~part IV., chapter 2.~

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"So then-" Max started.

How do you even control that your 'body'? the voice asked mockingly.

"You did not raise your hand," Mr. Creel cut her off. Will's hand shot up again. "Mr. Byers?"

"So, if we have a hypothetical body, how does one make it move. Correct me if I'm wrong, but having an immortal body is like having a corpse, or are we pulling Frankenstein here?" Will asked, Mr. Creel's eyes lit up.

"Asking the real question here, I see Byers. Well, you see. With the right equipment and knowledge you could transfer yourself into... let's say it's like a VR. Then eventually you could move all your organs of the nervous system into the body and that way your body would be switched. There is of course the risk of the body not accepting the organs right away, so there would have to be a long process of preparation for the change. But that's too doctor-ish, you here wouldn't understand," with that Mr. Creel ended their lection. Will had more questions, but let it be.

As if you know anything about it, the voice laughed. Shut up! Will thought. Then he kind of zoned out, not remembering much until he zoned back in, which felt more like waking up in a side alley with a terrible bellyache. I didn't have anything with milk, come on.

Friday rolled past normally and it was finally saturday. Will woke up quite early and took his trip to Kali's house before anyone else in the house was awake.

"You're an early bird," Kali yawned after opening the door, she was standing in the doorway in just a T-shirt, her hair messy.

"I brought breakfast," Will smiled, holding up a bag with bagels and two cups of coffee. Kali just laughed.

"Come in, dummy," she gestured for him to get inside. "I'll go get a shower and change, do you wanna watch telly?" Kali asked, going through a dresser drawers.

"Um, yeah sure," Will gave off an awkward smile. Kali turned on the old TV and left the room.

She was back in ten minutes, looking as she did everyday. Kali gave Will a smile and went to look through the bag he brought before sitting down next to him.

"That was fast," Will stated, Kali shrugged.

"When you sleep through your alarm almost every mornin', you get some practice in getting ready fast," Kali joked. "What's that coffee anyways?"

"Oh, I didn't know which one you like, so I got a simple black one. My brother once told me you can't mess up with that," Will explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your brother, by the way. He was really nice," Kali said, Will looked down, playing around with the ring he got from Max.

"It's okay, it was my fault anyway," Will mummbled.

"Hey, look at me. It wasn't your fault, okay?" Kali said, forcing Will to look up at her. "Now you say it."

"It wasn't my fault," Will repeated, Kali gave him a smile.

"Good, you know who's fault it was? The mothertrucker who keeps on creating those mutants," Kali let out. "Sometimes I wish I still had acess to that lab, just to know how to fix this mess."

"I have several stuff collected, I can bring them," Will suggested with a smile.

"Okay, well we should get going," Kali said, getting up, "our band's trying to figure it all out, we can get those stuff on the way there. Where you live?"

"Well, my mom doesn't know I went out, but I can sneak in," Will suggested, Kali smiled with a nod of approval.

"I'll wait downstairs then," she suggested.

They walked into Will's street and he used his spider-powers to break into his own room while Kali waited on the street below. Will got into his room quietly, opening his closet door, picking up one of his shoe boxes and stuffing the papers from the floor inside. Soon he was out with two of those boxes, Kali took one and they began walking.

"So, how did you come to get all of those?" Kali asked, gesturing at the boxes.

"The internet, the lab, sheriff. I have my ways," Will shrugged with a smile.

"Wow, you're really informed," Kali stated, Will shrugged again.

"Hey assholes, I'm back!" Kali called as they entered an old storage room, musical instruments in one corner, what seemed to be a living room with a fridge on the other side. Several guys around Kali's age looked up at them.

"And what's this child doing with you?" one of them said, raising a brow.

"He's got information 'bout the lab shit," Kali rolled her eyes.

"Didn't Eddie, rest in peace, already say this isn't babysitting club?" the guy continued.

"He's not a child. That's Will Byers," Kali said, that seemed to shut the boy up.

"What? Am I like famous or something?" Will asked, Kali shook her head with a smile.

"No, we just figured you're Spider-boy," another boy, with brown curly hair, smiled. Will looked at Kali.

"Okay, but like to be fair I told them before you ended your carrier," Kali explained with a shrug.

"Yeah, fine well, I don't do that anymore," Will said, bitting his lower lip anxiously.

"We're sorry about your brother," the curly haired boy continued.

"Well, then don't mention him. I'm fine until someone reminds me," Will let out.

"Fine, get yo asses up and bring me a board 'cuz I ain't holdin' this shit any longer," Kali said, Will wondered if she rules to the group.

"Oh, my name's Gareth, by the way," the curly haired boy said, reaching his hand over to Will. "And that's Jeff, Carl and Darwin," he continued, gesturing over at his friends.

"I'm Will," Will said with an awkward smile, Gareth gave him a smile back.

"Gareth, for the love of lord, stop flirting with everyone someone brings over," Kali called from the other side of the room.

"Geez, Kal, I'm just being friendly," Gareth called back, rolling his eyes. Somehow that made Will giggle.

"Yeah, yeah. Just remember he's a kid," Kali called back with a teasing smile.

"I'm already seventeen," Will protested.

"You see, just a year younger than me," Gareth gave Kali a look.

"Almost two, dipshit. Now come on and help me," Kali gestured towards a board she brought from somewhere and the shoe boxes on the floor.

The band members and Will spent their morning placing together Will's mess of information. Will apologized for being so chaotic, but the group found it fun, like a puzzle, as Darwin called it.

"So, over here's the lab experiments. I'm adding Kal's photo just because," Jeff said, placing a polaroid from a photo booth underneath the '008 001 ?' note.

"Where did you even get that," Kali let out, not surprised, rather annoyed.

"Now, I didn't meet one either, or I don't remember directly meeting him. He was there when I was, but never met him," Kali pointed at the other number.

"Others are dead," Carl stated, Kali and Will nodded.

They spent the whole day creating theories and debunking them, instead of actually practicing for a concert, since they didn't even have one.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now