~part IV., chapter 18.~

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Will told Gareth to take the message to Kali and let her decide what it means or what to do, he wasn't making the same mistake he did with Vecna. But for weeks nothing happened, Hawkins was suspiciously peaceful. Jane felt like something evil was coming, but it was just a feeling since she's been used to always something happening since she left the lab, at least that's how Mike and Max tried to calm her down, Will supported the idea that everything's gonna be fine from now on, but the message from Henry Creel was scaring him, he would never tell anyone though, Will knew he was careful enough not to get hurt by Dr. Brenner.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mike crossed his arms, but he was still slightly smiling.

"Because you're so overprotective and get jealous even when I'm in a room with another boy," Will explained, letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, but now it seems like you have something with him," Mike protested, Will looked down.

"I don't, I already told you a million times, and besides I don't need to tell you everytime I hang out with my friends," Will also crossed his arms.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just.." Mike let out a sigh, looking down, "I feel like we're drifting apart, I mean we don't spend so much time together as we used to and everything that's going on home and I just... don't want to lose you," Mike looked up, tears soon to start rolling down his cheeks.

"Mike," Will breather softly, walking over to his boyfriend, placing his hand on Mike's cheek, "you won't, I love you, okay? I love you and I'd rather die than ever hurt you like that. I can't help you with whatever is going on at your house, at least not unless you tell me what's going on, but you don't have to if you don't want to, I can just be here for you," Will gave Mike a smile, "and if you want to, I can take you to Corroded Coffin's band practice next saturday," he suggested, Mike smiled.

"I would love that," Mike said, leaning over to Will.

"I won't leave you, ever. You're not getting rid of me that easily," Will smiled, wrapping his arms around Mike's neck. "Never, ever. You and me, forever."

"Okay, shut up," Mike laughed.

"Made you smile, mission acomplished," Will smiled, proud of himself. Mike wrapped his arms around Will's waist.

"I love you with each day more and more, did I ever tell you?" Mike mummbled.

"Like every day," Will rolled his eyes with a smile, "and you're being cringe again."

"Oh, shut up, you like it," Mike protested, pulling Will into a kiss before he could complain again.

Taking Mike to the band practice turned as not the best idea as Gareth was known to be a flirt, but Mike didn't know him that well to know his obvious flirting with Will was just a joke and that Gareth was like that with nearly everyone. Especially at one point when Gareth just randomly picked Will up because Will was the only one he could carry, Mike just stormed off as he thought he had seen enough, Will started running after him.

"Mike, wait!" Will called, he had no idea where did Mike disappear into.

"Mike!" Will walked into a side alley he thought Mike had went through, too focused on looking for his boyfriend to notice the tingly feeling at the back of his neck.

At least until someone struck a needle through Will's neck, he turned around, ready to fight the someone, but his vision got blurry and he felt his legs giving out.

"V?" Will thought of the last option that might help at this point, "help..."

And then he passed out, hoping it meant Venom took over his body and is going to get him somewhere safe, but he wouldn't know until he gained consciousness again.

Mike didn't walk through a side alley though, he was just walking really fast down the main street, his steps suddenly stopping. This is stupid, Will said they're just friends. I'm just being too jealous again.

Mike took a hundred eighty turn and began walking back to where he came from, preparing his apology. Maybe he could pick them all up a coffee or something and say he just went for snacks. He didn't take money though. Mike soon walked through the door back to the storage, the band turned to him and for a moment there were questioning looks from everyone, until somebody finally asked the question everyone was bothered by.

"Where's Will?" Mike asked, looking around.

"I thought he'd be with you," Kali replied in confusion.

"After you left, he went after you," Gareth explained, Mike nodded with "Oh."

"Maybe we should go look for him," Jeff suggested, everyone else nodded.

Even after a couple hours when they still couldn't find Will and he wasn't picking up his phone, Mike called Lucas, Jane, Dustin and Max, maybe they'd know.

"But those spidey-senses, you should be able to connect to him, or Venom, right?" Max asked again.

"Yeah, but I can't right now, I don't know why," Jane sighed, closing her eyes again after wiping another blood stain from her nose.

"Still no sight," Carl stated as him and Darwin walked in.

"Same here," Lucas said as him and Jeff walked through the second door.

"We should call the police," Mike said anxiously, if something happens to Will it's going to be Mike's fault.

"Then we'd have to tell them about Will's powers, absolutely no," Kali shushed him.

"No, we wouldn't have to," Gareth protested.

"Whatever, we're not calling the cops, alright?" Kali raised her voice.

"So we're supposed to just sit here and wait in case Will magically comes back?" Mike let out angrily.

"Yes," Kali gave him a glare.

"No! I'm not just gonna sit here, who knows what's going on with him right now. I need to find my Will before something bad happens to him, and I'm calling the police no matter if you like it or not!" Mike yelled, walking out with annoyed sigh. Gareth followed him outside, stopping Mike by placing his hand on Mike's shoulder and turning him to face Gareth.

"Listen, I know you're worried about Will, but by blowing up like this you won't help anyone," Gareth said softly, Mike was glaring at him and if looks could kill, Gareth would be a dead man now. "I know that Will is probably the most important person to you, and we're all worried about him too. But what we need right now is an idea of what might have happened, if we know who all knows about his secret, maybe we can find something there. So?"

"I think that just everyone inside and the two of us," Mike mummbled.

"Alright, come back inside and we can all talk about this," Gareth said, throwing his arm over Mike's shoulders to guide him inside, this time Mike allowed it, but just this time.

"So, we probably should start at the people who know about Venom," Gareth suggested when they all took a seat somewhere. "That's what makes most sense to me, it's just us here, no?"

"Or does anyone know about someone who might know?" Darwin continued. Max and Lucas looked at each other in thought before turning back to the group, shaking their heads. Dustin doing the same gesture, the boys from the band too.

"He didn't even tell his mom, it's just us," Jane continued. 

Kali suddenly gasped, covering her mouth. Everyone turned to her in confusion to see Kali's eyes wide and slightly glossy.

"I'm such an idiot," Kali let out, her voice shaky as if she was about to cry.

"What happened?" Dustin asked with concern.

"I told that monster about him," Kali said seemingly in a different dimension.

"Monster? W-what do you mean?" Jane asked in confusion, resting her hand on Kali's shoulder.

"Brenner, I told him when the problem was Vecna, I forgot he knows.." Kali let out and finally started crying. The room fell silent.

"What do you think he'll do to Will?" Mike asked, not sure he wants to know the answer.

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