~part II., chapter 3.~

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Will had spent unhealthy hours on reading online discussions about Spider-man and all that was there to know about him. The next morning Will stopped by a coffee shop, getting himself an iced latte with coconut milk before catching a bus and taking a seat next to Jane who got on two stops prior.

"Hi Will, did you think about what we discussed yesterday?" Jane asked, taking her earbuds out.

"Morning," Will mummbled with a yawn, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Studying?" Jane asked, gesturing at Will's coffee, he looked at her in confusion, "The history test today?" Jane explained, Will threw his head back, how could he forget?

"Do you think Mr. Bauman will take Spider-man's origin as a good enough answer to at least pass?" Will asked and Jane laughed.

"You can try it, I mean Mr. Bauman is up for any kind of joke, so I think he'll at least give you points for creativity," Jane shrugged.

"Did you know Mike was involved with everyone around Spider-man?" Will asked.

"Wow, you really did your research, I didn't know that," Jane said in amazement.

"I wanted to know all there was to know about this, since you know," Will explained.

"Yep, so wanna go train after school?" Jane asked with a smile.

"We have a D&D game at Mike's after school," Will apologized.

"Oh, can I join?" Jane asked excitedly.

"Ask Mike, he's like basically your boyfriend, so," Will shrugged.

"He might be basically my boyfriend, but he's actually my best friend, but you're his best friend, so," Jane shrugged with a smile.

"It's just a matter of time until you get together," Will mummbled, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Have you been deaf when I came out? Both times," Jane asked, turning to Will.

"Didn't mom say you're still figuring yourself out?" Will raised an eyebrow.

"And I said I don't, I know who I am," Jane smiled proudly.

"Well, I don't, so it's hard to imagine someone already having this figured out," Will said, slumping lower in his seat, Jane rolled her eyes playfully.

"And to top it off, you're a possible second Spider-man now," Jane whispered, so no one else could hear.

"Yeah, on top of everything. I just want to be normal and have my life together," Will let out a sigh.

"Will, you're in art school, no one has their shit together there," Jane deadpanned.

"What do you mean? You do," Will looked up at her, Jane sighed.

"I just act like I do, but my life's a complete mess, even bigger than you can imagine," Jane smiled.

Then their stop came and the bus stopped with lots of students getting off, including Will and Jane. Their history test was first peroid and Will regretted skipping the 'luck on tests' sound few days back, he didn't believe in those, but Jane always used them anyways and she had good grades. Will wasn't sure how he did, but he was glad when the test was over and Will could focus on designing his Spider-costume, in theory for now.

"You sure this is it? It's so..." Jane asked, looking up from Will's sketchbook as the two walked from school, then she looked back at the drawing, "...plain."

"Yeah, I like to keep things simple," Will shrugged, Jane rolled her eyes and continued in staring at the costume judgingly.

"If you don't like it, give it back. I was bitten by that spider, not you, so I choose my own costume," Will said, snatching the sketchbook from Jane's hands.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now