~part III., chapter 11.~

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 Mike left the school with a bleeding nose and eyebrow, while Troy was at it a little worse. Mike walked over to the fountain to try and save what was left of his phone. The fountain wasn't very deep, so reaching over to grab his phone wasn't that hard, the water that splashed from it after fishing it out was what disturbed Mike the most. He kind of forgot why his phone flew over the field like that in the first place as he realized all his data may be gone by now, including his photos with Will. Mike sniffled, wiping down his tears. How did this all go so wrong? Little did Mike know it was only gonna go worse from here.

"You think he'll miss Halloween this year too?" Mike asked Nancy as the two stood in an electronic repair shop, waiting for the shop keeper to tell them how big the damage is.

"So, good news, I'll be able to retreat all your data, but it's gonna be slightly expensive," the man said, coming from the back room.

"If you say 'slightly expensive', how much money we're talking about?" Nancy asked.

"About a thousand dollars, depending on how much data there is," the man said, Nancy looked at Mike, he looked like he was about to cry.

"That much, really?" Nancy asked, giving the man pleading look, maybe that was going to work.

"With how long the device had been underwater, you should be happy the data still can be saved," the man said. Nancy looked at Mike again.

"I.. I need it, Nance please?" Mike looked up at his sister, Nancy let out a sigh.

"How about I give you four hundred now and the rest when I have it. You can keep the phone until then, but please retrieve the data," Nancy looked at the shop keeper.

"I shouldn't accept less than half the money as down payment, but I'll make an exception. But just this once," the shop keeper let out.

"Thank you so, so much. I'll bring in the rest of the money as soon as I can," Nancy said with a thankful smile.

"I am only doing this because you look like a fair person and I believe you'll actually pay up later, but don't get used to it," the man sighed.

"Of course, I won't," Nancy said, going through her purse to find those four hundred dollars she promised.

"Nance, you don't need to pay that for me, I'll get a part time job and I can pay it off myself," Mike said as they began walking towards their house.

"You be carefull about your phone, that's enough," Nancy gave him a smile.

"It wasn't my fault, I already told you, Troy stole it from me and threw it in the fountain," Mike protested.

"But that doesn't mean you need to beat him up," Nancy said, looking at her brother's bloody nose.

"I just told him he's an ass for destroying my phone and he punched me first, it was self defense," Mike let out, Nancy rolled her eyes.

"We'll get home and I'll clean that up, it doesn't look that serious and..." Nancy kept on rambling, but Mike lost interest in listening to his sister as he noticed Will walking on the other side of the street, talking to some girl with dark purple hair and leather jacket. For a moment Mike made eye contact with Will, but Will quickly looked down, then the girl that he was with looked at Mike in confusion, before she went to tell Will something.

"Mike, are you even listening?" Nancy asked rather loudly, making Mike look at her.

"Sorry, you were saying?" Mike asked awkwardly, Nancy sighed.

"I was asking if you have any more open wounds," Nancy repeated her previous statement Mike missed.

"I don't think so," Mike mummbled.

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