~part II., chapter 21.~

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Will was looking forward to spending the weekend with his brother, it was true they really haven't hung out together too much lately. It was a friday morning, breakfast time at Byers' apartment.

"Okay, so I have an extra shift tommorow morning, but I'll pick you up at three and we're going to the movies," Jonathan assured Will before leaving.

"Sure, and don't be late!" Will called behind him, before hearing their front door close.

"So, I heard some rumors about you going on dates," Joyce said with a smile, sitting next to Will.

"What? Who did you hear from?" Will asked, looking at their doorway.

"No, Jonathan didn't say anything," Joyce laughed, "It's just that I've been noticing you sneaking out a lot lately, I don't know how long it's been going on, but you can tell me anything," Joyce said with a soft motherly smile.

"I know, but it's not.. I mean, I don't.. it's.." Will struggled to come up with an excuse.

"Is it Jane?" Joyce asked curiously.

"What? No way! No!" Will said maybe way too fast.

"Okay, how about Maxine? I heard she's in your class now," Joyce continued.

"Max is dating Lucas," Will explained.

"Okay, okay. Then no. Do I know her?" Joyce asked again.

"Stop asking, and who said it was a 'her'?" Will mummbled, going back to eating his cereal.

"Oh, is it a he then?" Joyce asked, still seemingly interested.

"Mom, stop. When I'm ready, I'll tell you," Will said quickly.

"You know I'm fine with you dating boys, right?" Joyce asked to assure herself.

"You're fine with Jonathan, so yea I know," Will stated.

"And do you?" Joyce asked, Will let out a sigh, she was not going to leave it, was she?

"I dunno," Will muttered, suddenly very interested in his cereal.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?" Joyce asked.

"I'm still figuring myself out, okay? I'll tell you and everyone else when I do, 'key?" Will said, letting out another sigh.

"Okay, I'll leave you now," Joyce let out a laugh and got up to wash the dishes Jonathan left on the table before work.

"Shoot, I need to catch the bus. Bye mom, love you," Will said suddenly, giving Joyce a hug and running off while putting on his shoes.

He made it to the bus stop just in time to get in line as everyone was getting on. He nearly didn't make it. Will payed for his ticket and went to his usual seat next to Jane just to see it was already occupied by Mike Wheeler, Mike and Jane waved at him.

"I'll let you know, that's my seat," Will said, approaching the two.

"You can still sit here," Mike smiled, pulling Will onto his lap.

"Ew, that's gay," Jane said, giving them a disgusted look. Both boys knew she was joking.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Will turned to Mike, ignoring Jane's comment.

"We had a sleepover," Mike explained, gesturing to Jane.

"Oh, are you cheating on me then?" Will asked in a joking way.

"Maybe," Jane replied for Mike with a smirk.

"I feel so betrayed right now," Will said, placing his hands over his heart in a dramatic way, he got that from Mike.

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