~part I., chapter 9.~

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Just like Robin promised, Spider-girl never returned, but she still finished the costume just in case Steve needed a little help any time in the future. Months since the concert passed and everything seemed to go back to normal; Dark Knight desparately trying and failing to reveal Spider-man's identity and the other way around, Eddie kept on hating on Spider-man but a little less with each time the hero had saved him, which was nearly weekly as Eddie had no idea how to stay out of trouble. It was almost a year since Spider-man first showed up, just four months to go.

"Maybe Spidey isn't so bad," Eddie said with a shrug.

"Once again, don't call him 'Spidey', he's not your bro," Steve replied in annoyance before going back to his own work.

"Actually, with the way we keep on meeting up he just might be," Eddie shrugged.

"Then you find out it's someone like Jason," Robin joked.

"No, it's not the basketball jerks, it's also no one from the Hellfire and it's not you either, Buckley," Eddie replied, the other three looked at him in confusion.

"And me or Steve?" Chrissy asked with interest.

"Not confirmed yet, and if you're 'bout to ask how I know, it's because I've seen y'all with Spidey, not you two yet, so I know you're not it," Eddie explained.

"But how do we even know that it's someone from school?" Chrissy asked.

"If we go by Munson's logic then over half of the city may be Spider-man, so we don't," Steve said, going back into his work.

"Actually, Stevie boy here acts suspiciously," Eddie said with a smile.

"Steve? Oh please, if he was Spider-man we'd all be dead by now and the city would turn to dust," Robin joked, Steve gave her a glare.

"Thanks," Steve said while still glaring at Robin who did her best to ignore him.

"But honestly, if he was Spidey he'd definetly let me die the first time," Eddie joked, Chrissy and Robin both gave him a look saying it wasn't funny.

"Honestly, I don't get how the guy still has patience with you. Getting in trouble is like something you do anytime you're free, and even when you're not," Steve replied, clueless to the fact the girls did not find this conversation funny.

"I don't get it either, he's always so nice to me too. Dunno how I deserve it," Eddie shrugged.

"Me neither, and you're being ungreatful and keep on hating him," Steve said, rolling his eyes.

"Yup, maybe he'll get tired of saving me one day," Eddie shrugged, going back to his work.

"Okay, can we stop talking about Eddie dying, please?" Chrissy asked, giving the boys a glare.

"Sure, sorry," Steve muttered in embarrasment and started pretending to write the school work in his notebook.

With that, the debate came to it's end. Eddie and Chrissy soon left for their band practice and Robin was done with her work, so she browsed the internet for any interesting facts or possible Dark Knight activity.


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Robin closed her phone then unlocked it again to go through the news again, nothing changed. One thing she needed to do, check the photos for any possible detail that could reveal Steve's identity, there was none.

"Steve, the news say Spidey is dating Eddie," Robin teased.

"Well, the news are lying and I told you not to call him 'Spidey' and besides, Eddie is dating Chrissy," Steve replied a little annoyed.

"Since when?" Robin asked in confusion.

"Since always," Steve replied, also giving Robin a confused look.

"I dunno about that," Robin said, but shrugged it off as if it was nothing.

"I mean they're making it painfully obvious," Steve mummbled, Robin gave him a questioning look since she didn't understand what he said, but Steve was already ignoring her again. Robin just sighed, opening her instagram app, ignoring Steve back.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now