towers, breaking down half of one. Will took the moment to turn invisible, even though he wasn't sure he can really rely on this power of his, and take a turn around the mutant, tying it's arms to it's torso. It worked. For a minute, until the mutant broke Will's webs like a paper stripe. "Well, that didn't work," Will mummbled to himself, trying to think of another attack. "Where are those fucking cops?" Will let out angrily, usually they didn't even wait for Will to try catching the mutant alive before shooting, but now they were nowhere to find. Maybe if he managed to stab the mutant's chest into the sharp roof of that building..

But that turned to be nearly impossible, he would need to get the creature at an exact position and then push it, the monster barely wavered when Will touched it, but it didn't seem too smart either. So he must convince it to stab itself. There was the option, Will took a swing inside the facility through the window. He wasn't planning on staying, but the inside made him change his mind, in tanks there were several bodies, Will landed in front of them, he stopped to examine the faces of those people, they looked normal. Some citizens Will had never seen in his life, his lost teacher Mrs. Drisscol, a friend from work of his mom, she always called him Alexei while Hopper reffered to him as 'Smirnoff', more people Will haven't seen in his life. Next were couple cages with living animals that were running around as if this was a pet shop, while the people were what seemed to be a forced coma, inside some purple-ish liquid. And across from them was a veiny covered creature, Will walked closer to it, reading the tag beneath: 

65% complete

Will could tell that whatever this was, was loading, and it was almost complete. Next to it was a notebook, Will opened it to read a few chapters: '... in this world, nothing lasts forever ... need to create immortal body ... to test all possible animal's pros and cons ... to create the perfect body, project Vecna ... test subject 1; very weak ... need to gain more power over their actions ... test subject 16; quite strog ... test subject 24; impressively strong ... just a few more tests and Vecna will be ready for a try ...' 

The roof broke above Will and he suddenly recalled where he was and what was going on. He took a leave from the facility, seeing his plan didn't work and the mutant wasn't as stupid as Will had hoped, there was something metal around it's neck. Will took on his invisible form to inspect it further.

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