~part IV., chapter 20.~

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It's been about a week since Will mysteriously vanished, Mike refused to give up hope and would constantly walk around the city, calling out Will's name, sometimes his friends would join him, sometimes not. He would walk around crying, unless Gareth forced him to go sit down somewhere and bought him coffee, he wanted to find Will as much as Mike did, but he wouldn't sacrifice food and drinks for it, which was needed. Maybe Gareth wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey, we'll find him, okay?" Gareth said with a sad smile as Mike was sipping on his coffee.

"I can't even imagine what Brenner is doing to him at this moment, from what I heard from El, he's a terrible person and El, Kali and the others were just experiments to him, not real people," Mike let out, his voice shaky, his hands also began shaking to the point he was worried about spilling the coffee. Gareth placed his hands over Mike's to keep them from shaking. Mike looked up at him.

"Will is going to be okay, we'll find him and bring him back to you, I promise," Gareth said with a smile.

"Pinkie promise?" Mike asked, while still staring at Gareth, painfully aware he still hadn't let go of Mike's hands.

"Pinkie promise. I'll make sure of that, even if it was the last thing I do," Gareth said with a smile, which caused Mike's lips to curl into a small smile as well. Gareth slowly let go of Mike's hands that stopped shaking by that point.

"Feeling better?" Gareth asked with a concerned smile, Mike nodded with a smile. "Good."

The next day, as per usual the group excluding Max and Kali, who stayed in the storage room base, went out to look for Will. Eventually everyone but Mike gave up the hope of finding Will this way, but they wanted to be there to support Mike. Jim Hopper knew about Brenner possibly having Will, and him and Owens also had to be told why, Jane felt like it's betraying Will, but she was willing to risk it if it helps find him.

"Will!" Mike called out about every few meters, usually with no answer. But this one time, the group had a feeling they heard someone call back.

"Will!" Mike called again, everyone stopping in their tracks to listen.

"Mike!" they could hear from a distance, they looked at each other before each took one of the side roads, all calling out Will's name.

"Will!" Gareth called, hearing the response of Mike's name closer and closer with each new call, until he finally saw a small silhouette walking over to him. As Will came closer, Gareth noticed Will was all red and blood was dripping from his T-shirt.

"Oh my godness, what the hell happened?" Gareth asked in shock, staring at Will who looked like he was about to faint soon, and he did. Gareth quickly caught him and held him up.

"Found him!" Gareth called, he could hear several sets of footsteps. Gareth picked Will up bridal-style and walked towards the main street. "Someone call an ambulance, quick!" Gareth called, Jane and Carl took out their phones at the same time, Lucas looked into several of his pockets before finding his phone.

"I think one's enough," Dustin said, the boys put their phones away as Jane was already putting hers over to her ear.

"Hello, we have an emergency, Gravor street, someone's dying please quick!" Jane basically screamed into the phone at a fast pace, she listened to an answer, before speaking again. "I have no idea, we just found him all bloody, I mean the blood's dripping from him in like gallons," Jane said in panic while stealing glances at Will in Gareth's arms. Lucas had his arms around Mike, who was looking at Will's barely moving chest, tears rolling down Mike's cheeks.

The ambulance was there soon and the group had to walk over to the hospital with Jane making a quick call to her dad and Lucas called Max. Soon the whole group, sheriff Hopper, Dr. Owens and Joyce Byers were all impatiently waiting in the hospital's lobby. The doctors told them Will's in critical condition and he was in the surgery room now, more and more equipment being brought in, making Joyce even more anxious.

"Okay, I've had enough. Let me in, I'm a doctor," Dr. Owens demanded, after showing his license, he was let it. The rest was still waiting outside, Mike texted Nancy about what happened and she promised to get there with Robin as soon as possible.

Will opened his eyes to see a blue sky, he slowly sat up to see a big picnic blanket with several people sitting around, one of them, Jonathan looked over at him, giving Will a warm smile.

"You made it, little dude," Jonathan said and the rest turned to him as well.

"So, what is this then?" Will asked, confusedly looking around again.

"You're in somewhat of a coma right now, this is in the back of your mind, I think," some girl explained with a smile. "I'm Chrissy by the way," she said with a bright smile.

"So, what does that mean?" Will asked.

"You'll probably make it, if the doctors won't mess up," Steve gave him a smile, he wasn't wearing his hero suit anymore and there was a boy, that felt familiar to Will, sitting in Steve's lap.

"And who are you all? Why are you here?" Will asked, looking over the group.

"We're here because you wanted us to be," Chrissy explained with a shrug.

"So, Will, this is Chrissy, she was friends with Steve, Robin and Eddie, that's the clingy gremlin over there," Jonathan started, gesturing to the boy in Steve's lap, who gave Will a wave, "you know Barb," Barb waved at Will with a smile, "and Billy probably too. They were in charge of turning off the lights," Jonathan explained.

"We were also the prison flicking lights," Barb added with a smile. "Or, me and a few other people that were mutantized," she corrected herself.

"Oh," Will let out with a nod, "I got your message, but I don't know how to help you."

"We figured until then that we can't be helped, but we can help you," Barb continued with a smile.

"So, this is probably the last time I can talk to you, right?" Will asked, they all slowly nodded.

"Probably, ask away, lil Byers," Billy said with a smile.

"Why are you specifically helping me? I thought you were the bad guy," Will asked.

"Well, I guess that after you die, you contemplate all your life choices and sometimes you realize that you can do better," Billy shrugged.

"Steve, how was being Spider-man?" Will continued.

"The greatest time of my life. I know you hated it, but I really enjoyed being a superhero, the only thing I regret is not stopping Venom in time," Steve explained.

"That one's on me, should have said something sooner," Eddie said with apologetic smile.

"So you're the Eds, V keeps talking about," Will said with a smile.

"Yeah, well me and Venom didn't get along, but you seemed to master him in record time," Eddie said with a smile that quickly faded and he looked over at Jonathan as if asking 'Should I tell him or will you?'

"What? Is there something wrong? I'm sorry if I asked a touchy subject..." Will quickly started overthiking the situation. Jonathan let out a sigh before turning to Will to deliver the news.

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