~part IV., chapter 9.~

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Nervouslly Will walked over to them, Max looked up with a look that said: 'And what do you want?', Lucas just rolled his eyes, ignoring him. Dustin turned around and his smile faded as well.

"Hey, have you guys seen Mike?" Will asked, playing with his rings.

"Yeah, he's skipping classes with Jane," Max scoffed as if telling Will, Mike was dating Jane now.

"Oh, okay. If you see him, um can you tell him I need to talk to him?" Will asked.

"No," Max replied, crossing her arms.

"Oh, okay.. well, thanks anyway," Will let out, leaving. He felt like crying. Why though, you caused this yourself. Will internally told himself. Stop being so mean to yourself! Venom. No.

Will walked into the bathroom, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself. Suddenly he was pressed against the wall, that hurt.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Will looked up to see Lucas, he was raging.

"W-what?" Will let out, he's never seen Lucas this angry.

"Don't act like the victim. You ignore us all for a year, and then you come over asking for Mike. What, did your older friends screw up on you? Mike saw you with that girl yesterday. And what about your boyfriend, Gavin or what was his name?" Lucas yelled.

"His name is Gareth and he's not my boyfriend," Will let out. For a moment he thought Lucas was going to punch him.

"Sure he isn't, I saw you kissing yesterday," Lucas said.

"No, you got it all wrong-"

"Shut the fuck up! You broke Mike's heart, asshole, you don't get to explain shit!" Lucas yelled, pushing Will even further into the wall.

"I know, I messed up, but you don't understand anything," Will tried to reason with Lucas.

"You think I don't? You really think I don't get what you're doing? You hang out with those older kids like you're one of them. We all saw you, Will. You didn't even care when Mike nearly jumped off a roof, did you?" Lucas let out.

"I.. I didn't know that.." Will mummbled.

"Yeah, 'cause you don't give a shit about Mike's feelings. I don't care your other friends ditched you, but you're not hurting Mike again, you hear me? I'm not letting you!" Lucas yelled.

"You just don't get it, I don't hang out with them to be cool or whatever," Will pushed Lucas off.

"Yeah, you do that so you can suck them off, huh? Go kill yourself, Will," Lucas let out, giving Will one more disgusted look before leaving.

Will slid down the wall, breaking down in sobs. He deserved this, didn't he? Neither Venom said anything to this, he was way too quiet this whole time. It was all Will's fault Jonathan died, it was Will's fault Mike tried to kill himself, it was Will's fault he didn't tell anyone about Vecna in the right time, it was Will's fault for not being good enough. Instead of going to class, Will spent the remaining school hours crying in the bathroom. Until Gareth called him to ask where he is.

"Hey- what's wrong?" Gareth's smile faded out when Will walked out the school, tears still rolling down his cheeks.

"Don't wanna talk about it," Will mummbled.

"Okay, so do you want me to take you right home?" Gareth asked, giving Will a hug. Will just nodded against his chest. "Okay," Gareth whispered softly. "Did Mike do this?" Gareth asked, Will shook his head.

"Mike wasn't even in school, it's all my fault. I should have just died when that spider bit me instead," Will mummbled.

"Hey, don't say that," Gareth said, hugging Will tighter.

"I just keep on messing everything up even more," Will let out.

"No, you don't," Gareth said reasuringly.

"Yes, I am. If it wasn't for me, Jonathan would still be alive, Kali would know about Vecna sooner, Mike wouldn't attempt suicide and everyone would be better off without me," Will mummbled.

"If it wasn't for you, Kali wouldn't know about Vecna at all," Gareth corrected him. Wil let out a sigh.

"I just wanna go home, please," Will whispered.

"Okay," Gareth smiled, handing Will a helmet.

"Do you want me to stay over?" Gareth asked after dropping Will off.

"No, it's fine. I just want to be alone right now," Will mummbled.

Will walked inside their apartment to see Hopper on the couch, watching TV. Will didn't care and just walked straight to his room.

"Will, sweetie, everything okay?" Joyce knocked on his door a moment later.

"Leave me alone," Will called from his bed.

"Let him be, he's in that age, Joyce," Hopper turned to her.

"I know, but it wasn't this bad with Jon," Joyce sighed.

"Well, he lost his brother and all, he'll get through it. Now, why don't you go watch something and I'll finish the dishes," Hopper gave her a smile.

Will meanwhile started sobbing into his pillow.

"Well, I'm sure he didn't mean it that way," Venom said, appearing out of thin air.

"Oh, so now you show up, huh? Did you enjoy watching me have a breakdown, leave me alone!" Will yelled at him, Venom sat down on his pillow, playing with legos.

"Didn't you hear me? Leave!" Will yelled, looking up to see Venom. Something else caught his eye, a paper on the other side of the room, stuck behind radiator. Will slowly got up to go look at it, it was a note from his research board, he missed it somehow. It was a printed out article:

I know where 008 is, a woman claims
Rebbeca Ives claims she knows where the missing Lab kid, 008 is currently located, saying her sister claimed the Hawkins Lab had stolen her daughter Jane, but there was never record of Jane even being born, so could Jane Ives be 008? Did Rebbeca made it all up or is there something of truth? Rebbeca claims her sister Terry Ives was convinced the Hawkins Lab had stolen her child, even though her daughter Jane was supposed to die during childbirth.

Will stopped reading, Dr. Owens mentioned a woman called Terry Ives, Will forgot about that because of what they talked about later. Will's eyes flew back to the name of the supposed daughter: 'Jane Ives'. So Hopper is a fucking liar. Will let out a sigh, he felt as if he couldn't breathe.

He decided to confront Hopper about everything that he kept from him. So this was what Jane wasn't telling him. But as Will reached the living room, he saw his mom and Hopper with their eyes glued to the TV, Will froze, seeing what he had just figured out: Spider-El was Jane Hopper, and her and Mike were in danger.

It took Will a couple minutes to break out of it and run into his room, going through his closet quickly.

"What are we doing?" Venom asked curiously. That's when the idea popped up in Will's head, he quickly found the suit and changed the logo. 

"A 'V'?" Venom asked, looking at Will in confusion.

"Yep, ya know 'Spider-boy' is dead, so let me introduce you to Spider-Venom," Will said proudly, he was sure Jane would approve of that name.

"What? I'm there too?" Venom asked, smile plastered on his lips.

"Yeah, but we don't have time or the love of my life dies," Will said, quickly pulling the suit on.

"That was cheesy as fuck," Venom cringed. Will just gave him a glare.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now