~part IV., chapter 16.~

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Mike, Holly and Robin made their way to the Wheeler's residence after walking Will home. The house was silent, Karen was still in the kitchen doing dishes, she turned to the three when they opened the door and walked over while glaring at Robin who was holding one of Holly's hands while Mike held Holly's other hand.

"I don't want you around my kids," Karen stated, Robin's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Mike was ready to tell his mother something.

"But mommy, Robin was so nice to me all day today, she taught me ice-skating," Holly protested, giving Robin a big grin.

"That's nice, sweetie, how about you and Mike go clean up the wrapping paper in the living room?" Karen gave Holly a small smile, indicating that she has something Holly is too little for to say.

"Okay, mommy," Holly smiled, letting go of Robin's and Mike's hands. She turned to Mike.

"Go ahead, I'll be right there," Mike gave her a smile, so Holly shrugged leaving to the living room.

"Michael, you too," Karen gave him a glare.

"I'm old enough to have a say in how you treat my and Nancy's friends, I think," Mike crossed his arms.

"Yes, but this.. girl is Nancy's excuse of a girlfriend, so don't get involved," Karen shot Robin a few disqusted looks.

"First of, her name's Robin and she's also my friend, so I will get involved," Mike frowned.

"Whatever," Karen sighed, "I want you out of my house," she turned to Robin.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Robin quickly apologized.

"Yes, you turned my daughter into the path of sin. Get out and never come back around," Karen put her hands on her hips while still glaring at Robin.

"The path of sin? What the fuck? This is twenty-first century, everyone can love who they want to," Mike scoffed.

"You're too young to get this, Michael. Go play with Holly," Karen gave him a side eye.

"I'm almost eighteen, if you haven't noticed," Mike sighed.

"But you're not, and as long as you're living under my roof, you'll follow my rules," Karen gave him a glare. "And you, leave," Karen turned to Robin.

"Yes, ma'am, let me just get my things," Robin let out while looking down.

But at that time, Nancy walked down the stairs with a suitcase in her hand and a coat with scarf on, she placed the luggage down and put on a beanie before walking towards the living room and saying something to Holly before hugging her. Nancy walked back to pick her suitcase and went over to the front door.

"What's going on?" Mike asked, looking at his sister.

"If I won't break up with the girl I love, I can no longer live here. That's what's going on," Nancy explained while putting on her shoes, also sending hate looks towards Karen. Robin looked up at the word 'love'.

"I thought you would quit this nonsense," Karen let out, annoyed.

"You either accept me for who I am, or goodbye," Nancy looked at Karen coldly. Karen didn't say anything, so Nancy turned towards the door and began walking. Before leaving she gave Mike a hug, he hugged her back hesitantly. Then, Nancy left. Robin went to pack up her things as well before saying her goodbyes to Mike and Holly and leaving too.

"So, you have a free bed? Or couch, I'm fine with anything for now," Nancy asked as Robin joined her on the street.

"Did you just say before that you love me? Or is there another girl, which I would get since you're so amazing and pretty and probably everybody has or had a crush on you at some point and-"

"Robin," Nancy placed her hand on Robin's shoulder to stop her from rambling. Robin looked up. "Yes, I love you."

"Oh," Robin let out as Nancy was smiling at her, "cool."

Robin's eyes suddenly widened at the realization of what her response to Nancy's 'I love you' was.

"Wait, I mean.. no sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like that.. wait, I mean.. I mean I... I love you too, Nance," Robin quickly stuttered out, Nancy just laughed.

"It's okay, you didn't have to say it back," Nancy smiled while sliding her hand over Robin's arm, until their hands interwined and Nancy started walking with Robin following in silence.

"You still didn't answer if I could stay at yours for a few days, maybe weeks," Nancy reminded.

"You can stay forever," Robin said, maybe too quickly.

During that time sheriff Jim Hopper and his daugther Jane were in the local prison, trying to help tracking the escaped criminal by looking around his cell for a way of escape. That wasn't hard to miss as there was a giant hole in the wall that led outside, just like the electric fence.

"Someone must have helped him, one man wouldn't manage on his own," officer Callahan stated, looking at the man-shaped cut out in the fence.

"It wasn't Creel, he's close to his death trial," Hopper stated, looking at the sides of holes in the cell's wall. "And I trust Owens."

"Couldn't it be the girl?" Callahan asked, Hopper looked at Jane, then Callahan.

"I hope you don't mean my daughter, she was with me the whole night," Hopper said defensively.

"No, not Jane, I meant the other girl. You know, Eight?" Callahan quickly explained.

"Her name's Kali and she hates Brenner more than I do," Jane chimmed in, Callahan nodded, going quiet.

"Then it must have been some of the past employees of Hawkins Lab, those who weren't sentenced to prison. Which lowers the suspects down a lot, as there were only twenty seven of those who claimed to have no idea what was going on, and haven't been proven otherwise," Hopper stated, Callahan nodded.

"Why do you think he escaped? Do you think he's planning something?" Jane asked anxiously.

"I hope not, but in any case, I think we should hurry Creel's execution due to what's happening," Hopper let out, he wouldn't let it show, but he was worried of what might be coming with Brenner free now.

"What a merry christmas," Jane sighed, looking over Brenner's personal stuff he had around, he didn't take anything as far as it looked. But why not?

After the not so merry Christmas day, Hopper made sure to hurry Henry Creel's execution as much as he could, still it wasn't until January. Mike didn't mention Nancy moving out to his friends or anyone in general, if someone was to say, it wasn't Mike's place to, but Nancy's. Nancy and Robin lived low on money, something Nancy wasn't used to, but she didn't mind a bit, her and Mike stayed in touch by messages every now and then. Lucas, Dustin and Max got told about Brenner's escape. Finally the day of Henry Creel's execution came.

"I hate it here," Kali stated, staring through the glass, there were twenty more minutes left and many people weren't here yet.

"It looks so depressing," Nancy sighed, looking around the corners and rotten roof, with flickering lights.

"At least we'll see that fucker die," Jane said while glaring at the door on the other side. It was just the three girls and Will there, and Venom, but he wasn't allowed out.

More and more people came in to take a seat, only families and friends of the people who died because of Henry Creel. Nancy got into a talk with Barb's parents, Kali and Jane had a lot of catching up with each other. Will was just standing there, watching the lights flickering. Do you know morse code? Venom. No, why? Will thought about that while trying to see a patern in the flickering. Because it looks like it, but it may just be uneven flicking.

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