~part I., chapter 8.~

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The day of the concert came and Robin dragged Steve into the pub against his protests. It didn't take long for Steve to start vibing with the rest of the crowd as the band played. To Steve's annoyance, though, most songs were sang by Chrissy, sometimes she had duets with Eddie, but she was the lead singer.

"This is for you Jason, if you're watching!" Chrissy yelled suddenly as tunes started playing, then Chrissy started singing into the beat. "Thought I found myself a love that will stay, thought I found myself a lover for life. Some boys are known for turning lesbians straight, but boy you had turned me to a lesbian. It's on you and only you that I don't like boys anymore..."

Steve's brain stopped processing, was Chrissy gay? But wasn't she dating Eddie?

"Steve?" Robin's hand waved past Steve's face a couple times.

"Hm?" he replied, looking at Robin.

"I asked if you think she was winking at me, or am I just looking too much into it?" Robin asked, her voice shaking slightly, just now Steve noticed in the dim light that Robin was blushing.

"Dunno, wasn't paying attention right now," Steve said, turning to the band just to realize they were playing a completely different song now. And even that was finishing now.

"Alright, we'll take a small break now. See ya in twenty minutes," Eddie said, bowing like the drama queen he was as the lights turned on and the rest of the band left the stage, Eddie close behind.

"Let's go say hi, I have V.I.P." Robin said, dragging Steve towards the room's exit.

"You guys were AWESOME!" Robin yelled, running towards Chrissy and Eddie, pulling them into a group hug. Robin isn't a hug kind of person, Steve thought, she's never hugged him.

"Thanks, I was so nervous, wasn't my voice shaking? Eds keeps saying it wasn't, but I'm not sure," Chrissy said nervously as the three broke the hug.

"No, you were awesome. Seriously, I'm not lying because you're my friend," Robin said.

"And even if your voice was shaking, nobody noticed," Eddie said, placing his hand on Chrissy's shoulder.

"Steve, we're not close friends, be honest, was my voice shaking or something?" Chrissy asked, running over to Steve who was still standing in the entrance.

"Didn't notice anything," Steve shrugged, Chrissy let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, how are you enjoying the show so far, Harrington?" Eddie asked, also stepping closer with his usual smirk, though his hair was in a half bun, unlike usual, also his clothes was different and he was wearing eyeliner.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be," Steve said unamazed.

"Not as bad? Please, you're literally enjoying it," Robin said, punching Steve's shoulder. Where did she come from?

"Oh, playing though guy, aren't we?" Eddie joked.

"Okay, fine. I like your music," Steve gave up.

"Cool, does any of you smoke?" Eddie replied, ignoring Steve afterwards. "No one, 'key. So, I'll be right back." With that, Eddie left the room, Steve looked after him.

"Wow, my token straight bestie might not be as straight as I thought," Robin stated, leaning her arm on Steve's shoulder.

"What? No way, in your dreams, Buckley," Steve said, shaking her hand off and walking away. Robin assumed he went after Eddie.

"Bins, someone's texting you," Chrissy said, pointing at Robin's back pocket of jeans.

"And you were looking where exactly?" Robin raised her eyebrow, Chrissy went red.

"I just noticed your phone blinking with the corner of my eye," Chrissy said quickly.

"Alright, I'll let that slide," Robin said, pulling out her phone, the playfull smile gone once she opened the message.


🪫 📶 10:27 PM


hi robin, you said to send every villain activity to see when sm shows up. idk if it counts even when ur at the concert, but heres another dk stream
10:14 PM, seen

thx dusty
10:27 PM, seen


"Chriss, I gotta go," Robin said, running off without further explanation.

Robin ran around the building for next twenty minutes, trying to find her friend, she even tried calling or texting that there's an emergency, but there was no response on Steve's end. After the concert restarted and Robin still couldn't find Steve and Dark Knight's stream showed him trying to blow up a local bank, there was only one thing left to do.

Robin quickly ran into her apartment, unlocking the door that led to storage where she had her sewing studio. She quickly grabbed the things she was looking for.

"It's still not done, but it'll have to do. Darn you, Steven!" Robin mummbled to herself as she put on the prototype of another Spider-costume, this was meant to be a surprise for Steve's birthday, but there needed to be something done.

Next fourteen minutes took Robin to get to the place. She left her phone few roofs away to retrieve it after the fight is done.

"Hey asshole, I'm here!" Robin called, trying to feel as confident as she sounded.

"You're not Spider-man," Dark Knight stated.

"Yeah, but he's busy now, so take this or leave," Robin said, gesturing to herself. She didn't know how to fight for life, so hoping Dark Knight won't take the chance and will just leave was Robin's only tactic at the very moment.

"Oh, and what is your name, new enemy?" Dark Knight asked. Well, shit! Robin thought.

"Spider-girl," Robin said confidently, she wished she'd really feel like that.

"Okay, Spider-girl, for your info I can and will hit women," Dark Knight said, getting ready for a fight, Robin also striked a pose.

The fight was almost right away lost as Robin had no idea what she was doing and was soon captured and tied up.

"Not what I was aiming for, but here is Spider-girl reveal," Dark Knight said into his camera as he reached under Robin's hood to grab the mask, but he was unable to find where the mask ended.

"You think I'm that stupid? It's all one piece," Robin said with a laugh.

"Smart move, but won't hold me for long. If there's no hole, I'll make mine," Dark Knight said, taking out a knife, "And I don't care how much it hurts," he added, Robin swallowed in fear.

"Leave her alone!" a voice from back and suddenly Dark Knight was meters from Robin.

"Took you long enough St- pider-man!" Robin yelled angrily.

"Sorry, you shouldda call me," Steve replied.

"I did, multiple times! You weren't picking up," Robin said still annoyed.

"Oops, sorry," Steve said going to punch Dark Knight again, "and you stay on the ground, can't you see we're talking?"

"You talk too much," Eddie had said that once, so Steve decided to be the man of action.

In the end Dark Knight ended up running away. Steve untied Robin, making sure she was okay before she started yelling at him again.

"Rob, calm down. It's on me, I know, I'm sorry, stop yelling please," Steve tried to calm her down.

"I've had enough, I'm done," Robin sighed, shooting a web and leaving the building down.

"Spider-girl, how are you related to Spider-man?" a reporter lady asked.

"I'm not, I'm just helping him with stuff, but currently I'm mad at him and no, we're not, never were and never will be dating. Also, this was the last time you saw me, I'm done with this," Robin replied and swung away to get her phone before returning home.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now