~part II., chapter 22.~

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Will ignored Jonathan for the rest of the weekend, and the next few weeks, no matter how many times Jonathan apologized. The school year wrapped to an end and for the two months everything about the mutants went suspiciously quiet. Will would go camping with his friend group, meaning Jane, Mike, Max, Lucas and Dustin.

"So, I suggest we play hide and seek before it's too dark," Max stated.

"Max, sweetheart, you're literally in a wheelchair, be happy you can even be here," Lucas said, kissing his girlfriend's forehead.

"Don't it make you guys feel single?" Dustin asked, turning to the other three.

"Yes, but I love it," Jane said with a smile. Mike looked over at Will as if saying 'Should we tell them?', Will nodded with a smile.

"Actually it doesn't because," Mike said, taking Will's hand in his before continuing, "we're also together," Will looked down, his cheeks red. Mike smiled proudly.

"Was about time," Max stated, giving them a smile.

"Uh, excuse me, since when?" Dustin asked, taken back.

"Since April," Will admitted, now leaving even Lucas and Max staring at them in disbelieve.

"And you're telling us now?" Max asked, Mike shrugged.

"Okay, wow. I mean good for you, but you could have told us earlier," Lucas said.

"But I didn't want you all to be jealous of my cute boyfriend," Mike said with a smirk.

"Call me 'cute' one more time and we'll have issues," Will said, giving Mike a glare.

"And Jane has nothing to say?" Lucas asked, looking at the brunette girl.

"Oh, I knew," Jane said just by the way.

"You knew?" Lucas and Max looked at her in surprise, Jane shrugged.

"Okay, so I'm now officially the only one single who minds, great," Dustin let out.

"And you better be a good ally, at least or you'll get thrown off that cliff. And don't feel safer just because I'm in wheelchair now," Max gave Dustin a glare that turned into an intimidating smile.

"I am, obviously, happy for you, just didn't expect that, is all," Dustin quickly said towards Will and Mike.

"So, what? Will, you're now gay too?" Max asked, turning to Will.

"Actually, I'm not into girls or boys, I'm just into Mike," Will said with a shrug.

"So, you're like Mikesexual?" Max asked with a giggle.

"I'm asexual," Will said with an awkward smile.

"Mikeromantic, then?" Max asked, now making laugh even Lucas and Jane along with herself.

"Haha, very funny," Mike said sarcastically, "leave him alone," Mike said, wrapping his arms around Will's waist.

"Protective much?" Max asked.

"Wasn't he always, though?" Jane asked, rolling her eyes.

"Wow, you're all so supportive," Mike let out. Max and Jane giggled.

"It's not about your relationship, we just don't like you specifically, Will's a sweetheart," Max said with a smile. "Which brings me to the next point of our debate, hurt him and you won't see the next morning," Max said, then gave Mike a smile before going into a talk with Jane.

"You see this? They're threathening me," Mike said overdramatically, Will rolled his eyes.

"I won't let you die, asshole," Will said, kissing Mike's cheek.

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