~bonus episode: Venom~

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The truth about Venom

post made by the_freak_>:P
posted 2 minutes ago

Yo, wassup it's your favorite Spider-man hater. No, I'm kidding this is a serious note, so...
I know this may seem like this fake horror scenario, but it's not, I promise y'all.

So, by the time you're reading this, I'll be dead. The moment I hit post I have to unalive myself and here's why. A few years back the National Hawkins Laboratory was closed and some of the experiments were let out (001, 008, 011, 042 and Venom), no idea why Venom doesn't have a number. But what I found out about Venom is that it can't function without a host, it's a parasite, but most people leave life when they touch it, therefore it needs a specific host that is compatible, which turned out to be me.
At first I had no idea what was happening, I just went home from school one day and this black, sticky, slimy substance attacked me and I passed out. So if you see what I just described, run and don't look back! So, when I regained concissiousness, I thought it was a dream, so I ignored the incident and went home. For a while after that I would sometimes black out and had no idea what happened, eventually I learnt about this "Venom" something more and I kind of realized what was happening, but not fully. Venom started talking to me and I would respond sometimes, I learnt to tell him (yes, Venom's a he) when is not the right time to transform and surprisingly we got along for a while, eventually I blocked him out entirely and I ignored his voice, it was unbearable, so I ignored everyone around me to keep them safe, my roomies and my bf, who by now everyone knows is actually Spider-man, but I didn't date him for that.
I wanted to tell him, but I was scared and when I heard his voice over the phone today, saying he loves me after I ignored him for so long I thought "What's there left to lose?" I decided I was gonna tell him about my situation, but I guess I was keeping Venom locked a little too long and before I could tell my bf, or before he even showed up, Venom broke free. I have no memory of what happened next until I woke up a few streets further and I heard the sirens, so I went home to see what happened, that's when I saw the videos and realized I can't control Venom.
So, the only possible outcome was to unalive. I know that it won't stop Venom, but it will slow him down or maybe I was the only compatible person, so I did what I had to, knowing that one of my roomies just lost her best friend and crush (2 people) because of me, and so many more people too. I don't want to leave her alone in a time like this, but if I won't I'll be risking her life too and I can't do that, so sorry Robs if you're reading this, I relly didn't mean to, love you<3
And as for my last sentence in this life: "Don't keep secrets from your partner/loved one!"


worst way to unalive urself, and even worse reason for it

And he chose you? Weirdo

You could have had done so much more, why did you have to throw it all away?

i probably shouldn't be here rn, but wtf???

sad :,(

i literally cannot, bro b like "i hate spiderman" and then he goes "oh actually i dated spiderman"

Am I the only one who feels bad for 'Robs'? Like, poor girl lost everyone in what like an hour???

Guys chill, he's just trolling. It's not real.

If this is fake, who asked??? And if it's real, bro what???

bruh u unalived my bro too, but he was an a-hole so ur exused



-if you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?-
~not telling steve about venom~

-then why didn't you tell him?-
~i was scared he would leave me~


| The secret side of me, I never let you see
| I keep it caged but I can't control it
| So stay away from me, the beast is ugly
| I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

| I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
| I must confess that I feel like a monster
| I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
| I must confess that I feel like a monster

| It's hiding in the dark, it's teeth are razor sharp
| There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart
| No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream
| Maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster



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