~part II., chapter 18.~

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"Max is gonna wish she'd gone with us," Lucas said while eating his ice cream, with Jane and Dustin walking next to him, they were just on their way from a roller rink.

"Can you shut up about your girlfriend," Dustin whined.

"Just because 'Suzie-poo from Minecraft server' can't hang out with us doesn't mean you have to hate on my girlfriend," Lucas shot back.

"Okay, no more girlfriends," Jane cut the both of them before they could start fighting.

"So, boyfriends, then?" Dustin asked in a teasing way.

"None of us here has a boyfriend," Jane gave him a glare.

"Unless you want to tell us something, Dusty-bun?" Lucas looked at Dustin with raised brow.

"No, I don't," Dustin said before his eyes looked into distance widening before a police car raced past them.

"Shit, I need to know what happened," Jane said, running in the direction the car left to. Dustin and Lucas started running behind her. "I shouldn't have ignored that headache," Jane muttered to herself, she knew what this type of headache signalizes and she ignored it to have fun with friends and now an innocent person will lose their life.

"Isn't this Max's street?" Dustin asked when the three saw cars parked all over the road while they were closing the street off. An officer was talking with someone.

"My cat was going crazy, so I opened the front door to let her out, that's when I heard the scream. I knew the family wasn't meant to be home since their cars weren't there, so I went to check, front door was unlocked so I opened them and that's when I saw the dehet-thing, what even is it? It was attacking that girl, but ran off when seeing me," the probably witness said. Lucas nudged Jane, gesturing towards an ambulance door that were just closing, but Jane could see the nonmistakeable hair of her friend.

"It wasn't Max, was it?" Dustin asked with concern as the three of them kept looking behind the leaving ambulance.

-earlier that day-

Max parked her bike in the garage and walked inside the house. She took out a bottle of soda from the fridge to pour herself some and took a sip, before placing it on the counter and giving the bottle back in the fridge. She walked past her step brother's closed door, he was dead, but his room was still filled with stuff and his door held the 'STOP' sign Billy stole after crashing into it. Max learnt to ignore her step brother's room and walked straight into hers to pick up clean clothes before she walked into the bathroom and turned the shower running...

In about half an hour, Max exited the bathroom with a big T-shirt over her shorts, her wet hair hanging losely over her shoulders. Max was about to walk to the kitchen to retrieve the glass of soda when she stopped in her tracs, Billy's room door was slightly opened.

Max quietly walked towards the door to open it slightly more to see if someone was inside. Unfortunatelly for Max, the door creaked and as Max looked inside, she could only see a black, concrete creature turn to her with white eyes that widened upon seeing Max. Max didn't notice what the creature was doing as it started crawling closer to her in unhuman speed. 

Before Max could close the door in the thing's face it was already out the door, all Max could do was scream on top of her lungs, hoping someone will hear her and comes help in time...

-back to present-

Will's phone started ringing, but the boys ignored it, that was until another song started playing. Will pushed Mike slightly off of him, giving him a questioning look, Mike turned red in embarresment.

"You're so cringe, lgbt cupcake, really?" Will asked with a laugh, Mike checked his phone while sitting up.

"It's Lucas," Mike rolled his eyes.

"Make it fast," Will whined, laying on the ground with a sigh. His phone stopped ringing by that point.

"What? I'm busy," Mike growled in annoyance, Will watched him as Mike's face turned to shock. "She what? I don't.. what happened?" Mike asked, his voice shaky. "Okay, be right there." With that Mike hung up.

"What happened?" Will asked, sitting up as Mike began packing his things.

"It's Max, she's in the hospital, she got attacked by Venom, they think," Mike explained quickly, Will got up as well.

"She's not compatible as a host, none of us are," Will said as they began sprinting down the stairs.

"How do you know?" Mike asked.

"Jane ran tests, if it really was Venom, Max is gonna die," Will explained as they kept on sprinting through the city.

"Wouldn't it be faster if we used the spider-way?" Mike asked, getting out of breath.

"You'll get sick," Will said, slowing down for Mike to catch up with him.

"No I won't, I survided those fun fair rides, I can handle this," Mike said.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," Will shrugged, "hold tight, though or you'll fall down and die," Will said.

"Thanks, you're really helping here," Mike let out, but hung onto Will anyway.

Soon they landed in front of the hospital and ran in, seeing Jane, Dustin and Lucas sitting at some chairs at the receptions. Mike and Will walked over to them.

"Anything?" Mike asked, the other three looked at Mike and Will.

"Where did you manage to get Will? He wasn't picking up his phone," Jane looked over at Will.

"Sorry I had my phone on silent," Will said quickly, knowing it was a lie.

"Doesn't matter, what's with Max?" Mike asked again.

"She's still in the surgery room, nobody knows, but none other Venom victims made it," Jane explained.

"But the other victims weren't brought into hospital before they died," Lucas said with hope, he wasn't ready to let her go yet. Jane and Will locked eyes.

"Unless you're a compatible host, you won't survive the smallest contact with Venom," Jane sighed sadly, looking down.

"But we don't know if Max is compatible," Lucas said, "maybe she is."

"She's not, neither are any of us here," Jane explained, "I ran tests I stole from the Hawkins lab, that's what I wanted the blood samples for."

"You said they let you keep them," Will looked at Jane.

"That's what you're concerned about?" Lucas gave Will a glare.

"Maybe it wasn't Venom what attacked her, though. Venom attacks in side alleys, not people's houses," Dustin said, placing his hand on Lucas' shoulder.

"Excuse me, you're here with Maxine Mayfield?" a nurse approached the group.

"Yes, why?" Lucas stood up.

"We need blood infusion to get the dehet liquid from her veins, does any of you have the same blood type, we don't have one in store," the nurse explained. They knew Max's blood type was very rare.

"Will does," Lucas said, looking over at Will, Will looked at Jane. Jane shook her head in no.

"Would you mind giving us some, it may help safe her life," the nurse turned to Will.

"Of course he would, right Will?" Lucas answered for him, Jane was shaking her head in no still.

"The decision is on him," the nurse reminded Lucas.

"Sure, if it helps," Will said, Jane burried her head in her hands.

Will left with the nurse and Mike took a seat next to Jane.

"What's wrong?" Mike whispered to her.

"You know about Will, right?" Jane whispered back, Mike nodded. "His DNA was changed thanks to that spider, the infusion will kill Max, if Venom won't," Jane explained still in whisper, Mike's eyes widened, what had Will done. "But Will doesn't know it," Jane sighed.

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