~part III., chapter 12.~

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"Yeah, she's here," Mike replied, Robin let out a sigh of relief, before her breath hitched again.

"Then tell her to get her ass to the city center, like right fucking now!" Robin basically yelled.

"Roger that," El replied into the phone, swinging away before anyone could say anything else.

"Well, she's on her way. What's going on?" Mike asked.

"There's a new mutant, I guess. The cops had shot several bullets through that bitch and he's still fucking alive!" Robin yelled in panic.

"Is that my brother?" Mike could hear Nancy's voice in the background.

"Yes, why?" Robin replied.

"Give me the phone," Nancy said, then Mike could hear her voice even closer, "Mike, do you know something about this?" Nancy asked, of course she knew he knows.

"I messed up, Nance. I got this message yesterday, warning me this was gonna happen, but I forgot about it until now and it's too late and I don't know how to fix this," Mike said, feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks, "How am I ever gonna fix this?"

"Just trust Spider-El for now, where are you?" Nancy let out anxiously.

"The facility," Mike let out, Nancy gasped.

"The one where.." Nancy didn't dare finish.

"Yeah, I'll explain it later, I need to go. Be carefull," Mike said, hanging up while hoping this wasn't the last time he'd ever speak to his sister.

Mike took another look around the room to notice a small shelf in the far corner, it looked like it didn't even belong there. Of course Mike was going to check what that was doing there, only to discover it was a secret door to a room filled with nerf-looking weapons, but due to whatever they were filled with lighting, he knew those could kill him, and hopefully this Vecna too.

El didn't need to get right in the center of the city to see the creature, it was flowing through air, holding itself up by tentacles attached to it's back. El didn't need to see the tattoo to know it was the infamous 001 she had been warned about.

"I know you think I'll tell you more, Eleven, but really there's not much more known about Venom," Dr. Brenner gave her a smile, El gave him a glare.
"The spiders, then," she pushed.
"I think you know what they do," he was still smiling.
"Eight and One," El said, Brenner's smile faded for a second before returning.
"Eight isn't like you, all she could do was illusions, that's why she had to go," Brenner explained sadly.
"So she's dead?" El gasped, covering her mouth.
"I think it's better if you think that, yes unfortunatelly I had to do what I had to do," Brenner said, El felt her eyes burn and her vision got blurry.
"And One?" she wasn't giving up now. Even after such devastating news, she needed to know more.
"He was given a microchip that keeps him from using his powers, he was too dangerous for humanity. Thinking about it now, I should have gave him a tracker as well, we don't know where he is and it's just a matter of time until he gets rid of that chip, and when he does, it's over for everyone. Possibly Venom is the only thing that can stop him deffinetly, but Venom itself is also dangerous. You were put in a hard possition of choosing, just hope One won't find a way to get rid of that microchip before you find him," Brenner let out.
"It's a 'him' then," El assured herself. That was probably when Jim Hopper got the suspicion Jonathan Byers might be 001, a week after that he introduced El to Joyce Byers, his new girlfriend. So Will was right then.
"Yes, find him as soon as possible and make sure he can't do anything, or lord help us," Dr. Brenner said, in almost a praying motion.

So this was the famous 001, El realized she was late. Given all that El later found out about 001 from Dr. Brenner and files from the Hawkins Lab, there was no way she could be able to stop him. Still, she was now the only hope for humanity. Venom couldn't be controlled and El didn't even know where he was.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now