~part I., chapter 5.~

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It took another four days, several fake Spider-man accounts, Steve confirming on live TV that he has no social media, only in his personal life, but he wouldn't claim to be Spider-man there ever at all. Lots of fights with criminals, saving a couple people, and Spider-man earned the reputation of Hawkins' superhero. Eddie still hated him, though, probably more and more with each day.

It was afternoon, Eddie was on a bus, music blasting through his headphones at full volume as he held onto the pole in the standing area, the bus was full. They were in the middle of a famous bridge when it suddenly started colapsing right beneath the bus. People started panicking and the driver couldn't open the door no matter how many buttons he pressed, the door just wouldn't open and the roof one was stuck.

"This is shit. Open it, man!" a buisness man yelled at the driver.

"I'm trying my best, sir, it won't open," the driver said helplessly. A girl about Eddie's age went to try pushing more buttons along with the driver.

"It's stuck, it won't open," Eddie sighed, not moving from his spot.

"Then sorry some of us aren't suicidal maniacs that want to die," a blond woman said sharply, she would continue if the bus window wouldn't break, causing even Eddie to turn the way.

"I don't wanna die," a girl in the back yelled, Eddie walked over to her. She could have been eight at most.

"Hey, we won't die here, okay? We'll get you out of here," Eddie smiled at her softly.

"It's my birthday in two days, mommy said if I go home by bus everyday until then, she'll get me the doll I really wanted," the girl cried.

"Shit," Eddie mummbled, hugging the girl, "We'll make it out alive, okay?"

"Leave the poor child alone, you freak!" the blond woman said, taking the small girl away from Eddie, he just rolled his eyes.

"Another day, another Karen," he mummbled to himself.

"What did you say?" the woman turned to him, Eddie opened his mouth to reply, but at the time the door were torn open and revealed the one and only Spider-man holding them open.

"Took you long enough," Eddie scoffed.

"Ugh, today's teens can't even be gratefull," the blond woman rolled her eyes at Eddie before walking out of the bus, the other passengers, including the little girl behind. Eddie was about to leave too when he heard a whine, like a dog. The blond woman had a dog with her, Eddie remmembered and quickly went to find the pet.

"There you are, it's okay, you're safe now," Eddie smiled at the dog as he picked the small one up. But at the exact time the bus decided to fall off completely.

Steve turned over to the falling bus, it seemed everyone was out already. Eddie!

Eddie was already through with the fact he's going to die, but the poor dog, he didn't deserve this. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What are you still doing here?" Spider-man asked, Eddie held up the dog. "Hold tight," Spider-man said as he picked Eddie with the dog still in his arms up.

Eddie was surprised at the sudden lack of ground beneath his legs and even more when Spider-man decided to jump out the bus just seconds before it hit the water. Eddie didn't even realize he was yelling or that he closed his eyes, he was holding on for dear life while also trying not to drop the dog. The moment they landed safely on the ground, the dog jumped off, running around excitedly. Eddie opened his eyes slightly, looking around.

"You okay?" Spider-man asked with concern, "You can let go now, you know," he chuckled. Eddie quickly losened his grip and let the superhero place him on the ground.

"Thanks," Eddie mummbled, looking to the ground. The dog came running around Eddie again.

"No problem, that's just my job," Spider-man bowed, turning to leave, but some reporters caught him in an interview. Eddie just rolled his eyes, picking up the dog.

"You know what, I'm keeping you," Eddie smiled and decided to leave as no one payed attention to any of the two. The blonde woman was trying to talk to another reporter, the teen girl that had tried opening the door before was talking to the small girl probably to calm her down, Eddie didn't see anyone else in the crowd, so he just left.

"Alright, I need to go now. I'll leave the rest to the experts," Steve said with a smile, turning from the cameras, he didn't see Eddie anywhere, so he just swung away. Maybe in hope to catch up to him somewhere or maybe just to leave, Steve didn't know himself.

"It was on live TV, I was so scared. I knew Eds was on that bus," Robin said the moment Steve entered his room through the window as always.

"And we really need a better base, someone can follow me here and find out," Steve said, taking off his mask and running a hand through his hair to give it back the poof.

"I was thinking about it and that's in progress. Did Eddie at least thank you? Or did he have some snarky coments?" Robin asked, walking over to Steve to help him out of the costume.

"Yeah, first thing he said was 'Took you long enough!', but after I literally saved his life, he did thank me," Steve said with a laugh, Robin just rolled her eyes.

"What's up with those?" Robin asked, reffering to scratches on Steve's shoulders. Steve had to go look in a mirror on his closet door.

"Welp, those are from your Spider-man hater friend," Steve let out a laugh, "I knew it hurt, but didn't think it would leave scratches."

"Those are temporary, they'll be gone by evening," Robin said, trying to seem profesional.

"I sure hope so," Steve said with a smile, taking a T-shirt from the closet and put it on.

"Yeah, those are the scratch marks you get when you need to scratch your skin and it leaves those red marks," Robin explained, Steve nodded.

"Looks like Munson really values his life," Steve joked as he changed his pants as well, Robin turned around, bitting her lip.

"Well, he's got an important concert next friday, they all worked really hard for it, so sure as hell he wants to be there, he's going as second singer and main guitarist, they'd be screwed without him."

"Still he chooses to save a dog over saving his own life," Steve said in disbelief.

"Typical of him, but maybe he knew you'll go get him," Robin shrugged.

"If I didn't personally know him I would assume everyone left the bus already and left him there," Steve admitted.

"I'll tell him to be careful somehow discreetly, also I'll never let him live the scratches off. It was pretty obvious on live TV as well," Robin smirked, turning to face Steve who was now fully clothed.

"You do you, but I think he stole a dog," Steve stated in a serious tone, but Robin bursted in laughter. Her laugh had always been contagious, so soon the both of them were nearly laying on the ground laughing.

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