~part III., chapter 8.~

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"T-that's.." Max started, everyone turned to her, she took a shaky breath.

"That's Mike's dad," she finished, looking over at the rest.

"Mike?" El said, turning to look at her friend, he quickly handed her the web shooter, still staring at the unmasked villian under the mask.

"It's whatever, he was an ass anyway," Mike let out, turning to leave. El was still too shocked about the turn of events to follow him right away.

Mike turned some corners, not caring where he was going. Now he knew how Will felt when Jonathan died, with one slight difference; Will took the shot with the intentions of saving Jonathan, Mike took the shot with the intentions to hurt or maybe even kill Reformator, he wasn't sure right now. How was he supposed to know Reformator was his father? Would he do something different if he knew? Probably not, Jane was in danger and he needed to save her, why? He had no idea himself, Mike just saw an oportunity and took it, hell he even almost killed himself just minutes before. So was it better that it was his dad in the end? Was it bad that Mike had thought the answer to that question was possitive? Was Mike really a bad person?

"El? What happened?" Max asked as the group finally reached the outside.

"You guys should call the police for this, you can handle it without me?" El asked, looking over the group, mainly at Max, she was concerned about her the most.

"I can take care of her, I know someone who knows her boyfriend," Gareth said with a soft smile.

"Good, okay. Take care," El said, swinging away, she would have to go back to the base and face Nancy..

El opened the door, seeing just Robin, sitting anxiously on the chair, spinning around. Robin got up when she saw El walk through the door.

"Where's Nance?" El asked, looking around.

"After it was on live TV that her father is Reformator, she needed to go home, to her mom," Robin explained, looking at El with concern.

"How did it all got so wrong?" El asked, throwing her mask down to reveal the bloody-teary mashup underneat.

"I'll get you tissues," Robin said, quickly going over different drawers the vagon had.

"How could this all get so messed up?" El let out, sitting down by the table. Completely unaware of how messed up the situation was still going to get. "I should have never left the lab, I should have stayed there, and maybe life in Hawkins would be normal. It was so selfish to put my freedom above lots of lives of innocent people, I mean just take the Venom victims. Up to the last friday of June it was four hundred. And I'm not even talking about those who didn't die directly to Venom, but because they were just there... The whole hundred fifty people from June twentieth that were in that building, and the next thrity that died later in the hospital. It's not Venom or Papa, it's me, I'm the monster.." at this point El was already crying.

"Listen, I grew with my parents telling me to 'stop crying or they'll give me a reason to' when I was crying and I have no idea what to do right now, do you like want a cookie? A hug? Or something?" Robin said awkwardly, giving El a box of tissues.

"It's okay, I grew up with Papa telling me crying is for weak people and I'm not a weak person," El sighed.

"No, you're not, but if it helps, even strong people cry. Steve did too, sometimes," Robin gave El a small smile.

"I wish Steve was still here, I'm sure he'd have an answer for this," El sighed.

"Maybe he had an answer," Robin's eyes lit up, "We just need to visit the Hendersons," and she was already holding El's hand as El tried pulling her mask over.

"Who is bothering this late in the afternoon?" Dustin yawned as he opened the door, seeing Robin giving him a bright smile while El was standing behind her, waving friendly.

"Heyy, we need to see Steve's room, pretty please?" Robin said, connecting her hands in front of her chest.

"Fine, come on in," Dustin let out a sigh, stepping aside from the door to let the girls in. "Since his death only one person was ever inside, my friend, you probs don't even know him," Dustin informed, opening the door to Steve's old room. The girls walked in and Dustin closed the door behind them and footsteps told the girls he was leaving them there alone.

"That friend is Will, I know from Mike," El informed just by the way as she began looking around.

"Wow, it hasn't changed at all. Except for that glass box over there," Robin commented, the two girls walked over to the glass box, El shuddered.

"That's where they stored Venom in the lab.. not the same box, but similiar," El explained. Robin looked at her in confusion.

"But how would Steve get his hands on it?" Robin asked, convinced if Steve had it, she would know, or was he keeping secrets from her?

"Look at this," El pointed at the floor next to the bed, there was a significantly smaller amount of dust in one line on the ground, as if someone slid from under the bed.

"D-do you think the someone is still under there?" Robin asked with worry.

"Only one way to find out," El shrugged, kneeling down and looking under the bed. There was nothing, "Nope, it's empty," El called, Robin let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Where's Steve's cactus?" Robin suddenly remembered a gift she had given him six years ago and Steve promised to keep it. El got up from under the bed.

"We don't have time for that, where is what you brough me here for?" El asked, looking over Steve's shelves. There was a small, cleaner circle, but already dusty.

"Steve had papers in here, oh look this note is from Hopper," Robin held out a small paper.

"It looks like someone was here before us, and they took something from this shelf," El commented, pointing at the circle.

"And someone also opened the closet," Robin stated, going over to Steve's closet, looking at the roads the doors made in the dirt.

"Will could have been here, but why would he steal a cactus?" El said in thought, she decided the missing object from the shelf must have been just that.

"This whole thing is becoming more and more mysterious," Robin mummbled, also opening the closet door, but there was nothing unusual that Robin wouldn't know of. "Someone looked through his shoes," Robin stated.

"Understandable, Will keeps all kinds of stuff in shoe boxes, perhaps he thought he'll find something," El said, looking through the papers on Steve's table. "Hey, didn't Steve have a file on Venom?"

"Yeah, I got it from Owens when I was helping out in the lab," Robin said just by the way, still looking over Steve's room for something unfamiliar.

"That's where Will got it," El mummbled to herself, there was deffinetly so much more Will hadn't told her, but to be fair, she wasn't telling him stuff either. One of Will's last messages to Mike rang through El's head: 'I heard Hopper tell Owens that he's only dating my mom because he thinks Jonathan is 001'. What else did he hear them talking about? There must have been more that Will didn't say, to her nor Mike...

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