~part I., chapter 10.~

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The next couple days went by the same, except for the mysterious murders that seemed to stop after Robin caught a glimpse of them in the news. Steve was off fighting Dark Knight as Spider-man again and Robin sat in their new base that was in use for a few months now, it was an old train wagon that was left inside a closed tunel. It took a while, but the two made it work.

"Steve, I don't have that good signal here," Robin said, trying to decipher Dark Knight's live-stream.

"It's okay, I've got it," Steve said confidently before going for an attack.

Their fight went on as it normally would and Robin wasn't even worried anymore. It looked like Dark Knight was going to run off again, just like any other fight the two had. That was until...

A giant dehet-looking creature showed up, it's face was white, a wide grin and white eyes. First instinct for Steve was to tie the creature up, but his webs just passed through it's arms and body, but stopped on something. Dark Knight also tried shooting some of his bullets, but it was as if the creature just absorbed them and shot right back.

"There's something inside it that we can get a hold of, everything else is pointless," Steve whispered to his arch nemessis.

"And? What am I supposed to do with that?" Dark Knight replied.

"If we don't work together for once, it'll kill us both," Steve said, Dark Knight just sighed.

But during that time something happened to the oponent they stood against left at the speed of light.

"What the heck was that?" Dark Knight asked, looking at Steve.

"Venom?" Robin whispered unsure, what else would it be?

"Maybe that Venom thing from Lab?" Steve said, still looking the way the creature left to.

"Why would it show up now, like a year almost later?" Dark Knight asked.

"No idea. What if we just call it a day now?" Steve asked, finally looking at Dark Knight.

"Fine, see ya later," Dark Knight said, taking his leave. Steve also left to his and Robin's base.

"Do you think it was that Venom?" Steve asked, taking his mask off as he entered the wagon-lab-base Robin sat in.

"What else would it be? I've heard about the dead bodies, maybe it has something to do with it-" Robin started, but was interupted by the door opening again, Steve quickly pulled his mask on.

"Don't worry, we come in peace," the sheriff spoke, leaving both Steve and Robin staring in shock.

"H-how did you find us?" Robin asked.

"We followed Mr. Hero here," the sheriff gestured at Steve.

"Well, I'm Robin, this is ...um.. well, Spider-man," Robin chuckled nervously.

"I'm sheriff Jim Hopper, but you can just call me Hop. And this is El, experiment eleven," the sheriff said, stepping aside, so now the two could see a little girl with short, curly hair waving at them with a smile.

"Hi," Robin said, giving the girl a warm smile, the girl smiled back.

"What is the reason of your visit?" Steve asked looking Hopper up and down.

"The black creature you fought today, up until today she wasn't able to detect it and as soon as it left, she lost track," Hopper explained.

"The thing is Venom, at least I think. I can only detect it when it's activated," El explained.

"What does that mean?" Robin asked, kneeling next to El.

"Venom can't function on it's own, it needs a host, but most people and animals die at the smallest contact with Venom, so it needs to find someone who is compatible to parasite at," El explained, Steve and Robin just nodded.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now