~part II., chapter 9.~

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Will got in Jonathan's car, placing the box from Jane in the trunk. Mike got to the backseat next to Will, they both smiled at Jonathan.

"Mike wanted to tag along, I hope you don't mind," Will smiled, Jonathan let out a sigh with a smile on his lips.

"What am I supposed to do with you? Sure, I don't mind," Jonathan said.

"Perfect," Will said, giving Mike a smile. Mike smiled back.

"You're already sixteen, but you two still look like you're eight and Mike's mom allowed him to sleep over," Jonathan said, starting the car.

"Some things never change, and one of that things is our friendship," Mike shrugged.

"Yep, we'll always be close and kinda dumb," Will shrugged and the two laughed.

They arrived at the mall and walked around the shops, Will never finding anything he'd like. They stopped at a clothes store with a pride collection, Jonathan found some of the merch silly and funny, and even if it was. Will was tempted to buy one of the T-shirts that said 'I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is'.

"If you were dating, I'd say it's perfect," Jonathan laughed.

"I wish I had a boyfriend, so I could buy this, it's hilarious," Will said, still staring at the T-shirt in awe.

"But you don't have one," Mike said with a grin.

"Neither do you, and you are gay," Will gave him a grin too, Mike gave Will a short glare.

"Guys, look at this," Jonathan said, holding up a T-shirt with three stripes in the pansexual flag, an image of a frying pan over it with writing: 'No, I am not attracted to pans'.

"I liked the frog one better," Will commented, Jonathan shrugged and went back to looking at T-shirts.

"How did we end here? I'm the only queer one here," Mike asked in confusion.

"You may be the only gay one, but you're not the only LGBT," Jonathan said casually, Mike looked between the two brothers.

"Jon's bi," Will said casually, now going over the pins.

"Will, I need this," Jonathan said, holding up another T-shirt, now with the colors of a transgender flag with 'UNO reverse card, bish' written over it. Will started laughing.

"Why would you need that?" Mike asked in confusion while Will was nearly choking of laugher.

"Mike," Jonathan said, gesturing towards the T-shirt.

"Yeah?" Mike asked still confused, then his eyes widened in realization, "Oh."

"Oh," Jonathan laughed.

"Cool, yeah that tee would suit you," Mike gave thumbs up, rambling nervously, making Will who almost calmed down laughing, break down in laughter again.

"No, whatever, Will do you want anything here or can we leave?" Jonathan turned to Will, who calmed down again.

"I like this thing," Will said holding up a pin with the ally flag saying: 'EMOtional support Ally'.

"I love how the emo is in capslock," Mike laughed, Will shrugged.

"And do you want it, or do you just want to get it because I wanted you to get something?" Jonathan asked.

"I collect pins, I do want this," Will smiled.

"Alright, give it, I'll go pay," Jonathan said, reaching for the pin in Will's hand.

"Emo tional support Will," Mike whispered as the two walked behind Jonathan, Will laughed again.

They got pizza afterwards, talking about school and other stuff in Jonathan's car. They also got milkshakes, but Will wasn't allowed to pay for anything. Will got a banana shake, Jonathan got strawberry and Mike bubblegum, whilest they all shared pineapple pizza, even if Mike protested against it.

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