~part IV., chapter 6.~

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"So, did you just ask me to hang out? Why me?" Will asked with a smile while taking a sip of his smoothie.

"Cause everyone else is mean to me," Gareth let out over-dramatically.

"You're a drama queen," Will rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"Yeah, well I survived Reformator, how cool is that?" Gareth asked, Will only knew the bare minimum about said villian.

"Well, I was Spidey, how cool is that?" Will asked challengingly with a smirk.

"Oh, you're so on," Gareth joked, howering over the table to see at Will better.

"I'm always on, and you're a loser," Will laughed, flicking Gareth's nose, causing him to sit back with a laugh.

"Careful, I might think you mean it and that could hurt my feelings, William," Gareth smiled, Will shrugged, suddenly feeling someone was watching them. Will turned towards the window with a playfull smile still on his lips, but that faded when he saw Max.

"Oh, that's the hot redhead I told you about," Gareth stated as Max took them noticing her as a cue to leave. She was across the street, close to a bus stop and quickly made her way into a bus.

"I know her, that's Max," Will let out, something made him feel bad upon seeing her like that.

"Oh, do you happen to know a Mike too? He's got like-" Gareth started excitedly.

"Dark hair, brown eyes and countless freckles over his cheeks," Will finished for him, seemingly in a different universe. Gareth should have shut up after that, he didn't.

"Yeah, this Max and her friend Mike were also held hostage by that Reformator, he told us that one of us has to die and others will live, and this Mike went to take the one for the team, brave of him. Max told him not to and he said someting like: 'Tell Will I love him.' And I wasn't sure if it was you or someone else, but I guess it was you. Well anyway, then he jumped, but Spider-El caught him and then she fought Reformator, but her weapon or whatever that was like fell off and he almost got her and Mike took that weapon and shot the villian, and then he fell down and died, you probs know he's dead and then we found out, and I'm kidding you not, that the villian was Mike's father. Like what in the Star Wars is-"

"Gareth," Will cut him off, his head spinning.

"Yeah?" Gareth asked, unaware of the situation. He slowly seemed to realize Will wasn't okay.

"Shut up," Will let out, his voice shaky.

"Are you okay?" Gareth asked in worry.

"No, I messed up even worse than I thought I did," Will mummbled, Gareth didn't know what to do.

In the end Gareth ended up walking Will back home, Will didn't really say anything and Gareth didn't push him to.

"So, I'll pick you up at seven thrity tommorow?" Gareth asked at the outside door of Will's apartment building.

"Yeah, thanks. Also sorry about that, I really just.. I'll explain some other time, I really can't do this today," Will let out with several shaky breaths.

"Hey, it's okay. I get you've gone through some shit, you don't need to explain yourself. No need to tell me anything," Gareth said, giving Will a warm smile.

"Thanks," Will smiled back.

"Anytime, so see ya tommorow," Gareth smiled.

"Yeah, and don't be late!" Will called behind him, hearing Gareth chuckle.

And just like Gareth said, he did pick Will up in time and drove him to school. Gareth stopped at the front yard, people were watching them and Will felt like a cool kid for once in his life.

"So, I'll be done here at three, see you then?" Will turned to Gareth with a smile as he took off the helmet, handing it to him, giving Gareth a short hug.

"Yep, see ya and good luck," Gareth said with a smile, Will began walking towards the school, waving at Gareth who was already driving off.

Will turned to the school's entrance, seeing all the awe looks bypassers were giving him. He ignored them all, until he saw Max and Jane standing close behind the school door. They don't usually talk to him, why should they now, they probably just heard the motorbike and went to watch as everyone else.

"What was that?" Max asked as Will was passing them, he picked up the way of his walk, catching Max telling Jane something, but he didn't know what.

For the following month, Gareth was always dropping Will off and coming to pick him up again. During saturdays, Will was spending time with Corroted Coffin.

"So, like you're saying Mike, as in your ex Mike might know Spider-El?" Gareth asked as they were walking from the practice, Gareth didn't drive his motorbike to practices.

"He's not really my ex, I mean he is, but he's not 'cause we never really broke up and I just dunno," Will explained, struggling.

"Okay, but are you ever gonna like, ya know.. get back together? Or at least talk," Gareth asked.

"Probably not," Will let out a sigh, "he probs moved on anyway."

"And you?" Gareth asked, Will knew what Gareth was reffering to, but wished he didn't.

"I don't know," Will admitted, whatever he had with Mike was going to stay with him forever, but would it still be there if they talked?

Suddenly Will felt Gareth's hand in his, he looked up seeing the other boy giving him a soft smile. Will wished he was oblivious to Gareth's feelings, maybe things would be easier right now.

"It's okay, you don't need to have that figured out," Gareth said, pulling Will into a hug. When did I start crying? Will thought. When you thought about Mike, as always. Venom let his reply ring through Will's head.

Will wanted to say something, he had no idea why. Suddenly he felt Gareth pull away, but they stayed staring at each other, Gareth had a soft smile on his lips. What is going on? Will wasn't able to process current situation, he knew something was about to go down. He's going to kiss you. Venom clarified for Will, oh. OH!

"Pleasedonotkissme!" Will quickly let out, slightly panicking. He could hear Venom laughing at him. Gareth let go off him, looking down with a blush across his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I just.." Gareth didn't know how to explain himself.

"No, you're fine. I'm sorry, I'm just a mess and ... in love with Mike," Will let out in realization.

"Well, good for him," Gareth laughed, trying to make it less awkward.

"I mean, sure you're funny and cool and all, and I'm sure anyone at my place would already be head over heels for you, I'm just a weirdo who can't sort out his own feelings and needs an annoying entity living inside self to tell me what to do just to not listen to it anyway and hurt more people, making life for everyone harder instead of the other way around," Will let out, sniffling as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Then maybe listen to the entity next time," Gareth let out a chuckle, pulling Will into another hug.

I like this guy, keep him. Venom said with a smile. Also we could tell him about Vecnussy, how done do you think it is?

Will's head shot up, that was right. Will completely forgot about Vecna. 

"What's wrong?" Gareth asked in worry.

"I.. I'm an idiot, do you have Kali's number?" Will let out.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now