~part IV., chapter 3.~

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The next few saturdays, Will would come over to Corroted Coffin's base, bringing them all coffee and sometimes breakfast, while also going to school normally.

"Kal, plese tell me we're keeping him," Gareth said, squeazing Will's cheeks. Kali rolled her eyes.

"Let the child go," Jeff laughed, Gareth let go of Will and turned to Kali again.

"Please tell me we're keeping him," he let out, Kali just rolled her eyes.

"I'm not planning on ditching him, and he looks like he's not leaving any time soon either," Kali shrugged.

"Maybe he could be in the band too, can you play something?" Darwin asked, looking at Will.

"Well, I can draw," Will shrugged unsurely.

"See, we need that too since we don't have Eddie anymore, rest in peace," Gareth said, gesturing at Will.

"Yeah, that's nothing, we need a singer to function, dumbass," Kali said, giving him a glare.

"So, who's like the leader here?" Will asked in confusion.

"Well, used to be Eddie, rest in peace," Kali started.

"But since he, you know," Jeff said while making gestures with his hands, "I feel like Kal kinda took the position."

"Because you're all bottoms, that's why," Kali said with a victorious smile before giving Will a wink. Will laughed, for real in a while.

"Aww, that's adorable," Gareth said, looking at Will, who turned red and looked down.

"Oh my god, can you not try to fuck all my friends?" Kali rolled her eyes.

"I'm not, and you don't have any friends," Gareth gave her a glare.

"Yeah, 'cause you'd fuck them if I did," Kali said, giving him a raised brow and a slight smirk.

Jeff, Carl and Darwin let out impressed sound, Will was scared that the two were going to start fighting soon.

"Hey, can you not, for fucks sake," Gareth let out, unable to think of a comeback.

"Yeah, Gareth's into kitchenware, forgot?" Jeff said, giving Gareth a small smirk.

"I hate you all," Gareth let out, absolutely done with his friends.

"Nu-uh, you luv us," Darwin said, making a kissy face. Gareth just showed him a middle finger. Will tried to hold in laugh.

"Actually no, the only person I don't hate in this room is Will," Gareth stated, going over to Will, throwing his arm around Will's shoulder.

"Wow, cheating on my mom like this. How very dare you," Carl gasped, Gareth gave him a glare and Will couldn't help but laugh.

"What, you find that funny?" Gareth turned to Will with a terrible British accent, causing in Will laughing even more.

"Stop speaking England," Kali told him, giving Gareth a glare. Will laughed even more, almost unable to keep balance.

"What? Not a fan?" Gareth continued in his terrible impression, "Will finds it funny, you see," Gareth said without an accent this time.

"Wow, I haven't laughed like that in a while," Will said, trying to steady his breathing.

"See, that's why I'm the best," Gareth said with a smile.

"Yeah, in your dreams," Will laughed, pushing Gareth slightly. Gareth looked at him with mouth agape while the rest laughed.

"See, he's here for like a month and already knows you suck," Jeff joked, crossing his arms.

"I- I take that personally," Gareth gasped.

"You can take that objectively for all I care, but it's the truth," Will shrugged. Carl and Darwin were just looking at Will in respect.

"I would be scared about getting kicked out after this," Jeff shook his head in disbelieve.

"No, he can't be bothered, he knows Gareth loves him," Kali joked with her hand on her hip and a soft smile on her lips.

"You act like you could kick him out," Gareth glared at Kali, she just shrugged.

"I should probably get going, or my mom's gonna be worried," Will mummbled, checking the time on his phone.

"Aw, too bad. See ya next week then," Kali said, walking over and giving Will a hug.

"Aww, soft girl," Jeff let out, Kali gave him a glare.

"He's a baby," Kali shrugged.

"I'm almost an adult," Will protested.

"Sure kiddo," Gareth said, ruffling Will's hair.

"You do realize you're a year older, right?" Will said, giving Gareth a small glare.

"Almost two, just you wait two more months," Gareth raised his finger. Will rolled his eyes.

After saying their goodbyes, Will left and walked home as many times already. He somehow managed to zone out again and when he zoned back in, his hand was still bleeding slighty, Will had no idea where he got hurt, but his regeneration quickly covered the bruise up. He shook it off, but found it suspicious.

Another few weeks of hanging out with Corroted Coffin members passed by as usual when Will found out what the source of his 'zoning out' and the random voice in his head was. Yet again Will zoned in, in a side alley, but this time he was sure he saw black particles disapper in his sleeve.

"Hey!" Will called, taking off his jacket, but there was nothing. "I saw you!"

No, you didn't. You just imagined that. the voice again.

"Come out, I wanna talk," Will said and soon there was a small version of Venom in front of his face, and it was coming out of his chest. Will almost screamed.

"I didn't want you to know about me because of what happened with Eddie," Venom mummbled, looking like a scared little puppy.

"As if I could really die, believe me I tried," Will let out, Venom was just floating there.

"So, can we be friends?" Venom asked with a small smile.

"If we're to live like this, you need to stop making me lose consciousness. I hate randomly waking up and not knowing what happened, it's not helping my anxiety," Will said strictly, Venom looked down feeling bad.

"Sorry, I'll ask next time, okay?" Venom mummbled.

"No, you'll stay hidden unless I tell you to. My body, my rules, you're just a little parasite," Will let out, Venom looked even sadder now.

"But then I'll get bored," Venom mummbled.

"Then what do you like to do?" Will asked, feeling kinda bad for the small one.

"Destroy buildings and cars and stuff," Venom's face lit up.

"I can't let you do that, it hurts people," Will mummbled in thought, then his face lit up, "How about you stay this small and I make you a small city from legos that you can play with?"

"Yes, that can work and I can rebuild it back to something different," Venom smiled brightly.

"Yep, so you'll stop hurting people and you can play with legos, also only come out when I tell you to. Do you need like food or something?" Will asked, Venom looked at him.

"Well, not nessesarily, but I really like chocolate chip cookies," Venom smiled.

"Well, I can't eat those," Will sighed.

"No, don't worry, if I eat something in this form, it won't affect you anyhow. So can I have chocky milk too?" Venom said with a smile.

"If you behave, you'll get cookies and chocky milk, but you need to deserve it first," Will said.

"Yes, I'll behave, I'll be nice and I'll only destroy lego buildings," Venom saluted. Will had to smile at that.

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