~part IV., chapter 25.~

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Will quickly turned on the supercom and yelled: "We're trapped in the lab, there's killing robots! I repeat we're trapped in the lab, there's killing drones!" hoping that someone would hear the call.

"I copy that, hold on. We'll be right there," Will could feel a giant rock fall off his heart when Spider-Mike answered, just only for a minute, though as the robots started banging on the door to get in, which didn't take them too long.

"Fuck!" Will said as they started flying towards him, he picked up a chair, like that's gonna be a good weapon.

"Fuck what? Will, what's going on?" Spider-Mike's voice was heard from the supercom, but Will couldn't answer right now.

Okay, so what are my options? Will thought as he quickly looked around, keeping the robots from him just by the power of that chair. Jumping out the window could result in me breaking most my bones, but I could survive. Even though, this is the tenth floor. Will thought when he noticed the lights above. Okay, I don't have my Spider-powers anymore, but I didn't do all that training for nothing, so it better pay off now. I'll die anyway, so there's nothing much to lose. Will guessed his chances before letting go of the chair to use it as a jump boost to catch the light tubes and swing over to the now free exit. Surprisingly it worked, but now Will had to take a rush to the very top floor, hoping to find Robin and Mike in one piece. The door to the roof were closed, Will hoped Mike and Robin were in there and were okay. He banged on the door, trying to open it, but it was to no use and the robots were coming closer.

"Mike, it's me! Please open the door!" Will yelled in the last moment, and to his surprise the door did open and Mike pulled him outside while Robin shut the door and all three of them took support to keep the door closed as the robots were trying to get to them.

"Hold it still, I'll get that box," Mike said, gesturing at a metal container few meters from them. Robin nodded and Mike took off and quickly made his way to the container to push it to the door. When getting close enough, Will and Robin helped him drag it under the handle and they all colapsed to the floor.

But their rest wasn't to take too long as soon Venom with Brenner on top in a radioactive clothes showed up. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Three little civillians that somehow always managed to mess up my plans," Brenner spoke in a 'clearly just won' tone.

"And we will again," Will stated, glaring at Brenner, hoping that somehow his eyes will become lazers.

"Funny, really. But it's also sad that you think you have a chance now," Brenner sighed, then shrugged, "so, without further ado, let's get this over with," he said, gesturing for Venom to attack.

"Wasn't he like your friend or something?" Robin whispered to Will as all three of them stood up.

"Yeah, before everything," Will whispered back as Mike was thinking about a possible escape, but there was none that would be safe. Their only hope was the Spider-people.

"So, which one will be first? One, two or three?" Brenner smiled, pointing between the three of them. "How about.." Brenner stated, his finger stoping on Robin, "you, you've suffered enough already, time to end it," he smiled as Robin gasped.

"Not on my watch," Will said, instinctively stepping in front of Robin, who held onto his shoulders.

"Still trying to be a hero? You couldn't even save your own brother, you were a useless superhero, how many people had died because of you, huh? Too many to risk more, don't you think?" Brenner smiled as Will looked down.

"Will, don't listen to him. It's only thanks to you that we're all still here, and El too, without you she'd also be dead," Mike quickly said, grabbing Will's hand.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now