~part IV., chapter 12.~

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Will woke up, but was still too tired to even open his eyes, he felt someone playing with his hair. For a moment Will wanted to think it was Mike and everything was okay again, then he realized where he fell asleep and quickly sat up.

"Wow, chill out," Lucas laughed, "those are some reflexes, what you have like a sixth sense or something?"

"Yeah, it's called spidey-sense," Will mummbled, looking around in confusion.

"It's six, maybe you should get home, school's in like two hours," Lucas said with a smile.

"Oh, yea right, thanks. Um.. see ya," Will said, taking his leave out of Lucas' window.

"You could have taken the door," Lucas laughed, but Will was already outside at that point.

Wow, that was weird, Will shook his head, trying to make yesterday make sense. What? That fight with Vecnussy or Lucas playing with your hair? Venom asked. Both, but the second one slightly more, somehow, Will replied.

During their classes, Jane and Will acted as if they were never apart and Max was annoyed by that because Gareth was still driving Will to school and she had no idea why would Jane suddenly talk with him again. Will walked into the cafeteria with Jane, seeing Max and Dustin giving him glares. He will have to tell them to explain himself. Mike didn't even look at him.

Jane walked over to their table, sitting down unaware of the tesion.

"Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted, it wasn't fair and I... I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, I just wanted to say sorry. I know I should have said this sooner, but by the time I realized I was acting like an asshole, it felt already embarrasing to do anything, so I just kinda thought ... I dunno what I thought, but I really miss you all, so sorry," Will said, staring at the floor, playing with his ring anxiously.

"You kept my ring," Max stated, Will looked over at her, she still looked mad, but like she was going to forgive him eventually.

"Yeah, because I still cared about you, which is also another reason why I didn't talk to you specifically, but I'll explain that somewhere else," Will said, looking around, there was too much people around.

"Fine, after school, my house. You'll have twenty minutes, if you convince me you can stay longer," Max said strictly.

"Thank you," Will gave her a smile, Max was trying her hardest not to smile back.

"I'm just glad you even realized what you're missing out on," Dustin smiled, standing up and gave Will a hug, Will gladly hugged him back.

"Yay, we're all friends again," Jane let out with her extra dose of child-like happiness.

"Don't just stand there, sit," Lucas let out a laugh, Will awkwardly sat down next to Jane.

It felt as if the one year distnace was never there, Will's friends were still the same people he missed so much. After school, they walked out of the building and Will was reminded of his new friends when Gareth waved at the group, Will waved back. Max didn't seem to approve.

"Guys, I want to introduce you to someone," Will said, leading the group over to Gareth. "This is Gareth, he plays in Corroted Coffin with Kali, who is Eight," Will said, standing next to Gareth who gave them a smile.

"I'm the one who texted you like two days ago, by the way," Gareth told Mike.

"Yeah, we already had the pleasure to meet," Mike said, giving Gareth a glare.

"Oh, you also know Max, and this is Lucas and Dustin," Will quickly said before things could get awkward.

"Hey, 'not-Will's-boyfriend'," Lucas said, giving Gareth a little suspecting look, Gareth looked over at Will with confused look.

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