~part II., chapter 19.~

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After about an hour, Will came back with the nurse. Lucas stood up once again, looking at them with hope in his eyes.

"Maxine's stabilized now, but she's in coma. We don't know if she'll ever wake up," the nurse said sadly.

"C-can we see her?" Lucas asked and the nurse led them into a hospital room.

"Will, a word," Jane said, dragging Will and Mike aside while Dustin and Lucas walked inside Max's room. "Your DNA is changed, the infusion was supposed to kill Max," Jane whispered.

"Well, it saved her. I think it has to do with the regeneration part of my powers," Will said with a shrug.

"So does that mean when Max wakes up, she'll also have powers?" Mike asked.

"We don't know, but I'll keep an eye on her here in the hospital. Mike I trust you with Will and his powers," Jane said, the two boys looked at her in confusion. "Well, since you already know, you can take over my job while I stay here with Max. Or is that a prob?"

"No, not at all, I just have no idea what to do," Mike said.

"I'll send you the instructions, but it's basically informing Will about anything that happens and needs Spider-boy's attention," Jane explained.

"Sure, I can do that. I won't disappoint you," Mike saluted, Jane rolled her eyes.

So the next few weeks went by with Mike informing Will of anything that might need Will's attention while Jane skipped anything she could to be with Max at the hospital, so did Lucas.

"I really got assigned to the Hawkins lab, how did you know?" Mike asked again.

"I won't tell you, it's a secret. But while you're there, you could try to find more important info," Will said, unlocking his family's apartment door.

"Like what? I never got fully explained what exactly is going on in here?" Mike asked as the two walked inside and Will locked the door behind.

"I'll show you right away, follow me," Will said, kicking off his shoes at the door, Mike took his shoes off normally.

"Welcome home, hey Mike," Jonathan greeted from the kitchen.

"You're not at work?" Will asked, "Did they give you the promotion already?"

"No, they didn't, but I have the feeling it's gonna be soon," Jonathan smiled, "And to answer your first question, lunch break, I'll be leaving soon, but don't you two do anything."

"How many times, Jonathan? Whenever I bring someone over you always think we're gonna fuck," Will rolled his eyes.

"And are you two not?" Jonathan raised a brow, "No, I'm just kidding, I know you're just friends," Jonathan laughed, Will looked at Mike, Mike nodded.

"Actually," Will started, looking over at Mike again, Mike gave him a smile, "we're kinda dating."

"Kinda dating? What does that mean?" Jonathan asked with a laugh.

"It means that we are dating, but no one else knows. And you don't say a word," Will explained.

"Wait, you serious?" Jonathan asked with a serious expression. Will nodded, looking at the floor.

"Well then, congrats. And Michael, hurt my little brother and you're dead. Have fun guys and uh.. don't fuck," Jonathan said, leaving the kitchen and then the apartment.

"So, now since my brother's out the house, come on," Will said, dragging Mike by the hand into his room.

"I thought Jonathan said no fucking," Mike joked.

"He did, but do you really think I listen to everything he says," Will rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Wait, for real? I thought you were-"

"That was a joke, Michael," Will rolled his eyes again and opened his closet to reveal a pin board with papers and photos, everything Will collected around the Hawkins lab so far. "You'll probs understand this better than I," Will shrugged.

"Wow, did Jane see this?" Mike asked, looking around Will's closet walls filled with facts about the Hawkins National Lab and it's messups.

"No, and I don't want her to, since she's certainly keeping something from me. I need to find out what it is first," Will said, sitting down at his bed, watching Mike look over the graphs that made no sense to Will.

"Wow, where did you get time to make this?" Mike asked.

"Doesn't matter, I need to figure out how to stop whoever creates those mutants and the Venom thingy," Will explained, laying down with a sigh.

"Wow, you've got it hard," Mike let out.

"Mhm, and all because I missed a stupid bus," Will let out in annoyance.

"It could have been you or anyone else who takes the bridge way to school, but no it had to be me," Will let out.

"I'm sorry," Mike said.

"Nah, it's fine, I got used to it by now, but it still annoys me that I have to figure all this shit out," Will said.

"Well, I can figure it out for you and tell you when I got it all figured out," Mike suggested.

"Would be nice to not have to deal with this," Will said.

For the following few days nothing much changed from their new normal, then Max woke up from her coma. The group was all there for it, the doctors found out she won't be able to walk anymore, and just like that, Max's dream was shattered, to top it off, her eyesight also got worse and she had to wear glasses to see. Later that week she was let out of the hospital and changed courses to study with Jane and Will, but she wasn't happy there.

"This sucks, I hate drawing," Max let out in annoyance, throwing her pencil aside.

"It's not that bad," Jane said, looking at Max's drawing that was really 'that bad'. "It's a really pretty eagel," Jane said with a smile towards Max.

"It's supposed to be a tractor," Max sighed. "I'll just take these off, so I won't have to see this monstrosity," Max said, taking off her glasses.

"It takes practice to draw well," Will tried to reassure Max.

"Says you, Picasso," Max rolled her eyes.

"Well, actually Picasso was drawing abstract art and it looked more like your tractor, so.. I'll shut up," Jane said, going silent when Max started glaring at her.

"What I'm saying is, I was drawing my whole life, so naturally I'll be better than you, who just started," Will said, Max rolled her eyes.

"Fucking Venom," Max let out and reached for a pencil from Jane's pencil case to try and fix her drawing. Jane got up to pick Max's pencil.

"Try drawing Among Us, they're easy and fun to draw," Will gave Max a small smile.

"I'll just go read, not into this," Max said, taking out a book from her backpack.

Eventually Max got used to the art course, and even though she still hated it and wished she could continue sports course with Lucas, Max tried her best in school. Jane got back to her previous position of Spider-boy's right hand, allowing Mike, who was already doing his practicals at Hawkins lab every friday, to try and crack the Hawkins Lab secret. Max didn't show any signs of obtaining Will's superpowers. Will still had to deal with weird mutants, while balancing his school life, good grades, relationship with Mike, family relations and friendships as well.

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