~part I., chapter 19.~

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The deal was, Robin and Eleven go visit Dr. Brenner while Steve stays to keep an eye on the city. Sounded like a decent plan, but now Steve had a lot of time to think about everything. Venom and what happened to it and the host, Dark Knight and what he's planning or who even is he, Steve's fight with Eddie and how could he fix it...

Meanwhile Robin and Eleven got off the bus in front of federal prison, sheriff Hopper waiting for them outside, Eleven ran over to him, giving him a hug.

"Are you sure about this?" Hopper asked the two.

"We need to know what's going on and he's the only one who may have answers, we have to at least try," Robin said confidently.

"If you're sure," Hopper shrugged and started walking towards the entrance, the girls following.

"You don't have to come with, if you don't want to," Robin whispered to Eleven.

"It's fine," Eleven gave her a smile.

After a while they reached the visit room. Eleven stopped in front of the door, Hopper and Robin turned to her.

"I don't think I can," she whispered anxiously.

"It's okay, I'll go you can wait here," Robin smiled at her softly.

"I'm sorry," Eleven let out, Robin just gave her a smile and walked in.

"I was expecting Eight or Eleven when they told me a girl was here to visit me," Brenner let out in disappointment.

"Why would they after what you've done?" Robin asked, taking a seat accros from him.

"How would you know?" Brenner asked her raising a brow.

"I know more than you think. But to buisness, I have limited time and I didn't come here to chit chat. How to stop Venom?" Robin said, glaring at the doctor.

"Venom can't be stopped," Brenner replied.

"Alright, here's what's happening in case you weren't informed. One, Venom had found a stable host and was terrorizing the city for two years, about a month or so ago it just vanished, no trace of a death body and it didn't show up anywhere else either. We think that the host managed to control it and when Venom takes over the host's body again the world might end. What do we do?" Robin said, speaking quickly but audiably.

"How do you know all that?" Brenner asked.

"Like I said, I know more than you think. Now, how do we stop Venom?" Robin said, tilting over the table at the last sentence, laying her arms on the table in front of her.

"I will not tell you," Brenner said slowly.

"People might die and you don't care?" Robin raised her voice.

"I'll die in this hole anyways, so why should I care about the outside world?" Brenner asked, unamazed.

"Maybe if you help, you could be let out eventually, but I cannot promise you that," Robin said.

"Well, if you can't, then we have nothing to talk about," Brenner said, indicating their talk had ended.

"Have you heard of Spider-man?" Robin asked quickly.

"I presume he obtained superpowers thanks to one of my experiments, am I right?" Brenner asked. Such a narcissist, Robin thought, trying not to roll her eyes.

"Perhaps, but he is my friend. I can't let him lose, please help us," Robin begged.

"The truth is, my dear, I didn't know what the spider bite would do to a human, your friend figured it out, let him figure this out as well," Brenner smiled.

"But you had studied Venom. And don't call me your 'dear'," Robin said.

"The thing is, I will not tell you," Brenner smiled slyly.

"Please," Robin turned to him, "this is our only chance."

The door suddenly opened, Eleven standing at the entrance, she slowly walked over to the two, taking a seat next to Robin.

"Eleven?" Brenner asked in surprise.

"I prefer El," Eleven replied, staring daggers at Brenner.

"Now, tell us how to destroy Venom or at least how to find it," Eleven demanded.

"How you've grown, my child," Brenner said, reaching over the table to grab Eleven's hand, she moved it away.

"Speak!" Robin said strictly.

"Under one condition," Brenner smiled.

"What?" Robin asked impatiently, they only had thirty minutes and twenty four was gone by now.

"I will tell you what I know about eliminating and tracking Venom, but," he smiled wider, "Eleven must give me a hug first."

Eleven and Robin turned to each other. "You don't have to do it," Robin whispered, Eleven shook her head in no. Then she turned to Brenner.

"I accept," Eleven said, getting up, so did Brenner. The guards allowed it for some reason. Brenner pulled the girl into a hug, smelling her hair in the process. He held her a little too long, Robin broke them apart, two minutes left.

"Enough, now speak!" Robin said loudly, stepping between Brenner and Eleven.

"You can't kill Venom, you can only trap it. In a sealed box, a body of some sort or something," Brenner said. One more minute.

"And tracking him? Finding out where it is?" Robin asked desparetly.

"I don't know," Brenner said calmly.

"What?" Robin asked in shock.

"What I just told you, is all I know," Brenner smiled slyly as the guards took him away. 

Robin stood there shocked. All this and for what? She couldn't believe that she'd just got played like this, while also putting little El in uncomfortable situation.

"Robin, we have to leave," Hopper shook the older girl, she turned to him with a nod.

Hopper offered to drive Robin home and she accepted. The whole ride Robin just stared out the window, their only hope was gone, just like that. She didn't know how to tell Steve, how could she bring the bad news to him? On top of all that's happening.

"Hey, Eds I know we haven't really talked and I know I fucked up and... I really miss you, I.. I love you, please call me back," Steve pushed the send voice message button, he's been trying to call Eddie for the past hour, but so far he just got to voice mail. He finally gave up and left a message.

His phone beeped almost right away, he looked at the message, it was his cousin, 'moms asking if you'll be home for dinner'. Steve didn't feel like replying nor reading the message, he knew it was mean, but he just wasn't in the mood. Steve was worried about Robin and Eleven, worried about Eddie and what was going on with him, he was scared of what might happen with Venom. It was a lot and Steve wasn't handeling it well. He just settled to sitting on top of a building, mask off, and staring at the city bellow.

Another beep from Steve's phone, Steve thought it was Dustin again, but this time it was Robin: 'so he doesnt know nothing new, srry. do u wanna meet up?' Steve didn't feel like replying to this one either, so he just left it unread. This day couldn't be any worse, Steve thought, letting out a sigh. Boy, wrong he was, this day could be and was about to be way worse than Steve could imagine right now.

But for now, Steve's phone beeped again, this time it really being Eddie: 'hey im sorry too but a lots been going on and ive been dealing with my own shit i love you too'. Steve quickly opened the message to respond just to see Eddie typing again. And then a new message popped up: 'i dont wanna talk abt this through phone can we meet up ???'. Of course, Steve's response was: 'Yes, where?', Eddie just shared location through the message and without a thought, Steve swung there, after putting his mask back on.

During this time, Robin, Eleven and Hopper were still thirty minutes from Hawkins, definetly too far to be able to do something if anything went wrong.

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