~part IV., chapter 10.~

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"Robin!" Nancy called, running down the closest stairs as if that was going to help.

"Now where were we?" Vecna smiled, raising his left hand towards Jane's face, Jane tried moving her head away, but the tentacles around her neck were too tight.

"Oh, I will so kill her when this is over," Will let out.

Will shot a web around Vecna's hand just moments before it touched Jane's face. Vecna, Jane and Mike all turned to Will with his right hand connected with Vecna's left. Jane smiled in relief.

"I knew you were gonna come," she let out.

"Really? 'Cause I didn't," Will replied. Salty. Venom giggled. Shut up!

"Sweet that you think you can do something against me," Vecna laughed.

"No, I know for a fact I'll win," Will said confidently.

"As if you knew how to defeat me," Vecna laughed, finding the boy's confidence silly.

"No really, I know how to defeat you. And the best part is, you told me yourself," Will said with a grin aparent in his tone.

"How could I, I don't even know you," Vecna laughed.

"But I know you, Mr. Creel," Will said, Vecna's face went pale for a second. Bingo. Will though, up till now this was a theory. Told ya he sus. Venom's voice.

"So what? You know my name, that's not a winning point," Vecna shrugged.

"You act like that's the only thing I have," Will said. I have everything and more, Will thought. We have everything and more. Venom corrected.

"Oh, really? You and Eleven combined are too weak to defeat me, how on earth you're planning to do it alone?" Vecna laughed.

"Who said I was alone?" Will said. Your turn. Venom started forming behind him. Jane and Mike gasped.

"You managed to control him, so what? I have something against you, that you don't know about," Vecna smiled, still thinking he's winning this fight.

"Well, I know you're compatible with him as well," Will shrugged.

"Then you know that Venom won't defeat me for sure," Vecna laughed.

"No, because you were wrong, Venom isn't fucking stupid," Will said, whispering: "You can take control now." to Venom. That's what I've been waiting for. Venom laughed devilishly, that was the last thing Will heard before Venom took over.

/// ~continuation of part III.~///

El's head started hurting, Vecna seemed to have the same issue as Venom took control over the body of his host again.

Without a warning, Venom was at Vecna's throat, causing the tentacles to let go of the other two. Mike still looked shaken, El turned to him.

"Go help Nancy, I can manage this," El told Mike, he nodded and began running towards the stairs.

"No, you're not!" Vecna's voice rang through the air and a tentacle pushed Mike off the platform.

"Shit!" El yelled, running over, another tentacle stopped her. Venom jumps off after Mike, giving Will a quick sign before turning off. Will's arms wrapped around Mike and they landed safely.

"You okay?" Will asked in worry, Mike took a deep breath, nodding as he couldn't form words now. "Okay, stay out of trouble," Will said, shooting a web back up, giving Venom a sign mid air.

"That was smooth," Mike let out.

"Don't start simping for the new hero now," Robin's voice was heard from behind with a chuckle.

"You almost died and your leg is under a piece of concrete, stop joking," Nancy let out in annoyance.

"I really love your confidence, but as Venom you have no chance against me either, especially when you can't touch your allies," Vecna laughed.

Venom didn't bother with replying and went straight for another attack, leaving Vecna in shock for a while. El tried her best to be helpful by trying to keep the tentacles in one place with her powers.

Mike and Nancy tried transffering Robin away, her leg was deffinetly broken. The police came to the place, getting their guns ready.

"Hold on," Mike turned to Nancy before running over to the police. "Venom's on our side now," he informed.

"Leave this on the adults, kid," one officer told him, waving him off.

"If you'll attack him, he'll attack back. If you don't, he'll be helpful," Mike said.

"Yeah, yeah sure," the officer laughed.

"Well, I warned you," Mike shrugged, running over to help Nancy to escort Robin.

The police was shooting mainly at Vecna, but because of their fighting position, Venom caught a few shots too, but due to Will's high regeneration, Venom barely felt it. Vecna managed to knock El off with his tentacles, she tried to shoot a web back, but her bracelet was empty.

"No, not now," El mummbled, panicking. A web shot around her wrist, swinging her around and back to the platform safely. Will was looking at her, she gave him a smile to signalize she's okay, he let go. Tentacles wrapped around him as well.

"We're ready!" Kali's voice echoed through the earbud in Will's ear. Will smiled to himself.

"The show is on," Will said with a laugh, kinda psychotic, but he didn't care. So I can really go full into it? Venom asked. But only at Vecna, Will clarified. Yes, boss.

Vecna's tentacles were caught up inside of the ginormous black of Venom's body. He was bigger than before and the substance of him was evading Vecna's tentacles. As a last try to save himself, Vecna picked up El, throwing her Venom's way. Venom dodged the shot, knowing that letting Will do something was pointless since Will was tied up and now El had bigger chance of surviving.

El shot a web from her other bracelet to steady herself and landed in front of the police officers.

"What now, Spider-El?" one of the officers asked her.

"Trust my friend, I hope he knows what he's doing," El mummbled, looking up at the two figthing non-humans.

Soon Vecna's body fell down lifeless, Venom let go of his control allowing Will to steady his body before disappearing completely from fear of the police.

Will landed down in front of the cars and everyone that was watching, doing a bow. He stood up, walking over to who looked like he was in lead.

"The man responsible is trapped in the Hawkins Lab, Dr. Owens will gladly explain the situation," Will said, bowing again in a dramatic way.

"Uhm, thank um.." the officer started, speachless.

"The name's Spider-Venom, hopefully this town won't need me anymore, but if it will I'll be back," Will replied, taking a step back, next to El.

"Alright, so.." the officer cleared his throat, turning to the others, "as per usual with mutants," he stated. El couldn't help a smile. A hand rose on her left, she looked at Will, who was holding up a hand for a high five, she gladly accepted with a smile.

"Who are you and what did you do to Will Byers?" El whispered.

"Sorry for being an asshole," Will mummbled.

"Hey, I'm just glad you're here," El said, catching him in a hug. Aww, I love happy endings. Venom let out. Shut up!

~end of part three~

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now