~part IV., chapter 19.~

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Will came back to his senses with a terrible headache, his vision blurrier than ever.

"V, what happened?" Will asked, or at least he thought he did, but he couldn't hear his own voice. He couldn't hear Venom either.

"Sir, are you sure about this?" someone asked, it felt as if they were asking from a big distance.

"Yes, this is the boy. Now make sure I get what I want, we're already this far," Will knew this voice, it was doctor Martin Brenner.

The realization hit Will like a shot through the brain, this is what Henry Creel warned him about, but what did Brenner want from him? Or with him? Will tried calling out for Venom few more times, but still nothing came out of his mouth and he could barely feel his body.

"He's coming to his senses," another voice said, sounding closer than the other two.

"More sedatives," Brenner's voice came from closer as well.

Then Will felt a sting, but he couldn't tell which part of his body was stabbed, and everything got blurry again. For the next what felt like enternity, Will could only feel pain all over his body and hear very distant voices, he could tell there were four people, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. The pain became unberable, Will felt like crying, maybe he was, he couldn't feel his body, all there was just pain, pure and unberable pain everywhere.

"Will, it's okay," Will's eyes flew open at the sound of his brother's voice, Jonathan was looking at him and the roof was too bright, Will squinted. "I've got you little dude," Jonathan smiled, helping Will sit up. Will looked around, there were people everywhere, talking to one another or looking over at Will curiously, but there was no floor, or walls or roof at all, it was just pure white everywhere.

"W-what's going on? Where am I?" Will asked, looking at his brother.

"Probs not how you imagined it, but this is the afterlife," Jonathan gestured to the place around.

"Wait.. am I dead too?" Will asked, panicking, Jonathan gave him a sad smile. Will felt like crying again.

"Not yet, but you might be soon," someone from the other side said, Will turned towards the voice to see Steve Harrington in a spider-suit.

"Well, you stay in the clothes you died in, or you can take it off if you want," Steve explained when he noticed what Will was looking at.

"What do you mean I'm not dead yet?" Will asked curriously.

"That means the choice is yours, not many people get this chance," Steve shrugged.

"You see, the pain in real world was too much for you to handle," Jonathan began explaining, "but if you'll get through with it and fight it, you may get back there."

"The question here is, are you willing to fight for your life or are you just gonna give up? 'Cause if you go back there, it's gonna hurt like hell and you might die anyways, based on what that asshole decides to do next," Steve continued.

"Wait, can you guys see what's happening in the real world?" Will quickly asked, still looking around at the other people.

"Sometimes, yeah. But we usually don't," Steve shrugged.

"Talk for yourself, I look over you and mom all the time because I knew you were gonna get in trouble since I know you were Spider-man," Jonathan explained.

"I-I'm not, he's Spider-man," Will pointed at Steve, "I'm .. was Spider-boy."

"Yeah, and I'm proud of you, I really am," Jonathan gave Will a smile.

"I miss you," Will mummbled, feeling tears in his eyes and he quickly blinked.

"I know, little dude, I miss you too, and mom," Jonathan gave him a smile, also ready to cry.

"I don't want to ruin your little family moment, but if you don't leave soon, you won't leave at all," Steve warned, Will and Jonathan turned to him.

"But, I need to get somewhere safe too," Will said, trying to get up, but Jonathan held him sitting.

"We'll take care of that, now all you need to do is just listen to instructions," Steve gave Will a smile, Will nodded. "Jonny boy will guide you out of this place while me and a couple friends will get you a clear getaway, but the rest is up to you."

"Aright," Will nodded.

"Listen, it's gonna hurt a lot now, but you have to stay awake," Jonathan said, giving Will a tight hug. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you too, Jon," Will mummbled, ready to cry all over again.

"Fine, we're ready!" Will could hear someone call from a distance.

"Now's the time, Will. Good luck," said Steve, giving Will a proud smile. Will shakily nodded attempting to smile back.

"All you have to do is close your eyes and go back," Jonathan said, Will nodded, gave them both one last thankful smile and closed his eyes.

And there was the pain again, but Will could move his arms and legs now. He was tied to a bed and his whole body felt like it was on fire. Will felt the ropes holding his hands in place losen up and he opened his eyes to see Jonathan giving him a smile, but they were in some dark room.

"Eddie and Barb turned off the lights, but now we need to go fast, okay? I know you feel like shit, but you need to get up," Jonathan said, looking around. Will tried to sit up, but he felt extra dizzy, no he needs to get to Mike. Mike!

"You're doing great, now the door's over there," Jonathan walked slightly ahead of Will, Will followed him slowly. "I know it's hard, but can you go a little faster, we don't know when they'll come back." Will tried running, but almost fell, he caught himself over a table with some unproffesional doctor equipment, at least that's what it looked like to Will at the moment he got to take a look at it. He pushed the door open and walked through a long hallway, probably leaving bloody trail over the walls he held onto, but who was he to care right now.

"This way, get through this door, no one's around, but you'll have to run very quickly because they're coming through very soon and there won't be another chance for escape," Jonathan said in worry. Will pushed the door open to see the light of the day. Weird, it was evening last time, Will thought, but didn't bother as he started sprinting over the road. "Now you have to stay quiet for a few blocks and then you can call out for help, but first we'll need to get there," Jonathan explained, leading Will through many side alleys. Will was already at the edge of passing out, he could constantly hear dripping behind him, he was bleeding, but he didn't know how bad it was, all that mattered right now was to get to Mike.

"We're here, now you need to call for help and hope someone good hears you," Jonathan said, watching nearly dying Will, "Look, we made this this far already, you're surviving this okay?" Jonathan placed his hands on Will's shoulders, but Will couldn't feel it.

"Will I see you again?" Will asked, Jonathan looked down sadly.

"Probably not, little dude, but I'll always be there if you ever get to similiar situation, but please don't do it just to talk to me, you might not make it next time. Goodbye, Will," Jonathan gave him a smile.

"Goodbye, Jon. I'm so sorry about everything," Will let out, more tears forming in his eyes.

"Don't be, and get yourself some help," Jonathan gave Will a smile. Will smiled back.

"Will!" Will could hear a familiar voice in the distance.

"Mike?" Will called back, going towards where he heard the voice from.

Will's name was called by several people few more times, Will only ever called back Mike's as he was stumbeling over the cans and other stuff people left in the side alleys. Until he finally saw someone running over to him, Will began walking faster. It wasn't Mike, but Will knew he was safe with this person as well.

"Oh my godness, what the hell happened?" Gareth asked in shock, but Will was already too tired to keep trying, so he allowed himself to lean, basically fall, on Gareth before falling asleep. But before that, he could hear Gareth calling: "I found him!" somewhere into distance, footsteps came from that direction, but Will stopped hearing them, or feel Gareth's arms that were holding him up before.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now