~part II., chapter 14.~

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"Hey Dustin, do you still have Steve's old stuff?" Will asked, catching up with his friend on the school hallway.

"We didn't move anything since the incident on twentieth of June last year," Dustin replied.

"Yeah, um.. do you think I could take a look around his room?" Will asked quietly.

"Why would you want to?" Dustin asked in suspicion.

"Well we have a project about our state's heroes and I thought since I know lots of people who knew Spider-man personally, I'll go for that," Will said casually, he thought about an excuse beforehand.

"Sure then," Dustin shrugged with a smile.

They walked out of the school together to see Jane and Mike talking at the bus stop, Mike holding onto his bike.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say they're together," Dustin stated.

"I think they are, despite everything they said," Will muttered, watching his friends.

"I'm sorry," Dustin said softly, placing his hand on Will's shoulder.

"What for?" Will looked at Dustin with confused look.

"You don't have a crush on Mike?" Dustin asked also confused.

"Not as far as I'm aware, why?" Will asked, Dustin quickly switched moods.

"My bad, then. I just thought that you two were always so close and, I kinda thought you guys had a thing for each other, but I guess not," Dustin shrugged, getting on his bike.

"Um, Dus I don't have a ..." Will said, gesturing at Dustin's bike, the other boy caught on.

"Then we can walk," Dustin shrugged, getting off his bike and the two began walking while talking about Steve and Spider-man.

"Look," Jane nudged Mike, gesturing towards the bike stands. Dustin and Will were walking away in that direction, seeming like they're having great time.

"You still didn't tell me why is he so mad with you?" Mike sighed, looking behind the two.

"Dustin's straight, remember? And Will doesn't know," Jane said reasuringly.

"I know, it's just... you're dodging the question, Janine," Mike turned to the girl.

"Not my name," Jane gave him a smirk, Mike rolled his eyes. "But to answer your question, I wish I knew what had I angered him with. He's never been mad at me for this long," Jane sighed sadly.

"I probably shouldn't be telling you, but when you guys went to the lab with your dad, he called me and he was crying. When I asked about it later he said it's something he could only tell you, but for a different reason than he can't tell me, he can't tell you. If you're smarter from this," Mike said, guilt filling his voice.

"Thanks for telling me, but I don't get what he could mean either," Jane let out a loud sigh and her bus stopped. "Welp, see ya tommorow," Jane said with a smile, giving Mike a short hug before getting on the bus after other passangers.

Jane took her usual seat, without Will next to her it was lonely. She popped on her earbuds and opened her music app to listen to Lady Gaga while staring out the window as she kept on trying to figure out why Will was so mad with her. The songs vocals were disturbed by a ding signalizing Jane got a new message: 'informator: u got it ready, when can u pick it up?' Jane quickly typed in: 'In about twenty minutes, if that is okay? Love, El.' and pressed send.

Meanwhile Dustin and Will reached the Henderson residence and Dustin unlocked the front door. The two walked in, Dustin asked if Will wants anything to eat or drink, manner he got from his mom. Mewks came to greet the two, wrapping around Will's leg until Will decided to pet him.

"So, you wanna see Steve's room?" Dustin asked as he put a bowl of Mac n' Cheese inside a microwave.

"Yes, please," Will replied, still standing with his bag and jacket on in the middle of the hallway.

"You can leave your bag at the door, if you want to," Dustin said with a smile.

"No thanks," Will said, giving his friend an awkward smile.

"Mom's at work until six, you can chill out," Dustin let out a chuckle while leading Will into the far back of the hallway. All the doors looked the same, Dustin opened the very last, holding them open for Will. "Here it is, suit yourself. If you needed anything, I'll be in the living room," Dustin said, walking away when Will entered the room.

It was a simple teenage/young adult room, light blue walls with posters of shows, bands, musicians that Steve probably liked, big closet taking up an entire wall, only leaving a gap for door into the room. Big window with a table under, a chair with most likely used clothes, on the other side a queen sized bed with blue sheets. In the furthest corner stood a big glass-looking box, one similiar to the container in lab that Venom was trapped in. Will walked over to Steve's table, blowing the pile of dust off to take a look at the papers on top. One read: 'For Venom, -Hop' another one read: 'El stopped by today, she wants to talk to you ~Rob<3', there was a clipped bunch of papers that looked stolen from the lab, Will began reading to find out it was Venom's file. Knowing it's bad, he stuffed the file inside his bag, but Steve is dead, he surely won't mind if Will borrows this for a while. Most of the other papers were just school work and stuff Will wouldn't need at all. He also went through Steve's drawers and shelves, only finding framed picture of Steve, Robin, Eddie Munson and some other girl; nearly dead cactus, books including school ones. In conclusion, nothing that could have help Will. Last thing to go through was Steve's closet, Will knew what to expect since he knew what Steve used to dress in and maybe something Spider-man like, Will opened the closet door looking inside to find exactly what he expected to find and a few shoe boxes on the ground of the closet, Will began opening them knowing he stores all kinds of stuff in shoe boxes. Most of them contained shoes and accesories such as watches or hair products. Will let out a sigh, resting on the ground with opened boxes around him, the closet door closed slowly to reveal a mirror which showed Will in his tired pose on the ground of dusty room. Will scanned the room inside the mirror, his eyes suddenly stopping on the glass box, there was nearly no dust on top of it which meant someone brought it in recently. Will jumped up, new wave of energy washing over him as he inspected the box closer. The floor beneath was dirty like the rest of the floor of Steve's room, the box was close to Steve's bed. Will kneeled down next to the bed, his breathing getting harder suddenly.

"Come on, if it was dangerous spidey-sense would warn me," Will told himself as he drew a breath before looking down. Whatever he was expecting to find, Will was disappointed, the space under Steve's bed was empty, perfectly clean. "Wait a damn minute," Will muttered with a frown, something didn't sit right. The room was supposed to be abandoned for months and there wasn't a single piece of dust down here. Will layed down, sliding underneath the bed while facing upwards. And there it was, a clue Will was looking for, an envelope, Will took it out and got up from the floor, sitting on Steve's bed to read what it said, he turned the envelope in his hands to see the other side and froze on spot.

'Should I stay or should I go' started playing, breaking Will from his transe. He quickly found his phone in his hoodie pocket and pressed accept without even checking the caller ID.

"Wow, I'm surprised you picked up," the surprised voice of Jane Hopper echoed through.

"Me too, make it short," Will said, hearing his voice shaky as if he was out of breath.

"There's another mutant," Jane said simply, "Ravenwoon, Fright Street."

"Again," Will let out a sigh.

"Am I interupting something?" Jane asked with an undertone Will could only read as teasing.

"I don't have time for this," Will let out, hanging up and getting up. He placed the envelope in his bag and walked out the room.

"Hey Dustin, mom called saying I need to go home," Will said while passing Dustin in the living room.

"Key. Did you find what you were looking for?" Dustin asked, looking over at Will.

"Yeah, I think I did. Maybe I'll come over again sometime," Will said, shooting Dustin a smile as he put on his shoes.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora