~part I., chapter 7.~

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"Listen, I really apprecheate the help, but you need to be more careful. This is the second time in the last two days that I'm saving you," Steve said.

"Talk to me when we're on the ground!" Eddie yelled in response.

"Sorry, not a fan of swinging?" Steve said as he landed in a side alley, placing Eddie down.

"Not a fan of you in general," Eddie replied, dusting himself off.

"Sorry," Steve said awkwardly, what was he supposed to reply.

"You should stop talking to your enemies so much," Eddie said, softer than before but still sounding annoyed.

"I'll remember that next time, thanks," Steve said with a smile, realizing Eddie can't see him.

"No prob, by the way thanks for saving my ass again. Also it probably wasn't the last time, but I still don't like you," Eddie said, crossing his arms.

"Alright, I can live with that. Have a nice day, also please don't try to make me save you again," Steve said, swinging away afterwards, Eddie let out annoyed sigh and started walking towards his home.

Steve had taken Eddie's advice to heart and didn't talk so much with the Dark Knight the next times the two had crossed paths, which was daily by that point. The Spider-man fans went crazy betting on who will win in the end, Spider-man or Dark Knight.

"Why are all the girls so obsessed with this Bug-boy? They don't even know what he looks like," Eddie sighed, sitting at his place next to Robin.

"Love can be blind sometimes, they say," Steve replied.

"Bull, this ain't love. Those girls just like the idea of a superhero boyfriend," Eddie let out in annoyance.

"You say that now, but I bet that you'll be Spider-man's boyfriend soon," Robin joked, "I mean with the way he keeps on saving you, I found a fanfic of you and Spidey on Wattpad the other day," she added with a giggle.

"Did you write it?" Eddie gave her a glare, "You know I hate that guy, so not gonna happen."

"Yet, you still went out of your way to save his ass on tuesday," Steve reminded, everyone in school knew about that, but chose to ignore it after Eddie made it super clear he has no idea who Spider-man actually is.

"Because everyone said he's better than me, so I wanted to prove them wrong," Eddie replied.

"By almost dying," Steve deadpaned.

"That was not part of my plan and can we please talk about something else?" Eddie replied, slunging onto his chair.

"Whatever, you started with Spidey again," Robin teased.

"Can you not call him that, it makes it sounds like he's your bro," Steve said.

"What do you know, maybe he is and I just didn't tell you guys. Or maybe I am Spider-man and I just appear to be a male superhero, so no one would suspect me," Robin said mysteriously.

"Yeah sure, in your dreams Buckley," Eddie replied with a giggle.

"Mhm, shut up Spidey's boyfriend," Robin turned to him, Steve just shook his head in disbelief.

"You see, even Harrington finds it cringe," Eddie said, sitting up straight.

"Whatever," Robin rolled her eyes.

"So, you guys coming to our concert next friday, right?" Eddie asked.

"You ask that like every two days now," Robin said, "Yes, I am coming."

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now