~part I., chapter 16.~

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Soon Steve figured out that a part of his superpower-pack as Eddie and Robin called it was regeneration. He was perfectly fine in just five days, but Robin still insisted he takes a few more days off just in case. During that time, the debate over Dark Knight versus Spider-man got another two players in game, Spider-girl and Venom, it became a popular phenomen and fans kept on making bets who will be revealed first.

"Do you think Spider-man and Spider-girl know each other?" Chrissy asked, it was tuesday noon and the four sat in a cafeteria, Chrissy being the only one who didn't know the truth.

"Probably, since Spider-girl knows about Spidey's state," Eddie shrugged.

"And Venom and Dark Knight?" Chrissy continued, she'd just gotten into a debate online.

"No, they're also against each other," Steve replied, Chrissy nodded.

"So, who or what even is Venom anyway?" Chrissy asked, Steve and Robin looked at each other wondering what can they reveal. Steve and Robin knew the truth about Venom, while Chrissy and Eddie didn't.

"Something that escaped from the lab, I guess," Steve shrugged.

"Yeah, but what exactly is it? Like, it just appears out of nowhere, attacks people and vanishes," Chrissy asks.

"Maybe it's hiding," Eddie shrugged.

"Where would you hide such a big thing?" Chrissy turned to him.

"Why are you asking me, bruh I don't know," Eddie replied, Steve and Robin laughed.

"Maybe Eddie hides it in his pants, doesn't he Steve?" Robin joked, Steve gave her a questioning look as Eddie gave her a glare.

"How would I know? And are we even sure that's how it works?" Steve asked confused.

"Geez, I was joking Steven," Robin rolled her eyes.

"I think y'all would know if I was hiding a big, dark monster in my pants," Eddie joked, Robin and Chrissy laughed, Steve was still confused.

"They meant my di-" Eddie whispered to Steve, but Chrissy covered his mouth.

"Don't mind him, he needs to wash out his brain," Chrissy gave Steve a smile.

"I got the reference, but how did we come to that conclusion?" Steve looked over at Robin.

"Nevermind, who do you think will be unmasked first?" Robin ignored Steve's question.

"Well, as a very close friend of Spidey's, I definetly know who he is, so," Eddie shrugged.

"No, you don't," Steve gave him a look, Chrissy laughed.

"He doesn't, but he wishes he would. Eds might have the biggest crush on Spider-man," Chrissy smiled, giving Eddie a slight grin.

"Oh, is that so?" Steve gave Eddie a smirk, Eddie looked down.

"Oh," Chrissy quickly covered her mouth in realization, "I didn't mean it like that, he definetly likes you more-"

"Chriss, shut up, okay," Robin quickly chimmed in before something was about to go down.

"Eddie, can I talk to you for a moment?" Steve asked, not paying attention to the girls. The two got up and left.

"You should have kept quiet," Robin whispered before biting her lip as she looked behind the two boys, nervous habit of Robin's.

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot they had something going on, I didn't mean to. Why can't I keep my mouth shut," Chrissy said quickly, almost as if it was one word.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now