~part II., chapter 6.~

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The images of new Hawkins superhero Spider-boy made it all over the internet, including fan-made works, especially Jane's favorite fanfictions.

"Oh, Y/N how could you do this, you put yourself on danger out there.' Spider-boy said, hugging the small girl. 'How do you know my name?' Y/N asked, looking at Spider-boy with heart eyes. 'Shit, you weren't meant to know, but...' he took off his mask and Y/N gasped, it was her school bully she always had secretely a crush on and, pfft," Jane recitated from her phone.

"Haha, funny," Will rolled his eyes. It was a friday evening and Jane was staying over at the Byers' place since Hopper had to go for a work trip.

"It is. Everyone thinks Spider-boy is just a jock like Steve was, it's comical," Jane adds with a laugh.

"Yeah, but you're literally choosing the cringiest fanfics out there. Mike's blog is way better," Will crossed his arms.

"Then I'll ask Mike to write a Spider-boy fanfic for me," Jane smiled innocently, doing something on her phone.

"As if he would. Can you just quit it already?" Will said, trying to snatch Jane's phone from her.

"You know you could have done that with your webs," Jane asked, holding the phone over her head since she was slightly taller.

"That would be cheating and give it back!" Will said, jumping up to get the phone from her.

"No, I don't think I will. Let's watch a movie," Jane said, running over to the kitchen with Will following.

"Hey, no running in the house!" Joyce yelled from the couch, she was watching TV with Jonathan.

About two hours later the two were almost done watching a killer clown movie. Will knew there was a part two for that, but he was always too scared to watch the second movie and turned it off five minutes in, Jane had seen both movies before.

"Wanna go discuss how everyone in this is gay or shall we watch the second movie?" Jane turned to Will as the credits started rolling.

"It's the '80s, not everyone was gay in the '80s and it's late," Will protested.

"They all were, I mean look at them," Jane pointed at the screen.

"Fine, I'll let you have Henry, he seems gay," Will shrugged.

"And Richie," Jane smiled.

"He seems bi," Will shrugged, Jane shook her head.

"He's confirmed fully gay in part two, so," Jane shrugged.

"But he makes 'your mom' jokes," Will protested.

"Just because the two bi people you know make 'your mom' jokes, doesn't mean everyone who makes them is bi," Jane stated.

"Well, okay. If everyone is gay what about the girl?" Will asked.

"Bicon, like Max. Next," Jane smiled.

"Not everyone can be gay, Bill?" Will protested.

"Bi confused, next," Jane smiled.

"Whatever, Stan?" Will rolled his eyes, there was no way Jane was gonna be able to make everyone gay.

"Gay and in love with Bill," Jane said with a smile.


"Hmm, pan," Jane shrugged.


"Bisexual, and likes Richie."

"Mike, you can't find anything even slightly gay about him," Will smiled in victory.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now