~part II., chapter 4.~

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For the next few days Jane made it her job to train Will aginst his own will, while also working on Will's costume. Will meanwhile came up with an idea for his hero name.

"I hate you, you know that?" Will said panting as he layed down on the ground, looking up at Jane.

"You need to be in a good condition for fighting evil, have you come up with that name yet?" Jane smiled, writing down something in her notebook.

"I wanted to be an artist, not a superhero," Will let out, Jane shrugged with a smile.

"The name, sir William," Jane reminded with a smirk.

"Okay, so," Will said, sitting up cross-legged, "I was thinking, it's a phylosofical thing, if Steve's name was Spider-man and he was a man, then since I'm just a boy, my name should be Spider-boy," Will said with a proud smile, Jane started laughing.

"That is the worst idea, should I come up with the name for you?" Jane asked, Will frowned.

"Should I stay or should I go?" Will sung to the rythm of his favorite song.

"Shut up and we go on training," Jane said, gesturing for Will to stand up, he just groaned in response, but obeyed anyways.

The following month was no different and then it was finally time for Will to try his training in the suit Jane made.

"It's fucking freezing outside, I can't go out like this," Will whined, standing in his room with Jane across from him.

"Well, we didn't think of the cold, Robin never said how Steve managed that in her blog," Jane said in thought adjusting her glasses she sometimes wore because her doctor said so.

"Can I at least keep my shoes on during winter?" Will asked, Jane was still staring at him in thought.

"You only own one pair of shoes, Will. A very specific one, people will notice," Jane said, staring at Will's orange sneakers.

"Then what am I supposed to do? Freeze?" Will asked, crossing his arms.

"Okay, I think you could keep your shoes on during winter," Jane gave up, neither of them knowing that the shoes will stay with the costume from now on.

"And my jacket, it's a basic gray one, everyone has similiar one if not entirely the same one," Will protested.

"During training only, now let's go," Jane said, the plan was for Will to test the costume today, no action or anything yet.

The oposite became true instead, as Jane and Will were trying out situations Jane wrote down as the two heard an explosion. Jane snapped her head in that direction, seeing smoke, alarm went off somewhere.

"That's the journalist office," Will stated from his position on a trunk of half rusty truck. The two looked at each other, realizing and yelling out at the same time: "Jonathan!"

Without thinking Will took a swing over, he saw no one nearby and jumped in through the window. Will couldn't see very well, but he noticed a girl with curly, brown hair, she was trapped in a corner with roof fallen in front of her, Nancy Wheeler. Will took a swing over to her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Will asked, she looked scared. "Hold onto me, okay?" Will said, Nancy just nodded and wrapped her arms around him, she was heavier than Will thought, but he still managed to get her out and place her in front of the building, hearing sirens from a far. "Is someone still inside?" Will asked Nancy, seeing a lot of people already exited the building.

"My boyfriend, I can't see him. He's probably in the dark room," Nancy said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, stay here, I'll get him out," Will said and jumped back in the burning building and went straight to where he knew his brother worked, the door to the dark room were struck by another piece of fallen roof. Will quickly moved it with his webs he still didn't get quite used to having and the door threw open with Jonathan standing in, looking at the fire with wide eyes. Will swung down to his level. "No questions asked, hold onto me," Will said and surprisingly Jonathan did and Will got him out safely.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now