~part III., chapter 5.~

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"I don't get it, it was right here," Mike let out, staring at the now normally looking closet.

"Try the boxes, Will stored his drawings in them," El said, picking one of the shoe boxes that were on the ground of the closet, opening it. "Legos?" El looked up after seeing pieces of lego inside.

"Will had quite lots of legos, but usually neatly built," Mike stated, looking over at Will's dresser that used to be filled with lego builds, Mike helped with some. "I don't get it, they were here," Mike walked over to the dresser, the only build there was the one Mike gave Will for birthday a few years back and some figures thrown around the dresser, as if they fell while someone took their build.

"Maybe during his breakdown, he knocked them off, purposedly or by accident and was too lazy to build them back up, so he placed them in the box to rebuild when he has the energy to," El suggested.

"Yeah, makes sense," Mike said, looking at the box in El's hands.

"No, you can't build them back up or he'll know we were here," El said, Mike looked up from the box at her.

"Can you read minds too?" Mike asked, raising a brow. El rolled her eyes.

"Only some, only sometimes. But trust me, I know you for long enough to know you," El gave him a smile, "Now move it with the other boxes," El said, closing the lego box again and picking up another one.

After looking through all of the boxes and Will's desk's drawers, they found nothing. El locked the door behind them, letting out a disappointed sigh.

"I guess he threw them away," Mike shrugged, El let out another sigh before drawing a deep breath.

"That's just not fair, he should have told me," El protested as they began walking down the apartment building stairs.

"Maybe he had a reason for not telling you, I mean.. okay, I shouldn't be telling you, but Will thought that you're hiding something important from him, that is being Eleven. Also on the day Hopper took you both to the lab, he called me crying then asked about the DNA graphs and refused to tell me what he was crying about because he couldn't, it had something to do with him being Spider-boy, which I wasn't meant to know and back then he thought I don't, but he couldn't tell you for another reason and he didn't want to talk about it after, every time I brough it up, he made up a reason to not tell me, either changing the subject or kissing me, worked every time. In conclusion, he probs knows more than we combined," Mike let out.

"That sucks, he won't talk to any of us," El sighed.

They took a bus to El's house and El called Hopper, who had night shift, to let him know Mike was sleeping over. They looked up everything there was about the Hawkins National Lab institute to try to remake Will's map. A few hours later, Mike recieved a message, El picked up the phone to check, her face going pale as she turned the phone over to Mike.

"Oh shit," Mike let out as he read the screen that clearly displayed: 'my love<3 : y were u and jane in my room?'

"What do I do?" El asked, Mike panicked and took the phone from her, shutting it down.

"Don't fucking open the notification," Mike hissed, another ding was heard from his phone. Mike was too scared to look.

"Maybe he'll tell us. Do you want me to talk to him for you?" El asked, Mike shook his head, but just then his phone started ringing.

"Answer it," El said quickly, Mike looked at the caller ID scaredly before letting out a sigh of relief.

"That's just my mom," he said, before his face turned back to fright, "I didn't tell her I was sleeping over."

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now