~part II., chapter 17.~

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"So?" Jane asked as Will sat down next to her on their morning bus.

"So what?" Will turned to her in confusion.

"I saw you with Mike yesterday," she grinned widely, Will turned red.

"How did you? I was being careful to not get followed," Will said in confusion.

"Wait, did I miss something? I was talking about you and him walking off after the attack without us," Jane said with interest.

"Oh, I just walked him home and went to the police station," Will explained quickly.

"And before that?" Jane asked, knowing there was more to it.

"He figured I was.. you know who," Will whispered, Jane gasped loudly.

"How did he?" Jane let out.

"He says it was pretty obvious, dunno," Will shrugged.

"I thought he knew something," Jane muttered, looking out the window. "Anyway, what did you and dad talk about?" she turned back to Will.

"Well, we tried figuring out who eight and one are, also he said he'll go visit Brenner again to try to figure out who they are, but he doubts Brenner will tell them something," Will replied.

"He won't, he even kept the whole Venom thing for himself," Jane let out, throwing her head back.

"So, how do you feel about Mike knowing?" Will asked carefully, Jane shrugged.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," Jane said.

Their school day went by slowly that day, once again the end came to nearly five pm. During the afternoon classes, Will barely payed attention anymore, at first he was doodling in his notebook, until a notification light up his phone.


🔋 📶 4:27 PM

mike <3

heyy, r u still in class??
4:27 PM, seen

unfortunatelly, max n lucas have gym rn, right???
4:27 PM, seen

yep, r u texting in class william??
4:27 PM, seen

so r u ???
4:28 PM, seen

ik, but im a bad boy
4:28 PM, seen

besides i dont even like this course
4:28 PM, seen

understandable, i just hate mr creel :(
4:28 PM, seen

rip for u, also do u wanna go out after school???
4:28 PM, seen

like a date??
4:28 PM, seen

sure if u want to ...
4:29 PM, seen

ok, its a date then <3
4:29 PM, seen

yay :)
4:29 PM, seen

did u find out where ur practicals r gonna b yet???
4:29 PM, seen

not yet, but i rlly wanna know so i can apologize to the ppl in advance
4:29 PM, seen

urs r in hawkins nat lab
4:29 PM, seen

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora