~part IV., chapter 4.~

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"Guys, guys, guys!" Will yelled as he ran inside the Corroted Coffin hang out spot.

"What, is there a fire?" Carl laughed.

"Something better, look," Will said excitedly, "Come on out," he mummbled to himself, Venom making his appearance next to Will.

"What? How?" Jeff asked, walking closer to take a look.

"Careful, he's deadly to touch," Will warned, taking a step back.

"And you just so happen to be compatible with this devil?" Kali asked in disbelieve.

"I'm not supposed to, but somehow I do," Will shrugged.

"Hey guys," Venom waved at the group.

"So, you're the danger here," Darwin stated.

"No, I convinced him to stay this small unless I tell him different. I had to sacrifice my legos, though," Will explained.

"So, you're telling me Eddie was trying to make this thing listen to him for years and you manage in what? Like two months?" Jeff said in disbelieve.

"If you know how, it's easy," Will shrugged.

"I'm sorry about Eddie, I didn't mean for that to happen. I wanted to stop him, but he didn't let me," Venom looked down sadly.

"Well, you killed his boyfriend to be fair," Gareth stated, also coming over to take a look at the creature.

"What did Will say? No touchy," Kali dragged Gareth away before he could get too close.

"Eight!" Venom's eyes lit up and he flew over to hug her.

"Compatible, like most of the lab subjects," Kali gave the group a wink when they turned to her horrified. "Also, it's Kali not Eight."

"Sorry, my bad," Venom apologized.

"And we're supposed to believe this is the same monster that killed hundreds of people?" Carl asked in disbelieve.

"Hard to believe, I know. I remember him way more agressive too," Kali let out a chuckle.

"Will lets me watch kids shows, and train fighting," Venom said proudly, moving back next to Will.

"This kid really has a good influence on everyone he comes across," Jeff stated.

"So, you're basically raising him like a child?" Gareth asked, tilting his head.

"I'm just teaching him what they didn't in the lab," Will shrugged, "instead they just assumed he's a blood-thirsty monster, while in fact they should have taught him normal stuff."

"To be fair, they didn't care about any of their 'children'," Kali said, shrugging.

"They were mean people, especially Brenner," Venom said with a glare.

"Brenner is in jail, calm down or no cookies," Will said, Venom's frown turned upside down.

"Cookies, me want cookies!" Venom said excitedly.

"Later if you're nice to my friends," Will said, Venom nodded.

"Now, since we have you here, come here," Kali said, walking over to their board.

"Wow, that's a lot of text," Venom let out.

"Yeah, you might know more than us, help us out?" Kali asked, pointing at the board.

Venom began talking about his own experience from the lab, the ups and downs, experiments and everything else. The group listened, rewriting some facts from their board to match Venom's story.

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