~part II., chapter 10.~

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"And you're an idiot, open it," Jane said through the FaceTime camera.

"You said you don't feel attracted to anyone, so does that mean you feel nothing?" Will asked, ignoring Jane's request.

"Geez, it's your birthday, stop being so depressed," Jane rolled her eyes.

"How was your appointment?" Will asked, changing the subject yet again.

"Um.. oh, yeah.. umm, it was good," Jane stuttered out.

"What's wrong?" Will asked in suspicion.

"I'll tell you tommorow, it's not safe to say through the phone. Now open your presents and enjoy the rest of your birthday, dummy," Jane said.

"Okay, but how did you know you don't want a relationship?" Will asked before Jane could hang up.

"I saw the lovely couples on telly and was like: 'Nope, this ain't for me', also I never even slightly liked someone, like liked as in heart-eyes liked not 'you're cool' liked, 'cause that's how I like you and Mike and Max and Lucas and Dustin, you know. Happy birthday, dork," Jane said with a smile, hanging up.

Will looked over to the giant gift from Jane, then over to the small present from Mike. He reached for the big box he had since morning to open it. Apart from tons of heart-shaped confetti in all colors there were several hoodies with logos of Will's favorite shows, bands and movies. There was a box with headphones Will saw at a shop a while back and liked, Jane was there and probably got them for him. "Geez, this girl has no chill," Will rolled his eyes and got to the bottom of the box to see a wrapped up flag in the asexual colors, Will rolled his eyes at that.

'do u steal or smtng, how did u get all that???' Will typed to the chatbox and pressed send.

'I do not, but I love you<3, so only the best for you. Love, Jane.' Jane replied back.

There was one more present to open, but Will wasn't sure he wants to open the gift from Mike. Will carefully unwrapped the box and opened it, looking inside to see what his best friend had gotten him.

"So, I told her that she's a bitch 'cause it's true and she had the audiacity to get mad, like," Max whined, it was the next day lunch break.

"Terrible, how dare she?" Dustin gasped.

"Right? Like, bish I'm just speaking the facts and she has the audiacity," Max complained, Will stopped listening by then, he didn't see Mike that day.

"Hey Dustin?" Will looked up.

"Yeah?" Dustin asked, shifting his attention from Max to Will.

"Was Mike at school today?" Will asked with worry.

"Yeah, he disappeared while we walked to the cafeteria, though. Dunno where he went," Dustin shrugged, going back to talking with Max.

"I'll go look for him," Will said, getting up.

"You barely touched your food, though," Lucas commented.

"It's cheese sauce, he can't eat that," Jane explained for him.

"Oh, I still don't get why they can't serve some lactose free stuff," Lucas said.

"Because I'm not that special, see you all later," Will said, walking off, getting a "Bye." from his friends.

It wasn't too hard for Will to find Mike, outside at a bench, looking at something on his phone.

"You missed lunch," Will said with a smile, sitting next to Mike. Mike looked up from his phone in panic.

"You still talk with me?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? You said it yourself yesterday, there are some things that never change, like our friendship, why should I hate you?" Will said with a smile.

"You didn't read that letter?" Mike asked.

"I was tired last night, so I thought I'll read it today after school," Will said with apologetic smile. Mike let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, maybe don't read it, please," Mike said anxiously.

"Why not?" Will asked, tilting his head.

"I.. just don't please," Mike said.

"Okay, I won't. But why did you give me it, then?" Will asked confused.

"Because it was something I wanted to tell you, but I changed my mind about telling you," Mike explained quickly.

"If you don't want me to, I won't read it, okay?" Will gave Mike a small smile.

"Thank you," Mike smiled back.

"Will, dad's picking us up today! Am I interupting something?" Jane came over, running.

"Not really, we were just talking. How come he's picking us both?" Will said, turning to Jane.

"Well, remmember that lizardman Spider-boy fought a while back?" Jane asked, both Will and Mike nodded, "Well, he's at the mortuary and dad thinks he knows who it might be and also lot of people went missing since then and dad thinks it has something to do with the lab."

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain why is he picking us up, though?" Will said, still confused.

"Oh, yeah because he's driving by the school, so he said he'll take us with," Jane said with an awkward smile.

"Okay, when?" Will asked.

"Like right now," Jane gave off a smile.

"But we have afternoon classes," Will complained.

"I talked to Mrs. Driscoll and she said we can skip, I mean it's just art class," Jane shrugged.

"Lucky you, we have Mr. Creel next," Mike whined, Jane laughed.

"I'm sorry about that," Will said, patting Mike's back.

"Yeah, enjoy your ride," Mike said, getting up.

"Good luck with Creeper," Jane called behind Mike.

"Now, why is he really picking us up?" Will turned to Jane.

"So, I didn't tell him you're Spider-boy and he doesn't know, but there was a lot of people going missing in the past few months and I think it may either do with Venom or the lizardman," Jane explained more seriously.

"His name was Benny," Will corrected her.

"Right, Benny. So, I told dad and he thinks it was the owner of Benny's burgers since he got missing way before that, but no one reported him because he had no family or anything, but the shop was closed and people found it weird, he was also dad's friend. The lab people are working on it and I wanted you to come with us to hear for yourself, you know the doctor who took over lead there, Dr. Owens?" Jane explained.

"But, what if they find suspicion I'm Spider-boy?" Will asked in worry.

"They won't and even if they do, they say they're on our side," Jane waved him off.

Soon the three arrived at the Hawkins National Laboratory. Hopper got out of the car with Jane and Will following.

"I thought we were going to see the body," Will whispered to Jane.

"Me too," Jane whispered back before turning to Hopper, "Dad, I thought you were taking us to see the body," Jane asked.

"Yeah, Dr. Owens requested moving it here, so he could inspect it better," Hopper replied.

"Oh," both Jane and Will said, continuing to walk behind Hopper.

"Sheriff Jim Hopper and my kids," Hopper told some security guard.

"Alright, we're gonna have to make a quick scan of all of you before entering. As a sheriff you probably own weapons, please leave them here. You kids too," the security guard said with a faked smile.

Hopper took off his gun and pocket knife, Jane also placed her own pocket knife next to her dad's. Will just followed awkwardly, not having anything dangerous with him.

"Now please step through the gate, it will detect anything unusual. We have it in case someone gets infected inside," the security guard explained, Will and Jane locked eyes.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang