~part IV., chapter 7.~

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"Will you fucking tell me what's going on?" Gareth yelled while running to keep up.

"When we get there," Will responded, hoping they're not late.

"This building?" Gareth asked when they finally reached the old facility, looking at Will with concern.

"Yeah, we wait for Kali and then go inside," Will said, forcing a smile towards Gareth.

"Isn't this..?" Gareth asked, thinking of how to put the question.

"Where my brother died? Yep," Will replied with a nod.

"Why are we here?" Gareth asked, looking around. Is Will planning on killing him?

"I need to show you and Kali something," Will explained.

"Hey, 'm here as fast as I could," Kali ran up to them, trying to catch her breath.

"Okay so, there's a lot you don't know. And I probably should have told you earlier and honestly I don't even know why I didn't, guess I was just scared, maybe.." Will mummbled.

"Well?" Kali gestured for him to continue, Will took a deep breath.

"I think you'll understand it better when you see it," Will said, gesturing for the other two to follow him inside the facility.

"I may just be paranoid, Kal, but I'm really worried about him," Gareth let out.

"I just hope he knows what he's doing," Kali replied as they walked through a door to a big room filled with tanks.

"What the-" Gareth let out, looking around at the trapped people. Kali just let out a gasp.

"Oh hell no!" Kali yelled out after a while, the boys could tell this was familiar to her.

"What is it?" Gareth asked.

"T-this all, this is deffinetly One doing," Kali let out, her voice shaky with fear, one none of the boys ever heard from her.

"We need to warn El," Will stated.

"How?" Gareth asked, "We don't know who or where she is."

"I think Jane might know something, or sheriff Hopper," Will suggested.

"No, there's no time to lose," Kali shook her head, pointing at the timer on a tank labeled as 'Vecna' that read: 99% complete. "We need to visit Brenner," Kali stated.

"Wait, you said Mike might know," Gareth suddenly remembered.

"Fine, you text Mike or call him, whatever to tell Eleven. Me and Will need to go visit Brenner and try to find out where One is. Also, don't touch anything here and if you hear someone coming, hide," Kali decided.

"I don't have his number, though," Gareth prostested.

"Give me your phone," Will reached his hand, Gareth did and Will typed in Mike's number.

"Wow, so long and you still know it by memory," Gareth let out, impressed.

"Whetever, let's go," Kali said, dragging Will away, "This is urgent. I don't think there will be a chance to survive after this monster awakens."

"I thought you want nothing with Brenner anymore," Will said confusedly as they were speedwalking towards the city.

"I don't, but we're running out of time," Kali said in annoyance.

"Sorry I didn't say anything earlier," Will muttered.

"How long have you known?" Kali asked, Will looked down in embarrasment.

"Since last year..." Will mummbled.

"WHAT?" Kali looked at him in shock, "You've known for a year and said nothing?" she let out a sigh, "At least you told me still in time," she sounded disappointed. Why did Will never tell anyone? He knew how important that was, so why?

They reached the first bus stop and took the bus to the jail, they sat in the back next to each other in silence. More and more people got off through the city, only few suspiciously looking individuals stayed in the bus with them. Kali and Will tried their best to ignore them with Kali sitting closer to the window.

"Hey sweethearts, where are you going all alone?" a disgustingly looking old man aproached them, Will was terrified, but Kali seemed used to.

"Visit dad," Kali replied, giving the man a look that clearly sent a message to leave them alone.

"Oh, and that's younger brother?" the man asked, looking at Will then back at Kali.

"None of your buisness, piss off," she said annoyed, when the man made no effort of leaving, she gave him a smirk. "You know my dad's in jail for murders that I commited because he loves me that much." That seemed to scare the creep away and he finally left them alone.

"Always works," Kali smiled at Will. Their stop dinged and everyone left the bus. Everyone else seemed to get recognized by the guards and was let in with no trouble.

"Hello, what do you wish?" the guard asked.

"I'm going to visit my father," Kali replied, the guard gave her a look to further elaborate. "His name is Dr. Martin Brenner," that still wasn't enough, "My name's Kali Prasad and this is my friend, for emotional support. I just recently found out dad's in jail, I haven't spoken to him in years," Kali was a good actress, but the guard still wasn't having it. "Look into the files, I bet you my name is there," Kali said, unwillingly the guard looked into his files, soon looking back up.

"I'm sorry miss, your name is on the list. Please go on," the guard apologized, Kali gave him a smile before beggining to walk with Will behind her.

"How did you do that?" Will whispered to Kali as they walked behind the guard leading them.

"Illusions, remember," Kali smiled, wiping off her nose that was slightly bleeding. Jane was suffering from nosebleeds too, why was Will thinking of Jane now?

"There we are, thirty minutes as usually," the officer said, letting the two inside a room. Kali's breath hitched upon seeing the man she swore to never associate with again, but she was quick to put up the facade again and with a frown she walked in to take a seat, Will unsurely followed. Brenner looked surprised upon seeing the two.

"I must be honest, I expected Eleven when they told me I had a guest," Brenner said in surprise.

"Why? Does she come here often?" Kali asked in a cold tone, keeping her chair further from the table.

"Why yes, she does come quite often. Actually she was the only one to come visit me until today," Brenner said with a smile. "Who is that little friend of yours?"

"None of your buisness, I'm here because of what One is doing," Kali said, still keeping her cold tone.

"Oh, I knew that day was gonna come. What did he do?" Brenner sighed sadly.

"He's the one behind those mutants, you know about them?" Kali asked, little irritated.

"Oh, I thought he was the one. Now you wouldn't just come because of mutants, would you?" Brenner asked, still in that sad tone.

"He is building project Vecna," Kali stated, Brenner looked shocked.

"How far is he now?" Brenner asked, Kali looked at Will then back at Brenner.

"Ninety nine," Kali said coldly, expecting Brenner to start singing.

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