~part II., chapter 5.~

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After few more days of training, Jane stated it's finally time for Will to go on patrol like Steve did when he was Spider-man. And surprisingly, Will did great. For about two months it was just civil crime, robberies, street fights, car crashes and other regular stuff, that changed on a late January evening when Will was already home in his pajamas, sketching in his room, it was still too soon to go to sleep, but too late to do something important. Will's phone rang the familiar melody, it was Jane.

"Yeah?" Will picked up.

"There's apparently a mutant on lose, was spotted on Fair Street," Jane reported.

"At this hour?" Will looked at his bedside alarm clock, "I'll be right there," Will sighed, getting up and ending the call.

Soon he was at the reported position, but everything seemed to be normal. Will jumped from roof to roof in look for the creature, but nothing was in sight. For a moment he contemplated to just go back home, but then he saw it, something too big to be human, but too small to be Venom.

"Hey, you!" Will yelled swinging over to the creature, it looked at him with lizard-eyes, Will could tell, when he was little Jonathan had an iguana. "Who the fudge are you?" Will tilted his head.

"Heelp mee," the creature whined, barely audiable.

"What? How can I help?" Will asked confused.

"Caan't heelp iit, soorry," the creature let out, followed by a blood-freezing shreik before it attacked Will, he dodged the attack and fought back.

Soon police cars closed off the road, Will was still fighing off the lizardman. One of the officers got a shotgun out, ready to shoot.

"Wait! Don't shoot!" Will yelled, losing focus on the lizardman that took it's chance and scratched Will over his face, that was going to leave a scar.

A gunshot.

The lizardman fell down, breathing heavily. Will quickly kneeled down next to it.

"I'm sorry, I told them not to shoot," Will said, feeling tears running down his cheeks, he wasn't sure if it was from the pain from the scratch or about the lizardman dying. "What's your name?" Will asked.

"Beenny," the lizardman let out with his last breath.

"Are you okay, kid?" Will felt someone's hands on his shoulders, he turned his head over and up to see none other than Jim Hopper, the sheriff.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll leave this to you," Will said, trying to sound as if he wasn't just now crying and swung away, not even waiting for an answer.

Will got in his room and quickly changed back into his pajamas and got in bed, forgetting about the scratches on his face completely. That night Will cried himself to sleep, the poor lizardman didn't seem evil, he seemed like something evil happened to him.

Will didn't feel like going to school the next day, but he knew he has to, so he was ready at his bus stop, coffee in hand, trying his hardest to keep it together.

"Good morning, Will, dad talked about you last night when he came home... well, not about you, but about Spider-boy. He thinks you did a good job," Jane gave him a big smile as Will sat next to her.

"That's nice," Will mummbled, seemingly zoned out. Jane kept on rambling, but Will couldn't concentrate on anything she was saying.

Will and Jane walked into the school building and saw Mike and Lucas talking in the hallway and laughing. Will walked up to them quietly, like he always did, and hugged Mike from behind, burrying his face in Mike's shoulder, that wasn't very common, usually Mike was the cuddly one, Will only went for affection when he was sad. Mike quickly turned in Will's arms to look at the smaller one.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked, hugging Will who meanwhile burried his face in Mike's chest.

"Don't wanna talk about it," Will mummbled, Mike stayed quiet ignoring the questioning looks from Jane and Lucas.

Eventually Mike and Lucas continued their talk about Spider-boy and last night's news which made Will feel even worse about himself, but he stayed quiet. They had to separate and each walk into their own classes.

"So, you gonna tell me what's wrong or..?" Jane asked as the two sat down.

"The lizardman from last night, he wasn't evil," Will mummbled, Jane looked at him in confusion.

"How do you know?" Jane asked in curriosity.

"He asked me to help him and said he can't help it before he attacked me and.. and he..." Will started crying, Jane hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Jane whispered.

"I don't think I have the balls to be a superhero," Will mummbled.

"You'll get used to it eventually," Jane said sadly.

"But what if I don't want to?" Will asked.

For the next week, nothing else out of the ordinary happened. Robberies, street fights, casual crime. Will eventually got over the lizardman. One day Will came home to the sound of crying, he walked into the living room to see Nancy crying and Jonathan trying to calm her down.

"Hey, what's going on?" Will asked, the two looked at him.

"Nancy's friend disappeared," Jonathan explained, Will just nodded.

"Oh, I'm sure she'll get found soon," Will said with a smile.

"You really are a positive person, Will. Don't change," Nancy gave him a smile.

"...Okay," Will smiled confusedly. "Well, I promised Jane to hang out, so see you later," Will said, waving to them and left to his room to change into his hero suit.

Will opened his closet door to grab the suit, there was a mirror at the back of the closet door and for a moment Will caught a glimpse of his face. Something wasn't right, Will's eyes wondered to the cheek of his reflection. There was supposed to be a scar from the lizardman Benny, but Will never saw it, neither did anyone else.

"Hey, Jane?" Will asked in bewtween training.

"Hm?" Jane looked up and Will took off his mask.

"Did you make the costume from bullet proof material?" Will asked, staring at the mask.

"No, just regular, sport-clothes material. Why?" Jane tilted her head, adjusting her glasses.

"So, you remember when I was fighting the lizardman?" Will asked, Jane nodded, "he scratched my face so bad I thought it was gonna be a bloody mess, but in the morning there was nothing."

"Hmm, that's weird. Let me try something," Jane said in thought, taking out her pocket knife, Hopper wanted her to have it just in case.

"Jane, what are you doing?" Will asked taking a step back.

"An experiment, stay still or it's gonna hurt," Jane said, taking a swing over Will's nose, he winced in pain, but it wasn't as bad as he expected. Jane was looking at him wide-eyed.

"What?" Will asked.

"The wound literally healed in front of my eyes. Can I stab you?" Jane asked in excitement.

"Um, no," Will said, taking another step back.

"It will heal, come on, please?" Jane pushed.

"I said no, I didn't even agree to get abused by you in the first place. You're not stabbing me," Will said, Jane pouted.

"Fine, I won't, but I think it's safe to say that a part of your superpowers is regeneration, Steve didn't have that," Jane stated with a smile.

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