~part III., chapter 1.~

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Will was staying in his room for days, from Mike she knew he was done being a superhero, and from intuition she knew this wasn't the end of it and the worst is yet to come. This didn't put her into the best position, she was the only other person with powers she knew of, but they weren't the same kind of powers. It's been a week since Spider-boy's last fight and she was walking to set meet up with an old friend who had swore she'd never get involved with anything around superheroes again...

She hasn't been here for over a year, the same time it hasn't been in use. She knocked on the door for it to get opened a moment later, she could see the smiling face of Robin Buckley.

"Hey El, how have you been?" Robin asked with a smile.

"Good, bad. The usual, I would need something. Spider-boy ended too," El explained with a sigh.

"You sure about that?" Robin asked, El nodded.

"Yep, his you told me," El smiled slightly, letting herself in.

"Oh, sad thing. Then I don't understand why you seeked me?" Robin asked, sitting by a table.

"Do you still have the Spider-girl costume?" El asked, Robin nodded. "Perfect, do you think it could get a little change, I'm planning on bringing her back."

"Sure, just you say," Robin said with a smile. El shot her a smile back.

"Perfection, I actually brought a picture I drew of what I thought of," El said, reaching inside her hoodie pocket. "Here," she took out a piece of paper, handing it to Robin.

"You've got it by tommorow," Robin gave her a smile, El nodded with a smile as well.

"How have you been hanging?" El asked with concern, Robin sighed, knowing what was El reffering to.

"It wasn't easy, I had to move. But it got better with time," Robin said with a sigh and a sad smile.

"Does it ever go away?" El asked, Robin looked confused, "Knowing that your loved ones are all gone, but you're still here," El elaborated.

"Oh, well," Robin smiled, "I think of that as destiny, I wasn't done with what I had to do here. They did what they were meant to, I still have a goal to acomplish before I can leave too."

"Possitivity is key," El smiled brightly, Robin nodded.

"It was hard at first and if Robin from last June heard me, she would probably smack me with something," Robin laughed.

"Mhm, how's Nancy hanging, though?" El asked, Mike didn't want to talk about it.

"She took a week off from work when Jonathan Byers died. How do you know Nance?" Robin replied.

"I have my ways, thank you," El said, ready to leave. "I have school, so see ya later," with a wave El was out the door.

The next day about the same time, El came knocking on the vagon's door again with a smile. Robin opened the door with the same smile, letting the younger girl in.

"So, I worked on some gear too. And extra cotton filling for your nosebleeds," Robin explained, giving El what looked like bracelets. "Web shooters, they need refil and don't work as well as Spider-man's or Spider-boy's, but it's the best me and Dustin could do," Robin said with a smile.

"Dustin? As in Dustin Henderson? He works on this too?" El asked carefully.

"He doesn't know it's for you, or anything actually. He knows I was Spider-man's right hand man- or well woman, but you get the deal, so he thinks it's for me, I told him I have a client, but he knows nothing more. Don't worry," that calmed El down, Robin smiled.

"Great, now is the suit ready? I don't have much time before my next class, we have Creeper, so I can't afford to be late," El said, checking the time again.

"You go to my old school?" Robin asked surprisedly.

"Don't ask much, the less others know, the better," El said strictly.

"Yeah, right. I'm still known as Spider-man's bestie, people are gonna be asking. Just like with Spider-boy, you know something about him?" Robin continued.

"I said don't ask, give me the suit. I'll give it a test run after school and if there are issues I'll come back, other than that I'll have an introduction the next time a mutant strikes," El explained.

"You're gonna use the name 'Spider-girl' too or have you thought of another one?" Robin asked.

"You'll see soon, let yourself be surprised too," El smiled.

"Alrighty, guess you're a big secret-keeper, anyway here's the suit remade and the gears," Robin said, handing El the equipment.

"Thanks, see you around," El smiled, packing the newly obtained things before she ran out of the vagon back to school.

She made it to school just in time, taking her seat next to an empty chair of her friend, taking a deep breath. Mr. Creel walked into the class, looking over all his students, noticing the empty chair next to El.

"Looks like we have a school fling, noted," he said, writing something into his notebook.

"Um, his brother died. Have some sympathy," a redhead in a wheelchair said with an angry look.

"Did I give you permission to talk? Do you want me to kick you out of this class?" Mr. Creel asked annoyed, he wasn't used to back talking.

"Suit yourself, I don't wanna be here anyways," the girl shrugged.

"Alright, Maxine out," Mr. Creel said, giving the girl a glare.

"Go fuck yourself," were the girl's last words before she exited the class, Mr. Creel was mad and the class impressed.

"This action of your classmate will have consequences, now as I was saying, looks like another classmate is skipping school, he's already failing my class without that," Mr. Creel said with a mischevious grin, El frowned, giving her teacher a glare, but said nothing.

"I can't believe that. Can you believe it? His brother died and Creeper doesn't even have the little humanity in him to be a little nice," the redhead told her boyfriend at lunch.

"I'll punch him," Mike said simply, El placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, there's still this thing called karma," El reasured him.

"There's this thing called my fist," Mike let out.

"You're already failing his class, no need to make him hate you even more," another friend of theirs, Dustin Henderson, said with a little laugh.

"Well, he won't get to talk bad about my bofriend- or well, exboyfriend.. you get what I mean," Mike replied, crossing his arms.

"Did you guys broke up, though?" the readhead, Maxine 'Max' Mayfield asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, no.. ugh, I dunno, but I think he made it very clear he doesn't want me around," Mike sighed, slumping lower in his chair.

"Well, it was same with Max after Billy died, and she didn't even like him, so I gave her some space and we were fine," Max's boyfriend, Lucas Sinclair, said while wrapping an arm around the readhead.

"Give him time, I'm sure he didn't mean that. He was just upset, I think he's mad at Spider-boy and not you.. I mean unless you're Spider-boy. But if I were him, I'd hate Spider-boy, not my boyfriend, or not boyfriend," Max shrugged.

"Wow, thanks," Mike let out, standing from the table and leaving.

"Mike," El called behind him, also standing up and walking to catch up with her friend.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now