~part I., chapter 13.~

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"Steve, that's not the only thing I said," Eddie repeated.

"I said some stuff I shouldn't either," Steve said.

"Is that why you didn't like Chrissy, because you were jealous?" Eddie asked.

Steve didn't reply.

"Is that is? You were jealous of her, Steve?" Eddie asked again.

Steve stayed silent.

"Steve?" Eddie asked anxiously.

Steve was still quiet, in fact he wanted to cry.

"Say something, please," Eddie said, his voice cracking.

"You said you wanted me to like you," Steve said finally.

"I still do," Eddie said quickly.

"You should have talked to me before," Steve mummbled.

"I was too scared, I didn't know you and Spider-man were one person," Eddie explained.

"I was jealous of Chrissy," Steve said.

"So you like me?" Eddie asked, swallowing.

"Actually, if the answer is 'no' don't tell me," Eddie quickly added, looking down.

"The answer is yes," Steve said, Eddie looked back up to meet Steve's eyes.

"Do you like me?" Steve asked, also swallowing.

"Yes," was all Eddie could manage at that moment.

"I want to kiss you," Steve said, taking a shaky breath.

"I've wanted to kiss you for the longest time," Eddie admitted.

"You already did," Steve reminded, a small smile forming on both of their lips.

"But I didn't know that was you," Eddie said, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Then why did you do it?" Steve asked, more serious now.

"Dunno, maybe to mess with you. Because I could," Eddie shrugged.

"So, do you wanna do it again?" Steve asked.

"Yes!" Eddie answered too fast, "Do you?"

"Yeah," Steve nodded, drawing another shaky breath.

"Then commit," Eddie smirked. Steve grabbed Eddie's T-shirt, pulling him into a kiss.

It was as if the world had just stopped. The kiss wasn't a soft something type of kiss, it was the 'I gotta have you now' type of kiss, full on make out, as if their lives depended on it. Soon Steve's legs were around Eddie's waist and his hands in Eddie's hair, as Eddie pulled Steve closer by the waist.

"Ow," Steve let out and Eddie immidietly let go.

"Shit I forgot you're hurt, are you okay?" Eddie panicked.

"It's okay, I'm fine," Steve let out breathlessly.

"You look like a mess, you should get some sleep," Eddie stated, handing Steve a hand to help him off the table.

"I guess," Steve said as Eddie helped him over to his bed. "What 'bout you?"

"We can both fit, my bed's big enough," Eddie smiled.

"Oh," Steve said, his face turning red.

"What? I can't let you alone for too long, what if something happened, 'cause I'm not a doctor," Eddie said, laying down next to Steve.

"So, I can cuddle up to you?" Steve asked.

"You look like a lost puppy, but sure, whatever helps you sleep better," before Eddie could even finish, Steve had already wrapped his arms around him, burrying his head in Eddie's chest.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now