~part I., chapter 2.~

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Steve had come home as usually to the sight of his aunt's cat laying behind the door, but making no effort to greet the boy, Steve sighed and walked past the cat.

"I'm back!" he yelled into the house to let his aunt know he was home.

"Great, how was school?" the voice of Steve's aunt Claudia was heard from the kitchen area.

Apart from getting bitten by a radioactive spider, it was "Pretty normal," Steve said, taking off his shoes and walking into the kitchen.

"Alright, Dusty is out with some friends and I'm making dinner. He should be back by then," aunt Claudia smiled as Steve walked past her into his room.

"Alright, I'll go do my homework then," Steve gave a smile and disappeared in his room. The truth was, they didn't have homework first day of school, but he just needed to deal with something.

Steve quickly opened his laptop and typed into the search bar: 'lab closed testing kids and animals' and pushed enter.


(  lab closed testing kids and animals           )

Local laboratory closed because of using children to their research, Dr. Martin Brenner framed 
15 hours ago
Due to charges being held it looks like Dr. Martin Brenner is going to end up in jail because in an institute under his lead were found childern and animals that had tests ran on them. Several of the testing subjects had escaped and the laboratory's intentions were only revealed thanks to testing subject number 011, the child is for now staying with Hawkin's sheriff, Chief Jim Hopper until the kid's real parents are found and is decided what to do next. Most of other kids and tested animals were unfortunately found dead...

Hawkins National Laboratory closed because of testing on kids, most of the children are dead
12 hours ago
The so 'eco-friendly' lab in Hawkins was closed because a child that claims experiments were ran on them had escaped. Several evidence had been found, but unfortunately when the Laboratory was being explored most of the testing subjects (including the kids, but also several types of animals) were already dead. Framed for said crime was the institute's head, Dr. Martin Brenner...

What happened in the Hawkins National Lab last night?
7 hours ago
So, everyone's been talking about this at school today and honestly I had no idea becuase I don't usually watch the news, so for all the people with the same issue, have no fear as I am here to explain what were the happenings of last night...


Steve decided to click on the third link, it seemed like something he could be able to understand. It was a blog on one of those Reddit-like platforms, but there were a lot of links to information, so Steve thought it may be reliable. Probably no one but the kid knows what actually happened, so reading something slightly off may help keep him in what's going on.


What happened in the Hawkins National Lab last night?

post made by the_freak_>:P 
posted 7 hours ago

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