~part IV., chapter 24.~

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The following morning Will woke up to the sound of lots of yelling, he quickly sat up while opening his eyes to see Jane and Mike standing in the doorway to his room. Will's eyes moved to where they were looking, at Spider-Mike from different universe, he was yelling too.

"Hey, guys chill out!" Will said, getting up from the bed, throwing his hands around.

"What the hell?" Mike asked, gesturing at Spider-Mike.

"Who's that and why is he in your room?" Jane asked, turning to Will with questioning look.

"So, I haven't told you before because we didn't get to talk, but basically Brenner opened a portal or something into different dimensions. We originally only thought about one, but it seems not. And the worst part is that the people from other dimensions don't know they're from another dimensions unless someone tells them," Will explained, Mike was still looking at Spider-Mike in suspicion. "He came over last night, thinking he's in his dimension and I'm his boyfriend," Will added, gesturing to Spider-Mike.

"So, in a different dimension I'm Spider-man?" Mike asked, walking over to look closely at Spider-Mike.

"Yeah, but who's Spider-man here, then?" Spider-Mike asked, looking at Mike as well.

"El," Mike said, gesturing towards Jane who gave him a wave.

"Who?" Spider-Mike asked, looking at Jane in confusion.

"If Hawkins lab never existed in his univers, neither did Jane," Will said in realization.

"So, what now?" Jane asked, looking over between Mikes and Will.

"Well, when we found Steve yesterday, we took him to the lab, so we can do that with Mike too," Will suggested.

"Wait, hold up! Steve? As in Steve Harrington? The original Spider-man?" Jane asked wide-eyed.

"I'll explain everything on the way, let's go," Will rolled his eyes and began walking out of his room. The other three shared a confused look.

As they walked Mike and Spider-Mike were talking about all the differences between their universes, while Will was explaining to Jane what happened the day prior after he left the storage with Gareth.

They walked into the Hawkins lab, to the room Will had the day prior left Steve, to see the room with couple more Spider-people. The four looked around in confusion, most of the Spider-men were different versions of Steve.

"What the hell?" Spider-Mike let out, looking over the other Spider-people in confusion.

"Another one, sir!" one of the Steves called as the attention was drawn to the newcomers.

"Just great," doctor Owens let out in frustration, walking over to the group. Will pointed at Spider-Mike.

"Go join the group there, we'll get you back to your reality as soon as possible," doctor Owens sighed.

"But I don't wanna just sit here and wait, we should do something," Spider-Mike crossed his arms, doctor Owens sighed.

"That guy's right, we should be out there looking for that Brenner guy," someone from the Spider-crowd said. And there came the protests, eventually Robin gave each of them an earpiece, so they could all stay in touch in case of anything, and the Spider-people, including Jane went out on their own.

"We've almost had peace," Robin sighed, slumping in the lab chair.

"That's not an option in my world, apparently," Will let out a sigh, sitting down on another chair.

"Where's Mike?" Robin looked around.

"He went for some food, since I didn't have breakfast yet as I needed to get here fast," Will explained, Robin just nodded in understanding.

"Do you ever think what would happen if you didn't have him? Like if he was into girls, or dating someone else, maybe dead... Do you ever think of that, or am I just weird?" Robin let out in question.

"I do, actually. I think about that a lot, I mean there's been too many times he almost died, and then when we didn't speak with each other after Jonathan.. but we're good now, we have each other and things aren't that bad, ... yet," Will explained with a sigh.

"Yeah, that's nice. Don't jinx it, though, things aren't gonna get as bad as they were during Vecna, besides we have more Spider-men than we could have asked for to protect us, right? Everything's gonna be fine," Robin said with a smile.

"I sure hope so," Will sighed, looking over at the computer screens.

"Do you think that we could actually bring the dead people back? Like Steve, Chrissy, Barb, Eddie, your brother?" Robin asked after a few seconds of silence.

"If I learnt something from movies and books and comics and games and all that, then it's that no matter what never play with the death, or it will backfire terribly," Will replied, Robin just nodded.

"I know, I mean, I just miss them, Steve and the others I mean," Robin sighed.

"I know, I miss Jonathan too, but things were already done, there's nothing much we can do about it right now, just get over it," Will sighed, and then silence filled the room again. And it stayed silent until Mike walked in with a bag of muffins from a nearby bakery.

"Hey, any news?" Mike greeted the two as he sat on the last free chair, handing Will a muffin.

"Nothing yet, we're just having a little gay depressing moment," Robin explained while spinning in her chair.

"Oh, in that case, want one too?" Mike said, sliding the bag over to Robin, who took one as well.

"Thanks," Robin shot him a smile.

"How's Nancy?" Mike asked after a while, "Can you tell her I said hi later?" he continued, playing around with a hairband on his wrist.

"Since Spider-Steve yesterday, we've both been.. weird, I dunno how to explain it, just it was too much to handle," Robin sighed, looking down at the muffin in her hands.

"I think we all are, a little weird I mean. Who knows what else can Brenner drag in from this another dimension," Will said, looking over the screens again. Mike put his hand over Will's, giving Will a smile, Will smiled back.

"Hey everyone, we have a problem on sixth Avenue!" Steve's voice echoed through the supercom, Robin quickly switched to the camera to see a giant, dehet-ish creature walking through the city. Will squeazed Mike's hand.

"Holy shit," Robin let out, staring at the screen, "Is that..?"

"V," Will finished for her with tears in his eyes, Mike squeazed his hand tighter.

"What the hell is that?" another Spider-Steve asked through the supercom.

"Venom, the thing that killed the original Spider-man, aka Steve in this universe," Robin let out and the supercom went quiet.

"Robin, he's going over to where you guys are," Spider-Mike suddenly yelled, Robin shot a scared look to the boys.

"We're taking evaculation, if he just wants the lab, we'll be safe. As from now, we're out," Robin quickly said into the supercom as she gestured for the boys to stand up and they started running down, but before they could get there, they could see lots of miniature creatures that looked like little robots attacking the doctors downstairs. "Back, back, back," Robin whispered, pushing the kids back upstairs, but the robots had already spotted them. "Shit, RUN!" Robin yelled as they began sprinting up the stairs. Will stopped at the floor they were in before.

"Go on ahead, I'll be right there," Will said as the other two stopped as well to check where Will was.

"No, whatever you have in mind, I'm forbiding you from it," Mike said strictly.

"Mike, there's no time and I'm not messing up again, please just have a little faith in me," Will said, giving Mike puppy eyes.

"Fine, but if something happens to you," Mike gave in.

"I promise it won't," Will smiled before running off as Mike and Robin continued running up the stairs. "This is something you can't promise, Byers," Will told himself as he ran to the supercom room.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now